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American politics

I didn't actually. You asked me whether I thought his supporters were racists and I answered the question even though it had nothing to do with the post that you were replying to and it was asked in a rather rude manner.

I did not mean to be rude mate and i am sorry if you feel i was, not like you to be so precious ;)
Didn't you yourself say, earlier in this thread, that only idiots thought he would actually build a wall? And now he's signed an executive order to build it. Perhaps people who voted for him thought that way too, either about the wall or other policies such as this immigrant ban.
He won't build the wall.

He might build some wall, but there are plenty of articles out there describing just how prohibitively expensive acquiring the land and building it would be. The parts that have been built have cost a ridiculous amount and that's all the low-hanging fruit.
He won't build the wall.

He might build some wall, but there are plenty of articles out there describing just how prohibitively expensive acquiring the land and building it would be. The parts that have been built have cost a ridiculous amount and that's all the low-hanging fruit.

I think that you are right. It would be impossible, take too long, cost too much and be impossible to police once it is in place. It will be build it a handful of places where it can easily be picked up by the media.
He won't build the wall.

He might build some wall, but there are plenty of articles out there describing just how prohibitively expensive acquiring the land and building it would be. The parts that have been built have cost a ridiculous amount and that's all the low-hanging fruit.

I think the executive order says "impenetrable physical barrier" or something like that.

The point is, he is signing off on the things he said he was going to do, but many people assumed that he wouldn't be doing these things and it was just rhetoric, which is what I'm talking about re. Parklane's comments.
My mistake, it was in the other politics thread (I just searched for your username and they keyword 'wall' :) )


You seem like a reasonable fella. Now if you heard him talk pre-election and decided that he didn't really mean what he said about building the wall, who is to say that many people who voted for him thought along the same lines?

To be honest, I thought he was mostly rhetoric myself, I thought he was just playing to the gallery to get elected. The worrying thing is that he may actually turn out to be a proper nutter.

I am a reasonable fella honest, and i have no love for Trump either. But maybe i was not clear enough in my post in the other thread. The wall is already there and has been since Bush's day i would be amazed if those who take such a interest in American elections would not know about that. Or have they just took a interest because they were so sure Trump would not win and are looking for someone to blame.
I am a reasonable fella honest, and i have no love for Trump either. But maybe i was not clear enough in my post in the other thread. The wall is already there and has been since Bush's day i would be amazed if those who take such a interest in American elections would not know about that. Or have they just took a interest because they were so sure Trump would not win and are looking for someone to blame.


It’s not clear what the wall would actually look like ― the order says a wall “shall mean a contiguous, physical wall or other similarly secure, contiguous, and impassable physical barrier,” which leaves open the possibility of the administration simply adding to the 650 miles of fencing that already exists, even though Trump has previously said it is inadequate.

I think we underestimate how loopy Trump is. We'll re-visit when the construction starts! ;)
She doesn't support Sharia Law, that is just a smear pushed on far right websites and has lead to an abuse campaign against her on social media.

Should a Muslim woman not be involved in organising the protests? I'm confused, you want to see the liberation of women in the middle east but the suppression of them in the west. How odd.

Her tweets suggest she supports Sharia Law ...She also has connections to Hamas...

This was a march calling itself, The Woman's March......But it's anything but inclusive of all women ...

Women who supported Trump were told to stay away.

As too, were women with conservative political and social values

Pro Life women were also told to stay away.

Women - Muslim women too, who object to the oppression of women in the Middle East, Asia and African countries. The oppression of Muslim women the world over.

It were not inclusive so therefore it were not a women's march but more a cultural marxist, pro islamist, anti West, feminazi white male hating march.

Should a Muslim woman not be involved in organising the protests? I'm confused, you want to see the liberation of women in the middle east but the suppression of them in the west. How odd.

She's one muslim woman, with one viewpoint. Her speech was a five minute one and she chose not to mention the suppression of women other than in America. No alarm bells for you?

You really believe that that there are no other muslim women with a different viewpoint that speak up with regards to the oppression of Muslim women?

I can assure your there are plenty - they simply weren't allowed a share of the platform.

I wanted them on that platform, you didn't and neither did the march organisers!
She doesn't support Sharia Law, that is just a smear pushed on far right websites and has lead to an abuse campaign against her on social media.
She probably doesn't, but she's a fudging disgusting excuse for a human being.

Constantly pushing the standard muslim anti-semitic line, refusing to support any deal with Israel that involves discussions/negotiation (because to her, peace would be bad, as a one trick pony without a trick is just walking glue) criticising the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists, preferring to announce to the world that the CIA is part of some plot to blow up its own citizens, rather than admit to another Islamic terrorist plot, the list of standard, dumbfudge, baseless opinions goes on....

She and people like her are the arse cancer of society.
I hope you will now criticise Obama who did the same against Iraqis in 2011 for 6 months. And the 16 countries that ban Israelis??

I am happy to see Trump be given a hard time as long as its even

Quick fact check (same same but different) :

put a break on refugees

"While Obama did halt the refugee program, it did not impact green card holders, or anyone with a visa. It also did not affect refugees who had already gone through the vetting process. Trump’s travel ban barred entry to the United States to those groups, causing a chaotic situation for travelers from the seven affected countries and leading to protests at airports across the country."
We are going around in circles. You keep mentioning Obama.

We go round in circles because you can't accept that I have taken a step back from the whole media and public outcry and able to make a judgement of my own on someone.

As far as I am concerned people can judge Trump however they wise that sup to them, where I come from I judge people from the same set of standards and for that reason I believe the reality of Trump is far less harmful than Bush, Obama, Nixon. I am not saying that won't change further down the line but as I said previously, I don't believe a 90 day travel ban is comparable to the Iraq war, Vietnam, Watergate etc, that just me, I don't expect people to think the same I just view the world in a different way.
As of Sunday night Trumps ban does not include green card holders
Perhaps if he had of thought things through prior to signing the order he wouldn't have had such an adverse reaction. Cant say he did the same as Obama and got a worse reaction when its only the protests that made him change his decision. --( or anyone with a visa. It also did not affect refugees who had already gone through the vetting process.)

It is positive that he didn't dig in and relaxed when presented with arguments.
Perhaps if he had of thought things through prior to signing the order he wouldn't have had such an adverse reaction. Cant say he did the same as Obama and got a worse reaction when its only the protests that made him change his decision. --( or anyone with a visa. It also did not affect refugees who had already gone through the vetting process.)

It is positive that he didn't dig in and relaxed when presented with arguments.

With legal challenge that went against him. Which is a very different thing.
As of Sunday night Trumps ban does not include green card holders

Seems like he hasn't thought anything through and is just winging it. Will be suprised if he ever gets a second term, especially at his age, but guess none of us expected him to get any term at all.
Seems like he hasn't thought anything through and is just winging it. Will be suprised if he ever gets a second term, especially at his age, but guess none of us expected him to get any term at all.

All depends how you judge it. I can't help think people are changing the reporting landscape for Trump, for example many presidents have made wrong decisions full stop was that winging it? If a past president made a decision and then adapted it to make an improvement I am sure people would be saying "Wow what a man"

I guarantee that most major policies made by past presidents were not even known let alone discussed by 90% of people and all of a sudden ever policy is highlighted and everyone's an expert. Its the worlds biggest overreaction if you ask me.