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American politics

He looks like a man who has cider on his cornflakes

The proof as they say will be in the pudding.

Bush was a far worse president and I will stand by that and I will also maintain that Obama was not the great president people made him out to be. Anyone that thinks or maintains that any president before Trump did not serve self interests or do things that could be questioned as strongly as Trumps choices then I think your living in cloud cuckoo land. Bush executed an order to invade a country he had no proof of danger and in doing so killed millions of people, I'm sorry but you don't just wash over that because its in the name of war or there is some two bit explanation that people will maintain to justify.

In 4 years time if the grand sum of Trumps reign is as bad as people say I will 100% say "stone me he was terrible" but what I won't do is get caught up in the media fenzy and pick apart every single movement the bloke makes, like holding the door open for his wife or saying he wants to put America first....people need to get a grip

I trust you are not serious when you start lecturing me on the Bush years? If so, allow me again to spare you further time at the keyboard - I could write a fudging novel about what he and all the bastards around him did (I'll start with this easy one - laid the groundwork for today!) so again, don't for one SECOND think that I would EVER 'wash over' ANYTHING he did. Again with Obama, I strongly criticized his drone proliferation. Trust me Grays_1980, there is no 'cloud cuckoo land
near me.

What I need to impart to you is this. Stop looking at Drumph, stop reading what he says and start looking at the likes of Pence and the dark malevolence that is Bannon. Don't just look at the current stuff, read about them. I've been onto Bannon for a whole now (I read Briebart sometimes just to make sure I see their take). Picking apart Drumph is too easy, and nothing in life (let alone politics) is that easy without a reason. By now, your reason should be clearer. It is the Christian right looking to fight their way into the power seat. And looking like they will succeed. Today, he has effectively said he will destroy the mechanism which separates church and state. Don't even start to tell me you are going to need four fudging years to see the wood for the trees here mate!!!!!
Listen mate i am not getting into this again with you mate there is no point, suffice to say he has made as many bad decisions as most of the previous Presidents have ( and i have lived through a few). However i will say AGAIN he is not the only leader of the " Land of the free, Home of the brave" who has made fudge ups but for some reason he is being judged a lot more harshly then they were.

As i say you have you have your opinions and i have mine and we just do not agree.

Still saying that today? How many more days will you give the behind him before you grudgingly admit that this is a power grab by the Christian right? The problem is that we are in a world so utterly bloated on useless information, so 'satiated' by the 'knowledge' they think they get from every fudging feed and stream and tweet and fart, that the bastard squad can operate in plain sight knowing everyone will just keep on following the colorful stories. But again, if you and Grays cannot see what is going down here then I'd suggest these conversations are (as you have said to Milo) somewhat asinine.
relaxing gun laws and encouraging hate crime in the same week

they are not trying to keep anyone safe, they are trying to start a civil war
relaxing gun laws and encouraging hate crime in the same week

they are not trying to keep anyone safe, they are trying to start a civil war

And after removing white supremacist groups from the Countering Violent Extremism programme
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Bowling Green massacre. Haha, what the hell. What a bunch of clowns. She tries to slip it into the conversation, and quickly starts talking about something else, and you see the interviewer thinking a bit, before moving on. Doesn't she know there's the internet now? Or replays of TV footage? We've had that since ... the dawn of TV, right? Damn, that is some class A stupid alternative facts brick.

Still saying that today? How many more days will you give the behind him before you grudgingly admit that this is a power grab by the Christian right? The problem is that we are in a world so utterly bloated on useless information, so 'satiated' by the 'knowledge' they think they get from every fudging feed and cat video on youtube and tweet and fart, that the bastard squad can operate in plain sight knowing everyone will just keep on following the colorful stories. But again, if you and Grays cannot see what is going down here then I'd suggest these conversations are (as you have said to Milo) somewhat asinine.

Still saying what today? i keep away from questions, opinions on religion mate because ( imo) they are all ranging barnpots no matter to who they bow their knee. You are right about the world being bloated on useless information though, Cameron got it right ( about the only thing he did) when he said too many tweets make a taco and you only have to read through this thread to see what i mean. Its full of misinformation ( and before someone misunderstands my words i mean teletext in general not neccesary the tweets on here) , lies, flimflam etc, etc and the thing that worrys me more then anything about todays world is their are idiots out there who believe everything they read.

I WILL SAY AGAIN AS IT SEEMS SOME STILL HAVE THE OPINION I AM A FAN OF TRUMP, i am not but then again i believe that most of the leaders of the " home and the brave" are either warmongers, bent bastards etc etc and Trump is up there with them. Bush along with that other warmonger Blair have the blood of thousands on their hands, Nixon was impeached for lieing to his Country ( and then another bent bastard pardoned him) i could go on but i am sure you get the picture.
Just to give the timeline.

The day after the call, the rebels in eastern Ukraine started fighting again.

I think that this comes first in the timeline

6) Finally, I want to highlight a story that many people haven’t noticed. On Wednesday, Reuters reported (in great detail) how 19.5% of Rosneft, Russia’s state oil company, has been sold to parties unknown. This was done through a dizzying array of shell companies, so that the most that can be said with certainty now is that the money “paying” for it was originally loaned out to the shell layers by VTB (the government’s official bank), even though it’s highly unclear who, if anyone, would be paying that loan back; and the recipients have been traced as far as some Cayman Islands shell companies.

Why is this interesting? Because the much-maligned Steele Dossier (the one with the golden showers in it) included the statement that Putin had offered Trump 19% of Rosneft if he became president and removed sanctions. The reason this is so interesting is that the dossier said this in July, and the sale didn’t happen until early December. And 19.5% sounds an awful lot like “19% plus a brokerage commission.”

Conclusive? No. But it raises some very interesting questions for journalists to investigate.​
