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what has happened to the transfer section?

Higuain's stock has fallen, he was crap the other night and Madrid fans think of him like we do of Adebayor. It's not completely unrealistic(if we finish top 4).

I saw that midweek. Saw many on twitter begging Mourinho to bring "Kaka. Callejon. Benzema. ANYONE" regarding Higuain. He was dire though
I wouldn't mind Andy Carroll if our top targets fail to materialise, been a handful everytime i've seen him for West Ham this season and links the play very well. Think he'd be a perfect foil for Bale much like Crouch was for VDV *hides from forum backlash*

They've both played about the same number of games at club level, both internationals of high esteem.

Moutinho is younger so could potentialy cost more in the form of a transfer fee.. Schweinsteiger's wages will possibly be higher, but that can be overcome.

João Moutinho
Value: 26,500,000 £
Contract: 30.06.2015

Bastian Schweinsteiger
Value: 30,000,000 £
Contract: 30.06.2016

Obviously I was wrong about Schweinsteiger's contract, but honestly, they're about as realistically attainable as each other...

Moutinho made comments last summer that he would like to work under AVB again. I even think he specifically said that he would be interested in signing for us, but if he didn't explicitly say that I'm quite sure that's what he meant.

Schweinsteiger wouldn't ever leave Bayern for us, let's be realistic. If he decided to leave Bayern now (why would he?) he could probably pick among most of the top 5 clubs in the world and they would all pay him more than we could dream of.

Forbes has Bayern as the club in the world with the 4th highest revenue (only behind Real, Barca and Manu), they're not a selling club at the worst of times and they are in a fantastic position at the moment. Porto isn't in the top 20 on the Forbes list and although they rarely seem to sell a player cheaply they do sell their best players regularly.

I don't think it's likely that we go for Moutinho, his fee, likely wages and age would make it unlikely. Even more so as we'll be looking to add a striker that might be expensive. But if we pay the fee (that we can afford) and the wages (that we can afford), if we prioritize getting Moutinho over (all) other signings then we can sign him. There is no way in hell we could get Schweinsteiger, I would say that most likely there's not even much of a chance that even City or Chelsea could sign him.

Any idea what kind of wages Higuain is on?

Seems that Real Madrid pay some players massive wages, but others more modest ones. He's been there since he wasn't particularly well known so he might not be on massive wages?

If they do decide to get rid (seems somewhat likely) I think a massive part of the decision will depend on who else is interested in signing him.

I wouldn't mind Andy Carroll if our top targets fail to materialise, been a handful everytime i've seen him for West Ham this season and links the play very well. Think he'd be a perfect foil for Bale much like Crouch was for VDV *hides from forum backlash*

I would rather see us play Defoe, of if he can regain decent form then Adebayor.

There must be strikers somewhere better than Andy Carroll for the kind of money being talked about.
I wouldn't mind Andy Carroll if our top targets fail to materialise, been a handful everytime i've seen him for West Ham this season and links the play very well. Think he'd be a perfect foil for Bale much like Crouch was for VDV *hides from forum backlash*

Agreed entirely - I still believe he has a lot to offer in the right setup / environment
Any idea what kind of wages Higuain is on?.

Their average was is around 110k, iirc - doubt he'd be on any less bearing in mind his performances over the years - basing his fee on the last 2-3 performances is what twitter zoids do.

But even if we could agree a deal - do you honestly think one of Argentina's Matchday 18 in his prime would sacrifice trophies, glory, and CL for a 'just-about' team knowing he can do potentially much better?
Agreed entirely - I still believe he has a lot to offer in the right setup / environment

Is our setup likely to be that right setup? He feeds on crosses, set pieces and direct fooball (hoofing). This doesn't seem to be the direction AVB is taking us.

Their average was is around 110k, iirc - doubt he'd be on any less bearing in mind his performances over the years - basing his fee on the last 2-3 performances is what twitter zoids do.

But even if we could agree a deal - do you honestly think one of Argentina's Matchday 18 in his prime would sacrifice trophies, glory, and CL for a 'just-about' team knowing he can do potentially much better?

Well, like I said I think it would depend on (1) Real wanting to get rid of him and (2) not many bigger clubs being in for him.

Manu, City, Chelsea, Bayern, Arsenal, PSG and Dortmund (just off the top of my head) have all been linked with new strikers in the summer, but they've all been linked with players I would consider bigger names than Higuain. We might see a summer where Lewandowski, Falcao, Rooney, Cavani, Neymar and Suarez (again, just off the top of my head) all move somewhere. Might not leave that many much better clubs willing to fork out for Higuain.

Doesn't seem likely to me, but doesn't seem completely impossible either. Of course if any of those clubs mentioned or some of the other super rich clubs go for him then we won't have much of a chance.
Their average was is around 110k, iirc - doubt he'd be on any less bearing in mind his performances over the years - basing his fee on the last 2-3 performances is what twitter zoids do.

But even if we could agree a deal - do you honestly think one of Argentina's Matchday 18 in his prime would sacrifice trophies, glory, and CL for a 'just-about' team knowing he can do potentially much better?

Well, that was sort of the point. IF, and that's a big if, the transfer window shapes out as follows:
PSG - Cavani
City - Zlatan (Pure speculation of course...)
Chelsea - Falcao
Arsenal - Jovetic
Juve - Llorente (Done deal)

AND we factor in this whole girlfriend business, same with Rafa last year, and give us that England is his preferred destination...where would he go?

Maybe with a CL place...the lure of our state of the art training ground...I don't know, but weirder things have happened. ;)
Is our setup likely to be that right setup? He feeds on crosses, set pieces and direct football (hoofing). This doesn't seem to be the direction AVB is taking us..

Are you sure - you build according to your tools and adapt thereto

Hoofing is a generalised term thrown around tall players. I don't see Bayern hoofing with Gomez / Mandzukic or Chelsea with Ba / Torres

In addition - someone posted a recent stat of Bale having only 4 assists from 64 chances created. If only we had someone to get at the end of those . ..
Higuain's stock has fallen, he was crap the other night and Madrid fans think of him like we do of Adebayor. It's not completely unrealistic(if we finish top 4).

Has it fallen because he has been found out though i.e. is he actually just not that good. Never seen him do much in the big games myself.
Has it fallen because he has been found out though i.e. is he actually just not that good. Never seen him do much in the big games myself.

He's been superb for them over the years 105 goals in 187 games

Has a better goal ratio than Benzema this season from lesser starts (and better La Liga ratio overall career-wise)
Are you sure - you build according to your tools and adapt thereto

Hoofing is a generalised term thrown around tall players. I don't see Bayern hoofing with Gomez / Mandzukic or Chelsea with Ba / Torres

In addition - someone posted a recent stat of Bale having only 4 assists from 64 chances created. If only we had someone to get at the end of those . ..

Of course, build and adapt according to tools. But you don't buy a hammer if you need to cut a board in half. If we're going to buy a player to build and adapt to it should be someone a lot better than Carroll. I was quite for us signing Carroll when he was at Saudi Sportswashing Machine, when we had Bale and Lennon on the flanks and Harry as our manager, now, not so sure.

How many of those 64 chances were crosses? Seems to me that with him moving around the pitch and being in more central areas more we won't have as many Bale-crosses flying in. Walker is rather poor at crossing, Lennon is decent, but no more.

Somewhat interestingly Matt Jarvis is yet to get an assist for West Ham this season, according to whoscore he delivers 1.9 accurate crosses per game on average, the same as Bale, only Baines has more with 2.8 no other player has more than 2.2.

If Any Carroll was as good a finisher as Gomez, Manduzukic and Ba (or Torres at his best) as well as being big and strong I would have no issues with us signing him. I don't think he's nearly as good a finisher as any of those players. Thus why I think he needs a setup that delivers to his strengths. We need a clinical finisher, not a battering ram/target man, if we can find a player that is both then that would be fantastic, but the finishing bit has to be there.
Why do you characterise him as a 'hammer'? That is simply one of the (unfortunate) systems you've seen him play in - I'm pretty certain someone of his age and potential can easily adapt and display considerable versatility - as showcased in his Toon days

I also think you're doing massive disservice on his finishing abilities having seen him in what is essentially a poor setup of semi-cloggers and thugs. During his rich vein for form at Saudi Sportswashing Machine he was unplayable and showcased some remarkable performances of a 'complete' forward. Can't recall seeing many strikers absolutely dominate every single aerial challenge the way he did against Arsenal. I'd suggest you revist some of those reels before you can him under 'plays for Wham, looks tall and clumsy, meh')
Has it fallen because he has been found out though i.e. is he actually just not that good. Never seen him do much in the big games myself.

I watch a lot of Spanish football and Madrid in particular. He has not been bad by any stretch of the imagination. His popularity may have taken a dent (for reasons I can't understand) but Higuain is still a brilliant brilliant striker. He would instantly be our best player (or 2nd best of Bale stays). If there is any chance in hell that this deal could come off it would be a signing of the importance of Klinsmann, VDV, etc. It is not gonna happen though unless Bale is going the other way. There are way too many petrochemical fueled bank balances around to let a player of his calibre slip through the net.
Why do you characterise him as a 'hammer'? That is simply one of the (unfortunate) systems you've seen him play in - I'm pretty certain someone of his age and potential can easily adapt and display considerable versatility - as showcased in his Toon days

I also think you're doing massive disservice on his finishing abilities having seen him in what is essentially a poor setup of semi-cloggers and thugs. During his rich vein for form at Saudi Sportswashing Machine he was unplayable and showcased some remarkable performances of a 'complete' forward. Can't recall seeing many strikers absolutely dominate every single aerial challenge the way he did against Arsenal. I'd suggest you revist some of those reels before you can him under 'plays for Wham, looks tall and clumsy, meh')

Brendan has had a good close look at Carroll and said no thanks. If he cant fit into Liverpool's way of playing then i dont see how he will fit in at Spurs
Everyone loves the idea of a Sandro, Dembele, Cabaye midfield ... except for me. They all want to play deep, there's no midfield runner, no one creating in the final third. No one says they want that midfield but with Huddlestone in it who is basically a less mobile version of Cabaye. I want an Eriksen or someone like that.

Same goes fo Moutinho as well.

I want Cabaye and Eriksen. The more players we have of quality on the ball the better. I really rate both Dembele and Sandro, but neither move the ball well enough in my opinion. I think we'll play a 4231 next season and think talk of 433 is nonsense. I think the 2 main midfielders must have at least one good passer, so it should be Cabaye alongside Sandro/Dembele. The advanced CM should be Eriksen or if injured Dembele. Holtby is very useful as he can fill in any of these roles when needed.

Yes, it's obvious we need a stiker, but our fans need to wake up and stop trying to make out things have been rosey this season. We've played poorly and not kept the ball well. Fixing those issues is as important as a new striker. We score every 31 minutes for which we have the ball. The trouble is we don't have it enough. Just by keeping the ball better it would add 5 goals to our tally and save 3 against. That is the difference between finishing 3rd and 5th.