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what has happened to the transfer section?

The Inter president is using us to make Napoli get off their arse and start a bidding war.

AVB has watched the lad for years, probably see's him as the perfect player for his Striker in a 4-3-3 so I would love it if we got him, won't hold my breath :(
hahahaha no quote so using the image of AVB going to visit Sandro and saying hello to Hulk as proof.

Silly season has started early.
Hulk is well and truly off our radar.

Even if we did pay the 32mill he will be on scandalous wages.
talksh!te's Alan Brazil was on this morning and said he spent yesterday with Ossie and Ricky plus some other people with links to Spurs and basically the strong rumour was that Spurs are very interested in Andy Carroll

talksh!te's Alan Brazil was on this morning and said he spent yesterday with Ossie and Ricky plus some other people with links to Spurs and basically the strong rumour was that Spurs are very interested in Andy Carroll


I have a lot of time for Andy Carroll
Only got a year left on his contract, possibly less.. Come to London Bastian.

I hope he doesn't come to London because if he does it obviously won't be to us.

Where did you get his contract information from, Wikipedia says he signed on until 2016 and that's thereabouts what I remember being reported a couple of years back when his contract was nearing its end.
Also think we should still be in for Toivonen. Would be cheap, versatile and s constant powerful goal threat.
I hope he doesn't come to London because if he does it obviously won't be to us.

Where did you get his contract information from, Wikipedia says he signed on until 2016 and that's thereabouts what I remember being reported a couple of years back when his contract was nearing its end.

He signed a four year extension in 2010 i believe