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American politics

Let me tell ya something. I'm gonna give it to you straight. The fake media will tell you all kinds of stuff. They lie. They lie about Donald Trump. Every day. Bad stuff. Really bad. But I'd love to give you a cogent argument about why Donald Trump will make AMERICA great again. I'll give you all the answers. Seriously. No one knows more about cogent arguments than me. And no one loves America more than Donald Trump. This wall is being built folks. And it's gonna be great. Truly. This will be greater than the wall in China. Let me tell you about China. The Mexicans are gonna pay for this wall. China. Why are we trading with China? America First. AMERICA FIRST. A Trump presidency means American jobs for American people. We're gonna build all the stuff we buy from China. It's gonna be great. It's gonna be really great folks. We're gonna do great things. And you're gonna get all the backing from Donald J Trump. Donald Trump is gonna kick ISIS's ass. There's a plan. And it's great. Seriously. It's the best plan. No one knows how to make plans better than Donald Trump. This is about making America great again.

Sitting on my porcelain throne using Fapatalk
I can't tell whether you made that up or it's a transcript from one of his speeches.
Is that for real?

As you know I am from the right wing but that is absolutely sick and will just make a bigger problem. It is almost as if the did not see the miss treatment of the blacks made the black community feel alienated and caused their society more problems.

Boing Boing is normally pretty reliable. I have seen it reported elsewhere but that could be from the same source.
I wonder if they might be headed for civil discourse over there, riots in the streets in cities. Not being melodramatic but I could easily see that happening.

Not sure anything would make him stand down though.
Better then Hilary?

They guy is a nutter and unfit to be president and will make the world a worse place, but i got to keep coming back to it, he won the election. Someone I think steff said earlier in the thread, the democrats took their eyes off the ball and we are all now paying the price.

I think NATO is a very good idea, I dislike Trumps attitude towards women and gay people. But despite this millions voted for him and I do not think they are all stupid, so all this that is happening is because the elite the establishment pushed to far without regard to others for to long. I see a connection with how the EU treated Britain actually.

Been saying the same thing for ages and as you say its why we have the Brexit and now the Trump vote. Unless/until those who are shouting the loudest about how stupid both the results were relise that the reason they happened is that the majority were fed up with what was happening and the failure of those in power at the time to do something about it.

But they keep their heads in the sand and bemoan those who voted for the change instead of accepting that is the reason the votes/s went the way they did.
There is a very small Muslim population in America. It's just to appease the angry mob who voted him in.

Plenty of immigrants though, publishing a list each month of crimes committed by them is absurd and extreme. I am a right winger, one of my issues with the EU is that we had to let in convicted criminals from abroad, just one of them coming here and committing a crime was one to many. But when here they should be treated the same as everyone else.

Trump has some funny ideas, I can see the being riots in the cities like what happened after Rodney King, pretty much nailed on the next time a white cop kills a black kid. That country is about to explode, I had never been to America till 5 years ago, now been 3 times, twice to New York and once to Disney world Florida, lovely country but it about to kick off i think.
Been saying the same thing for ages and as you say its why we have the Brexit and now the Trump vote. Unless/until those who are shouting the loudest about how stupid both the results were relise that the reason they happened is that the majority were fed up with what was happening and the failure of those in power at the time to do something about it.

But they keep their heads in the sand and bemoan those who voted for the change instead of accepting that is the reason the votes/s went the way they did.

Brexit had the support of the majority of people who voted in the referendum but Trump did not get the majority of votes.

I accept that disenfranchisement was a contributing factor in both votes and people are fed up with polished politicians but I think that it is wrong to paint either Brexit or Trump election as a rejection of an elite. That is just repeating spin. Both had plenty of support from elites (both political and financial).

I also reject the notion that people should not criticise the result. Trump and Republican supporters didn't keep quiet after Obama was elected and Eurosceptics hardly suffered in silence in the UK before the referendum. Politics does not stop at an election, it is an ongoing process.
Brexit had the support of the majority of people who voted in the referendum but Trump did not get the majority of votes.

I accept that disenfranchisement was a contributing factor in both votes and people are fed up with polished politicians but I think that it is wrong to paint either Brexit or Trump election as a rejection of an elite. That is just repeating spin. Both had plenty of support from elites (both political and financial).

I also reject the notion that people should not criticise the result. Trump and Republican supporters didn't keep quiet after Obama was elected and Eurosceptics hardly suffered in silence in the UK before the referendum. Politics does not stop at an election, it is an ongoing process.

We have been round the houses with this several times mate and we never get anywhere and neither one of us agrees with the other. You keep porting your doom and gloom tweets etc and i will just give my opinions on what/why i think it happened.

After all we are all entitled to express our opinions are we not?
It's been tried a couple of times in history but only by highly oppressive regimes. He is trying to create division and escaped goats for his eventual failure.

why what are the goats going to do? they are not renowned as clever animals, now if Dolphins ever learn to walk we are in trouble cos they are real clever.
Goats are smart. They are smarter than career politicians. My small hands and the goats will make American great again.

I can't tell whether you made that up or it's a transcript from one of his speeches.

I was going to ask the same. On balance it seems more sane than Trump.
We have been round the houses with this several times mate and we never get anywhere and neither one of us agrees with the other. You keep porting your doom and gloom tweets etc and i will just give my opinions on what/why i think it happened.

After all we are all entitled to express our opinions are we not?

I haven't posted any doom and gloom tweets, I am posting links to what is happening and wherever possible, good informed opinions. I have posted many links to things that I do not necessarily agree with but have found interesting.

Of course we are allowed to express our opinions. It wasn't me who was complaining about people voicing them.