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American politics

Yeah it could be ....As could the aerial shots of the inauguration crowds?.....

Haha you're a funny dude. When you going to answer my points that i raised in a reply to you. Or are the facts that I mentioned too inconvenient for your right wing sensibility?
I missed this little gem:

In that same speech out of the CIA this weekend, Trump also falsely inflated the size of the crowd at his inauguration. In talking about the weather, he described that when he began to speak at his inauguration, the rain stopped immediately. And in fact, you could see water beating on the lapel of his coat. Now, does it matter whether it rained or not?

He actually lied about the weather? Oh come on!

The writer of popular american comedy TV show Saturday Night Live ....


Nice one Katie, that's so funny, you must be a lot of laughs and a charming lady.

He's ten years old you sicko!

For the record, I don't like her comment either.

But I think it's interesting that there's a lot of uproar against against mocking a kid, whereas I wonder how many of those same people would feel similar outrage about Mohammed being mocked?

Might seem like a random comment - just thought it was interesting that western culture normally seems to make no exceptions for free speech, even when inappropriate or offence-causing, but that in this case it is making an exception.
it's all a little OTT imo, it's not a great joke, I can see what she was reaching for

Frankie Boyle and Jimmy Carr have said far worse, a comedians job is to offend

if a U.K. comic made a similar joke about a cabinet members kid I doubt they would be fired for it

I've lost some respect for SNL for taking the nuclear option
It's not just about that one child though, there's been loads of school shootings and it deeply distasteful to be using those to score political points. Even more so when the person making the "joke" is on the side of gun control and uses these tragedies for her own ends.
If Trump was a comedian or even Joe bloggs on the street I would say it's very bad taste and move on. I try to hold my politicians to a higher standard. Do you think it's comparable?

I think its comparable in the case that both are in bad taste and as you rightly say Trump should be judged in higher standards, however I don't believe being a comedian allows freedom to say what you like and face no consequence to your comments.
I think its comparable in the case that both are in bad taste and as you rightly say Trump should be judged in higher standards, however I don't believe being a comedian allows freedom to say what you like and face no consequence to your comments.
I didn't find this funny this is the main issue for me, it is a little bit of bullying (punching down) that I find distasteful but the reaction reminds me of those "liberals" who go out of their way to be offended.

Similar to Russell Brand and Andrew Sachs, at the time of airing there were about 4 complaints two weeks later there were thousands. If this was not given the publicity it would have been a tweet by a fairly little known writer on a comedy show - Trump supporters looking for a stick IMHO.
It's not just about that one child though, there's been loads of school shootings and it deeply distasteful to be using those to score political points. Even more so when the person making the "joke" is on the side of gun control and uses these tragedies for her own ends.

exactly, its a joke about America's refusal to do anything about its gun problem

Anything goes in comedy for me - if you don't find it funny don't follow /listen to it.

likewise, nobody has a right to not be offended

How about Trumps motions re: to the disabled reporter?

there are a million miles between that kind of behaviour and Katie Rich's joke
SNL is sh1te. The only good thing they've done on there in ages is when Dave Chapelle did a bit just after Trump won. Have they really got rid of a comedian for a bad joke? Pathetic.

I thought Trump voters weren't the kind of fannies that get all up in arms about a comedian making a joke in bad taste? I thought that was the kind of thing they were against?

Trump is a freak, as are many of his infowars watching followers. As are many of the people who are against Trump, marching around with silly hats. All qunts together, I'm sick of the lot of them.
Anything goes in comedy for me - if you don't find it funny don't follow /listen to it.
I've heard a lot worse from Boyle and sadowitz, my problem with this is that she is using things she would find appalling, distasteful and against to make fun of someone. Either its wrong or its not, she can't pick and choose when it suits her.
That's rank hypocrisy, which kind her makes her no better than trump.
I've heard a lot worse from Boyle and sadowitz, my problem with this is that she is using things she would find appalling, distasteful and against to make fun of someone. Either its wrong or its not, she can't pick and choose when it suits her.
That's rank hypocrisy, which kind her makes her no better than trump.

Can you show where she has problems with other comedians making distasteful jokes? I have heard some of the most liberal comedians out there make disgusting and distasteful jokes because they think they are funny, Southpark seem to be fairly liberal but my GHod they are distasteful and very funny. I don't know anything about her and perhaps she does.

Difference between her and trump is she is not running for public office, you can be offended by someone running for public office and at a rally doing something and not when a comedian on stage does the same thing, I don't find this hypocritical,
I've heard a lot worse from Boyle and sadowitz, my problem with this is that she is using things she would find appalling, distasteful and against to make fun of someone. Either its wrong or its not, she can't pick and choose when it suits her.
That's rank hypocrisy, which kind her makes her no better than trump.

the kid isn't the target of the joke, america's ridiculous gun laws are