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American politics

Well one thing you can say about Trump is that he seems to be keeping all his election promises. I thought most of the stuff he said on the election trail was flimflam to get votes, but I guess not.

Now if he doesn't want to his head blown off by an angry Mexican he should ban guns. There should be no problem with a simple change like that ;).
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I haven't posted any doom and gloom tweets, I am posting links to what is happening and wherever possible, good informed opinions. I have posted many links to things that I do not necessarily agree with but have found interesting.

Of course we are allowed to express our opinions. It wasn't me who was complaining about people voicing them.

Sorry mate but that is rubbish, all i have done is this thread is give my opinion why i think it happened. It seems to me that anyone who does not BLEND in with the noisy majority is frowned upon. As for no doom and gloom tweets then all i can say is you are being selective in your memory of some of your posts in here and the Brexit thread. However its your site so i will not get anywhere really.
Well one thing you can say about Trump is that he seems to be keeping all his election promises. I thought most of the stuff he said on the election trail was hogwash to get votes, but I guess not.

Now if he doesn't want to his head blown off by an angry Mexican he should ban guns. There should be no problem with a simple change like that ;).

Well that does make a change from most of the other batty leaders they have had over the years. :)
I'm with him on this one but why stop a Muslims, All internet warriors should be held to account for their ravings. I'm all for free speech but the internet allows this to be abused by millions of cowards, racist and sociopaths.

I would agree with you, however did Obama not introduce ( or try to) the very same thing earlier. If he did its funny how its brought up as a stick to beat Trump with by some.
I would agree with you, however did Obama not introduce ( or try to) the very same thing earlier. If he did its funny how its brought up as a stick to beat Trump with by some.

Nope he did it to foreigners not American citizens - I know from a moral standpoint there is not a lot of difference but you know Americans and their Freedom, do it to other countries that's fine do it to Americans not so much hence Gitmo etc.

He didn't so Stick to beat Trump back and valid.
Nope he did it to foreigners not American citizens - I know from a moral standpoint there is not a lot of difference but you know Americans and their Freedom, do it to other countries that's fine do it to Americans not so much hence Gitmo etc.

He didn't so Stick to beat Trump back and valid.

Fair enough, but its not the first time the " home of the brave, land of the free" have ignored civil liberties.

I'm with him on this one but why stop a Muslims, All internet warriors should be held to account for their ravings. I'm all for free speech but the internet allows this to be abused by millions of cowards, racist and sociopaths.

Lets stop all people who fit Dylan Roofs profile. And all people who fit school shooters profiles. And Anthony Mcveighs profile. Let's do Anders Breivik while we are doing profiling of nutters.
Lets stop all people who fit Dylan Roofs profile. And all people who fit school shooters profiles. And Anthony Mcveighs profile. Let's do Anders Breivik while we are doing profiling of nutters.
Lets stop all people who fit Dylan Roofs profile. And all people who fit school shooters profiles. And Anthony Mcveighs profile. Let's do Anders Breivik while we are doing profiling of nutters.

Or we could just decriminalise murder, rape, theft, pedophilia, arson, just let everyone not just the people with power do and say whatever they like, that's real freedom.

Or we could just decriminalise murder, rape, theft, pedophilia, arson, just let everyone not just the people with power do and say whatever they like, that's real freedom.

My question is when you profile people if you want to take a whole set of people from one spectrum why ignore the others? Unless the profiling is based on pandering to xenophobia rather than accepting nutters are nutters and maintaining the concept of freedom and liberty and not becoming and Orwellian big brother state. And for certain groups on a clearly discriminatory basis.