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Andre Villas-Boas - Head Coach

Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

hopefully these low scoring wins get us to the CL after 38 games......might not be pretty, but i dont see what anyone can do about it. Just have to hope it all works out in the end
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

hopefully these low scoring wins get us to the CL after 38 games......might not be pretty, but i dont see what anyone can do about it. Just have to hope it all works out in the end

Fingers crossed - gonna be tight and gonna be fun on the way.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Tottenham fans too anxious for manager Andre Villas-Boas' liking during 1-0 Hull victory

"Andre Villas-Boas has complimented his Tottenham side after they emerged from a tough encounter with Hull City victorious, but wasn't so complimentary about the Spurs supporters who left his player's to do it alone" in their 1-0 win.

Spurs had to be patient against Steve Bruce's well-organised Tigers outfit but eventually found their breakthrough with Roberto Soldado's 81st minute penalty.

And while Villas-Boas was pleased that his side were able to come through a testing fixture with three points, he wasn't completely happy with an anxious support.

"It was difficult to break them [Hull] down," said the Spurs manager. "They came here with a good strategy, which is nothing different to what teams do when they come here.

"The difference today is that we were patient. I compliment the boys for what they did, it was great work-rate.

"We didn't have the support we should have done [from the supporters]. There was much anxiety from the stands, the players had to do it alone.

"We looked like the away team, we played in a difficult atmosphere with almost no support. We have a wonderful set of fans but they can do better. Away from home we play with no fear and we need that atmosphere at White Hart Lane.

"We don't need the negativity that was in White Hart Lane today."

Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Tottenham fans too anxious for manager Andre Villas-Boas' liking during 1-0 Hull victory

"Andre Villas-Boas has complimented his Tottenham side after they emerged from a tough encounter with Hull City victorious, but wasn't so complimentary about the Spurs supporters who left his player's to do it alone" in their 1-0 win.

Spurs had to be patient against Steve Bruce's well-organised Tigers outfit but eventually found their breakthrough with Roberto Soldado's 81st minute penalty.

And while Villas-Boas was pleased that his side were able to come through a testing fixture with three points, he wasn't completely happy with an anxious support.

"It was difficult to break them [Hull] down," said the Spurs manager. "They came here with a good strategy, which is nothing different to what teams do when they come here.

"The difference today is that we were patient. I compliment the boys for what they did, it was great work-rate.

"We didn't have the support we should have done [from the supporters]. There was much anxiety from the stands, the players had to do it alone.

"We looked like the away team, we played in a difficult atmosphere with almost no support. We have a wonderful set of fans but they can do better. Away from home we play with no fear and we need that atmosphere at White Hart Lane.

"We don't need the negativity that was in White Hart Lane today."


the video

hmmm, not sure how i feel about that
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

He says he is relaying the message from the players - crowd get on their backs, makes them tense/nervous
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Nope. Youre the one jumping the gun the same way people are jumping to conclusions that others want AVB out. No one (that I can recall) has said such a thing.

I think we all acknowledge that it takes time but if the issues continue to recur and theyre not being improved upon- it deserves pointing out. Only a minority are slating results so the whole 'we are top four' etc doesnt work for me. Base the arguments on the performance so that everyone can argue the same point. Most are arguing but on two entirely different points.

I didnt go today but am an ST Holder and will go next home game but barring one or two games, the past season and a bit at WHL has been poor... which transfers to fans and vice versa (its a catch 22 situation). So I would accept AVBs criticisms but then he has gotta accept the fans criticisms. Criticism is not always a negative - what is it with people and jumping the gun. I get criticised at work I use it to further develop and hone my abilities and have done hence I am where I am. Dont Managers always say - 'we want to improve'? hell... hasnt AVB even said that?

This post is why in my eyes you will always be one of the greats of this website. Absolutely spot on and for me the is nothing more annoying when you have criticise something and people make out your a bad fan or inpatient. Neither is true for me, i do not enjoy going to watch us as much as in the past because we do not play the same attacking game.

But myself and the other spurs fans i know are prepared to give it time, we have all seen changing coaches every few years does not work. For me the biggest problem is i do not know what avb's style of play is, at a push i would say it was over defensive in midfield and about limiting risk taking.

With his over cautious style of play he will pick up results because he has good quality players even if they are not encouraged to show their skills. The problem is when he comes up against better teams.

As a man i like avb and his personality he is far better with the press and does not play the fool like redknapp. Like all coaches i think he has made mistakes but he is young and i will like i would with a player give him time to improve. I do not not what goes on with player recruitment but i really feel we need to have better passes in midfield and less ball winners.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

He says he is relaying the message from the players - crowd get on their backs, makes them tense/nervous

Well they should realise they are in a high pressure job and getting mind coaching to deal with it like the British cycling team do. Also sounds like a bit of a cop out to me, the players just need to follow the instructions of the coach and pay no attention to the crowd that is there job. I have done jobs with pressure involved that i did not like doing but i knew what my duties were and i carried them out.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

the video

hmmm, not sure how i feel about that

Can't say I wasn't expecting that at some point: a reprimand from the manager is in order, we as a fanbase can be dire sometimes, me included. However, I also think the players and the manager don't exactly inspire confidence right now. If we were playing well, fashioning chances, looking confident on the ball, then that confidence and enthusiasm spreads to the supporters as well. But after spending 100+ million quid, we still look laboured and slow when the onus is on us to advance, and despite Andre's understandable frustrations I don't think loud support alone will change that.

AVB admitted that Hull made it difficult for us, that they had a great strategy that almost nullified us and that patience was needed. Problem is, every single game at home will be like this now, and so far we've looked shaky when trying to deal with these kinds of games. And if teams can stifle us just be setting up with seven across the back, then we will lose a lot of points at some stage, which the teams around us don't look remotely like doing.

So far, we've looked the least assured of all the teams competing, and that makes fans incredibly nervous, as we seem to be one mental slip away from a 3-0 collapse against the likes of West Ham or an utterly frustrating draw against easily winnable opposition. If we were playing well and drawing/losing, there is still some justification in calling the fans names for not being supportive. If we're playing like we are now (hesitantly, disjointedly, somewhat toothlessly) then you can't blame the fans for being anxious, especially when 100 million quid has been spent and they know that they are just one more top-four failure away from losing an entire crop of their players to Barca, Madrid, Bayern, etcetera, while their arch rivals look confident, assured and utterly unstoppable, blasting the same teams that frustrate us to smithereens.

Long story short: yes, we as fans can be ****s sometimes, Andre. But until this team gels and starts playing like Arsenal currently are, then you can't expect much more than that, especially when you have to rely on an extremely dodgy penalty to beat an injury-ravaged Hull City. That is the sad reality of modern football: the impermanence and relentless commercialization makes constant support an incredible rarity.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Nope. Youre the one jumping the gun the same way people are jumping to conclusions that others want AVB out. No one (that I can recall) has said such a thing.

I think we all acknowledge that it takes time but if the issues continue to recur and theyre not being improved upon- it deserves pointing out. Only a minority are slating results so the whole 'we are top four' etc doesnt work for me. Base the arguments on the performance so that everyone can argue the same point. Most are arguing but on two entirely different points.

I didnt go today but am an ST Holder and will go next home game but barring one or two games, the past season and a bit at WHL has been poor... which transfers to fans and vice versa (its a catch 22 situation). So I would accept AVBs criticisms but then he has gotta accept the fans criticisms. Criticism is not always a negative - what is it with people and jumping the gun. I get criticised at work I use it to further develop and hone my abilities and have done hence I am where I am. Dont Managers always say - 'we want to improve'? hell... hasnt AVB even said that?

=D> Well said mate.

I think people are getting far too sensitive when it comes to any criticism of the manager. People are happy with the results, but given the talent we have, some of us just want some better quality football. Brendan Rodgers had Liverpool playing attractive football within a few months of joining Liverpool. Pochettino has got incredible performances and results in just under a year in charge at Southampton.

I also agree with JGL, it's really condescending to hear fans call you a bad fan or ungrateful whenever you criticise any aspect of the team or manager.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

He's opened a can of worms there for sure with those comments.. I'd like to make a few points as someone that goes every week.. I'd definitely say that since AVB has taken over the atmosphere hasnt been as it has been in the past. I know this is going over old ground but i think alot of it last year was down to the fact that some of the fans including myself werent sure he was the right man to follow Harry and if harry should have left, his style of football isnt the most eye catching, but i think towards the end of last season he was winning most fans over and obviously levy backed him in the summer so i think everyone was starting to come together on the same sheet.

There's also the feeling thar we arent being entertained like we had in the past, under harry we were more gung-ho and would attack at will, under AVB we play slow build up and its much more about patience and i get the feeling the fans are waiting for something to happen and like most games have gone this season we arent creating much so the tension builds as the minutes tick by.

Are the players happy playing 4-3-3? It feels to me like some of them dont know their roles. Obviously this is taking longer than it should because there's no fluidity in the team at the moment. Soldado doesnt move enough as a lone striker.. Should we switch to 4-4-2 is always on my mind at home because it works better for us, and again today we saw him change to 4-4-2 on 70 mins.

I also think sometimes we go down to the lane and expect to beat teams before the game has started so there isnt as much buzz. At the Chelsea and West Ham games there was buzz because they are derby games but the fans didnt really lift themselves today, felt like everyone was hungover.

Finally, i feel AVB gives some teams that dont deserve respect, too much and we saw that today. We should have been at Hull in the first 20 mins and it took til 15 mins for us to make our first chance. How many shots did we have on goal?
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Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

=D> Well said mate.

I think people are getting far too sensitive when it comes to any criticism of the manager. People are happy with the results, but given the talent we have, some of us just want some better quality football. Brendan Rodgers had Liverpool playing attractive football within a few months of joining Liverpool. Pochettino has got incredible performances and results in just under a year in charge at Southampton.

I also agree with JGL, it's really condescending to hear fans call you a bad fan or ungrateful whenever you criticise any aspect of the team or manager.

Without doubt and its frustrating when the criticisms come regardless of your previous support for AVB or different players.

I said in the match thread I don't like the extreme views that more and more people are taking. For some, there is nothing but doom and gloom. Our clean sheets and best ever PL start doesn't register. For others, the very worrying lack of goals and coherent attacking play are not things to be concerned about apparently. Registering less shots from within the box than a Hull side with 7 injuries playing away is also apparently not a real problem.

I don't understand why criticisms seem to either be taken personally or not seen as a discussion that AVB and the coaches need to be having?
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Today's crowd response was caused in no small part from the fact the performance was worrying similar to the 3-0 home defeat a couple of weeks ago to a team in the bottom three. AVB and the players don't need to get on their high horses and tell us they need better support. He and they need to get playing in a way which reflects their potential. Arsenal are. Liverpool are. We want Spurs to.

If I were AVB, I'd get a set first choice starting eleven for the Premier league games, and get them playing. For me, that means Soldado in front of Eriksen, Lennon and Lamela. I'm not in the 'Townsend's the next Bale' camp - don't see it. Fine for Europa League and the Cups and a decent squad player, but he's not a top four quality player for me.

Let's not forget, we're 4th and its our best start. Foundations.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Without doubt and its frustrating when the criticisms come regardless of your previous support for AVB or different players.

I said in the match thread I don't like the extreme views that more and more people are taking. For some, there is nothing but doom and gloom. Our clean sheets and best ever PL start doesn't register. For others, the very worrying lack of goals and coherent attacking play are not things to be concerned about apparently. Registering less shots from within the box than a Hull side with 7 injuries playing away is also apparently not a real problem.

I don't understand why criticisms seem to either be taken personally or not seen as a discussion that AVB and the coaches need to be having?

I agree... and for what its worth I think its about time people stopped using extreme words - such absoute words like negative when describing someone being critical is not accurate.

Critcism is not negative but merely a point worth noting and developing upon. Its stating the obvious. Most of the criticism is constructive.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Well our next 4 games are:

- Everton (A); AVB has never won against Martinez or away at Goodison (though we haven't as a club since 2007)
- Saudi Sportswashing Machine (H)
- Emirates Marketing Project (A); We've a poor recent record at the Etihad and City score gaols there for fun
- Man Utd (H); Nothing more to say

We'll soon find out where AVB and this team is going...need to see the clips of his comments but if they are as I've heard about the lack of support from the crowd, then he may have put unnecessary pressure on himself and the club (which the Gooner and Manure sections of the media will no doubt pounce upon...)
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

He's opened a can of worms there for sure with those comments.. I'd like to make a few points as someone that goes every week.. I'd definitely say that since AVB has taken over the atmosphere hasnt been as it has been in the past. I know this is going over old ground but i think alot of it last year was down to the fact that some of the fans including myself werent sure he was the right man to follow Harry and if harry should have left, his style of football isnt the most eye catching, but i think towards the end of last season he was winning most fans over and obviously levy backed him in the summer so i think everyone was starting to come together on the same sheet.

There's also the feeling thar we arent being entertained like we had in the past, under harry we were more gung-ho and would attack at will, under AVB we play slow build up and its much more about patience and i get the feeling the fans are waiting for something to happen and like most games have gone this season we arent creating much so the tension builds as the minutes tick by.

Are the players happy playing 4-3-3? It feels to me like some of them dont know their roles. Obviously this is taking longer than it should because there's no fluidity in the team at the moment. Soldado doesnt move enough as a lone striker.. Should we switch to 4-4-2 is always on my mind at home because it works better for us, and again today we saw him change to 4-4-2 on 70 mins.

I also think sometimes we go down to the lane and expect to beat teams before the game has started so there isnt as much buzz. At the Chelsea and West Ham games there was buzz because they are derby games but the fans didnt really lift themselves today, felt like everyone was hungover.

Finally, i feel AVB gives some teams that dont deserve respect, too much and we saw that today. We should have been at Hull in the first 20 mins and it took til 15 mins for us to make our first chance. How many shots did we have on goal?

November is huge month so by the end of that we will have more idea where we're gonna finish.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Ok so the title of this thread is AVB making tottenham his own- right now what does that actually mean? Its clear some of the fans dont like the style the team are currently playin, even for the fact that the team are still gelling.

One question though do we really know what AVBs style is? Is he really a master tactician or master coach or master scout or any of these things at all?

On the evidence of this season and last he does not appear to be a tactical genius, his subs rarely make a difference and his reading of the game seems slow.

As a coach his style of play is slow and predictable it seems, but is that down to not having the right players for his tactics?

Is he even a good man manager? He and bale got on well for all the good it did. But the whole ade thing could be handled bettr.

Im not here having a go for the sake of it what i would like is an object view of the man by those who know how he has managed before and what we can honestly expect once the team settle down and gel.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Today's crowd response was caused in no small part from the fact the performance was worrying similar to the 3-0 home defeat a couple of weeks ago to a team in the bottom three. AVB and the players don't need to get on their high horses and tell us they need better support. He and they need to get playing in a way which reflects their potential. Arsenal are. Liverpool are. We want Spurs to.

If I were AVB, I'd get a set first choice starting eleven for the Premier league games, and get them playing. For me, that means Soldado in front of Eriksen, Lennon and Lamela. I'm not in the 'Townsend's the next Bale' camp - don't see it. Fine for Europa League and the Cups and a decent squad player, but he's not a top four quality player for me.

Let's not forget, we're 4th and its our best start. Foundations.

Spot on for me.

Start passing the ball in the right direction would be a good start too. AVB has lost himself a few allies amongst the supporters today.
Re: AVB - Making Tottenham His Own

Well our next 4 games are:

- Everton (A); AVB has never won against Martinez or away at Goodison (though we haven't as a club since 2007)- Saudi Sportswashing Machine (H)
- Emirates Marketing Project (A); We've a poor recent record at the Etihad and City score gaols there for fun
- Man Utd (H); Nothing more to say

We'll soon find out where AVB and this team is going...need to see the clips of his comments but if they are as I've heard about the lack of support from the crowd, then he may have put unnecessary pressure on himself and the club (which the Gooner and Manure sections of the media will no doubt pounce upon...)

Lukaku could have a field day next Sunday if we play like we did today. Thankfully, we actually seem to play better away from WHL these days