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American politics

she was one person protesting from her own unique viewpoint, i'd be very surprised if she was claiming to be bottom-lining the entire global movement

I meant in the demonstrations across the globe - I've now seen numerous pictures of women demonstrators holding up their banners protesting about their lot in democratic countries . I've not seen any banners protesting on behalf of women in Muslim countries.

It's not odd to you ?
People can protest about whatever they want, that is one of the joys of living in a free country. If people want a show of strength against a sex offender taking the most powerful office in the world, then more power to them.

I think that it is sweet that the far right have developed a concern for Muslim women, two groups that they don't normally have a lot of time for.

o_OAnd you still don't get it why you 'Liberals/Leftists are losing the elections...
I meant in the demonstrations across the globe - I've now seen numerous pictures of women demonstrators holding up their banners protesting about their lot in democratic countries . I've not seen any banners protesting on behalf of women in Muslim countries.

It's not odd to you ?

They expect higher standards from a western Liberal democracy compared to a Religous dictatorship in Saudi.
I'm not. This site is for everybody and discriminatory language is against site rules. It is quite easy to discuss the women's march without using discriminatory language and we expect you to do that.

I wouldn't call her a proud **** if she didn't have a banner proclaiming herself one ... Proud followed by asterisks okay with you ?
They expect higher standards from a western Liberal democracy compared to a Religous dictatorship in Saudi.

So they abandon the women in dictatorships and just concentrate on the cruelty of western democratic society .... Can you not see how many men AND women in Liberal democracies cannot take their demonstration seriously?
I wouldn't call her a proud **** if she didn't have a banner proclaiming herself one ... Proud followed by asterisks okay with you ?

No. We want this site to be somewhere where everyone feels comfortable joining in discussions. There are far too few women posting on this board and many that do, don't feel comfortable saying that they are women. Language or insinuations like that are going to do little to change that.

There are plenty of places on the internet where those kind of attitudes are accepted. I suggest that you discuss this there, if you feel that what I am asking is too restrictive.
I meant in the demonstrations across the globe - I've now seen numerous pictures of women demonstrators holding up their banners protesting about their lot in democratic countries . I've not seen any banners protesting on behalf of women in Muslim countries.

It's not odd to you ?

I don't have enough information to draw such a conclusion

if you are always looking for a magic button to fix all the worlds problems you'll always be disappointed, evolution happens very slowly
So they abandon the women in dictatorships and just concentrate on the cruelty of western democratic society .... Can you not see how many men AND women in Liberal democracies cannot take their demonstration seriously?

This is a straw man argument. Sunday was a protest against one thing and it was very effective. Besides, you are kind of making the protesters point if you think that you know better than them about what they should be protesting about.
So they abandon the women in dictatorships and just concentrate on the cruelty of western democratic society .... Can you not see how many men AND women in Liberal democracies cannot take their demonstration seriously?

it's not abandonment, it's trying to climb over the nearest obstacle

personally, no, I can't see how anyone can not take this level of public gathering seriously, but then I can't see how people think it's reasonable to make laws about what a person does with their own reproductive organs either, yet here we are
I don't have enough information to draw such a conclusion

if you are always looking for a magic button to fix all the worlds problems you'll always be disappointed, evolution happens very slowly

I see this demonstration as adding to the worlds problems as it's not inclusive... Rife white supremacy, accusations of western misogyny banners and yet , countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Iran, where women are publicly beaten and executed don't get a mention.. I think we should look up who the organisers are don't you ?
I see this demonstration as adding to the worlds problems as it's not inclusive... Rife white supremacy, accusations of western misogyny banners and yet , countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Iran, where women are publicly beaten and executed don't get a mention.. I think we should look up who the organisers are don't you ?

it's inclusive you want is it?

peace on earth, all men (and women, yes Reg, and women) are equal, address everyone in every action, that kind of thing...
I see this demonstration as adding to the worlds problems as it's not inclusive... Rife white supremacy, accusations of western misogyny banners and yet , countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Iran, where women are publicly beaten and executed don't get a mention.. I think we should look up who the organisers are don't you ?

They were protesting against a misogynistic, white supremacist becoming American president. It would be a bit weird if the banners did not reference this.

I think that what you are arguing for is a protest against a target that you feel more comfortable being criticised.
it's not abandonment, it's trying to climb over the nearest obstacle

personally, no, I can't see how anyone can not take this level of public gathering seriously, but then I can't see how people think it's reasonable to make laws about what a person does with their own reproductive organs either, yet here we are

I think we are where we are because of the regressive attitudes of the Liberals and the Left ... An unholy alliance with Wahhabism...

You're here denouncing Trump ad infinitum and yet I've not seen one post from any of you denouncing the anti Trump violence .. You constantly denounce the the West for misogyny and yet I've seen nothing on this board or on this thread about the reality for women in Muslim countries ...
No. We want this site to be somewhere where everyone feels comfortable joining in discussions. There are far too few women posting on this board and many that do, don't feel comfortable saying that they are women. Language or insinuations like that are going to do little to change that.

There are plenty of places on the internet where those kind of attitudes are accepted. I suggest that you discuss this there, if you feel that what I am asking is too restrictive.

The are women posting on here?

Do they wear tights and like custard,
I think we are where we are because of the regressive attitudes of the Liberals and the Left ... An unholy alliance with Wahhabism...

You're here denouncing Trump ad infinitum and yet I've not seen one post from any of you denouncing the anti Trump violence .. You constantly denounce the the West for misogyny and yet I've seen nothing on this board or on this thread about the reality for women in Muslim countries ...

I think that you keep trying to avoid the topic under discussion. This is a Trump thread. People are shocked that such a small minded bigot has become president and surrounded himself with white supremacist, his family and billionaires from big business. He has not revealed his tax returns, he has not distanced himself from his business interests, there is strong evidence of collusion between his campaign team and the Russian government, who hacked and leaked details from his competitors. All of his actions so far as president have been regressive, bitter or just for show.
The are women posting on here?

