No worries mate, it happens doesn't it...
Agreed to an extent, but there were some pretty effective checks and balances in place. He started dismantling the support structure for those during his first term with the supreme court shenanigans, and now is 'delivering' on destroying them.
The main problem there is that Kennedy is setting most of the 'goals' for Health within the administration, ditto McMahon on Education. They are the CEO operating for 'shareholders', but essentially, the 'shareholder in chief' doesn't care so long as money is either saved or re-appropriated and his 'sponsors' are given whatever they signed up for/want. I agree re: transactional government -something I don't think most of the voting public understood sadly- but the nature of this transactionalism is becoming very dangerous. There are structures and depts being gutted which are integral to the health and safety of the US -take the seed bank stuff, take the nuclear maintenance slashes- and most dangerous of all is an unelected billionaire with a 'chip' missing somewhere running roughshod in areas of deep national (and international) finance and power. Put it this way. I go the gym, try to look after myself, etc, but recognise that in order for it to work, I have to balance what I eat. I like to have two dark chocolate digestives with my evening cuppa; most evenings I ponder four, but remind myself that two is enough.
After I saw the nuclear staffing reduction fiasco, I reached for four and finished Gangs of London season 2 with the missus. I have to be careful not to make this a 'four biscuit year' but there's a growing side of me that says does it REALLY fudging matter (LOL - sort of)...