Look, I will spare us all the agony of picking your post apart line by line (which could be done BTW) and will instead speed to the end. Do you think firing your Attorney General because she disagreed with you is right? Do you think gutting the State Dept so as no-one is in it to do anything about these orders flying around is good? Do you think that promoting Bannon, a man with no experience, into such a high seat of power with the NSA is right? Even you would have to conclude that at least two of those things are deplorable and wrong.
The proof as they say will be in the pudding.
Bush was a far worse president and I will stand by that and I will also maintain that Obama was not the great president people made him out to be. Anyone that thinks or maintains that any president before Trump did not serve self interests or do things that could be questioned as strongly as Trumps choices then I think your living in cloud cuckoo land. Bush executed an order to invade a country he had no proof of danger and in doing so killed millions of people, I'm sorry but you don't just wash over that because its in the name of war or there is some two bit explanation that people will maintain to justify.
In 4 years time if the grand sum of Trumps reign is as bad as people say I will 100% say "stone me he was terrible" but what I won't do is get caught up in the media fenzy and pick apart every single movement the bloke makes, like holding the door open for his wife or saying he wants to put America first....people need to get a grip
I will say it again, I do not like Trump I think he is crazy and I disagree with some of the things he has already done. But I do love how he has put the lefties nose out of joint and GHod knows they don't half bleat on about it, I do wish they could just do what we on the right do when we have to tolerate the extreme left wing doctrine that successive governments around the world have put us through. But I guess we are more mature then those lefties who have to have their voice heard and can not accept the results of elections.
The proof as they say will be in the pudding.
Bush was a far worse president and I will stand by that and I will also maintain that Obama was not the great president people made him out to be. Anyone that thinks or maintains that any president before Trump did not serve self interests or do things that could be questioned as strongly as Trumps choices then I think your living in cloud cuckoo land. Bush executed an order to invade a country he had no proof of danger and in doing so killed millions of people, I'm sorry but you don't just wash over that because its in the name of war or there is some two bit explanation that people will maintain to justify.
In 4 years time if the grand sum of Trumps reign is as bad as people say I will 100% say "stone me he was terrible" but what I won't do is get caught up in the media fenzy and pick apart every single movement the bloke makes, like holding the door open for his wife or saying he wants to put America first....people need to get a grip
Great post.
I will say it again, I do not like Trump I think he is crazy and I disagree with some of the things he has already done. But I do love how he has put the lefties nose out of joint and GHod knows they don't half bleat on about it, I do wish they could just do what we on the right do when we have to tolerate the extreme left wing doctrine that successive governments around the world have put us through. But I guess we are more mature then those lefties who have to have their voice heard and can not accept the results of elections.
I maintain I do not like Trump and think he has already made massive mistakes, but he did win the election and we should allow him to govern. If he is as bad as everyone says he is then the Republicans will not get in for 30 years after Trumps turn in office. Same goes for Corbyn over here, should he win he should be allowed to govern and make laws that he promises in the election campaign. The public can then decide at the following election whether they like this different style of politics.
The public are never wrong, I may have disagreed with several election results in my lifetime, but they were never wrong.
...but what I won't do is get caught up in the media fenzy and pick apart every single movement the bloke makes, like holding the door open for his wife or saying he wants to put America first....people need to get a grip
Good to see that not all of us are getting carried in the hysteria of Trump bashing. I am no fan of his either but to read/hear some of the stuff that has been written/said over the last few days you would think he is the only President who is a bad man.
Out of interest, which of his actions so far have you disagreed with?
I refer you to the comments section on any Tory newspaper
Listen mate i am not getting into this again with you mate there is no point, suffice to say he has made as many bad decisions as most of the previous Presidents have ( and i have lived through a few). However i will say AGAIN he is not the only leader of the " Land of the free, Home of the brave" who has made fudge ups but for some reason he is being judged a lot more harshly then they were.
As i say you have you have your opinions and i have mine and we just do not agree.
Milo if you are reading the comments section of tory newspapers you need to get out more, I can remember seeing in London a few thousand people marching to support hunting in the countryside, I remember thinking to myself right wing oddballs. But to be fair to them they had there silly little march and then went on there way. It is the left who make a racket and as I get older I do not like a racket.