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Victimpool FC - Klopp leaving, grown men crying

I have a question:

Why the fudge are WE all arguing amongst ourselves over what those two pathetic teams/individuals did/didn't do?

Think we all need to calm down and let it go. Raboner.........you can't say that mate. That's an insult.
Tell you what, when white people have been subject to slavery and the sort of discrimination that black people have endured in the last 100 years or so, then maybe I'll see being called a white so-and-so in the same light as a black so-and-so.

The reason racism is bad is not because pointing out a distinguishing feature or characteristic is bad in its own right. It's bad because the act refers back to days in which our (white peoples) treatment of black people was a disgrace. Without that prior history, or at least the intention to insult someone based solely on their background or heritage, then the slur is no different to calling someone freckles or ginger.

All I'm trying to say is that I think it's a bit rich when a white, straight, able-bodied, able-minded male who has never been subject to discrimination in their lives cry racism at the thought of being called a name. I'm in that boat, if some black guy called me a white clam, I honestly couldn't care less.
Without condoning the comment from Evra, anyone who thinks saying 'South American' is the same as saying 'n****r' is off-kilter. Were Suarez to have responded IN KIND, he would've surely said 'why is that Frenchie?' or some such handbag response. Instead he referred to Evra's skin colour in a derogatory fashion. NOT the same I believe...


Even if Suarez didn't use the n-word he did use a racial slur.

South American isn't a "race" and thus not racist.

Abuse, even pretty vile abuse is pretty much accepted (Materazzi and Zidane for example), but comments that are racist or can be interpreted as racist aren't. Very simple, easy to identify difference.
the whole thing about "south american" comment didn't even appear til suarez's fourth version of the events unfolding.
the language experts who were involved with the panel said they had never heard of it being used in a derogatory manner, even if he did. it's not relevant to anything.

of course they were winding each other up on the pitch, it happens every game, but there have to be limits.
All I'm trying to say is that I think it's a bit rich when a white, straight, able-bodied, able-minded male who has never been subject to discrimination in their lives cry racism at the thought of being called a name. I'm in that boat, if some black guy called me a white clam, I honestly couldn't care less.

It doesn't matter how you would feel or how they would feel - if you have the law - then it has to be applicable in all instances, otherwise the law itself is racist
It still notes ones origin and ethnicity.

Portrayng him as an innocent lamb is absolute flimflam, imv - he was winding him up all along probably

But who has said that he's an innocent lamb? We all (or most of us) accept that there are loads of rather inappropriate things being said between players during a football match (and from fans to players). Things you wouldn't say to someone at a party or at work. Evra is a bit of a dingdonghead, no arguments here. Rival fans don't like him, sure. But, like it or not it's a part of the game and a part that seems to be accepted by most. Evra didn't cross the line into racism, Suarez did.

If Evra should be punished, so should most likely plenty of players around the Premier League every week and most likely plenty of fans.

Interesting and emotive interview with John Barnes:


He believes there's no such thing as "race"

And strongly believes that we've done very little to combat 'racism' in football over the last 20 years

About "race" he's obviously correct. All human beings belong to the same race.
I have a question:

Why the fudge are WE all arguing amongst ourselves over what those two pathetic teams/individuals did/didn't do?

Think we all need to calm down and let it go. Raboner.........you can't say that mate. That's an insult.

i apologise mate.

i just can't stand the sky agenda that gets peddled.. also that the general populous seem to swallow it whole with no questioning whatsoever.

really grinds my gears when people have their minds made up for them.
It still notes ones origin and ethnicity.

Portrayng him as an innocent lamb is absolute flimflam, imv - he was winding him up all along probably

are you the only person on this board who speaks any sense? seriously, without you and unknown i'd be going insane!

surely i'm not the only one.
But we didnt have 18......EIGHTEEN League titles......FIVE European Cups.........and were an integral part of the Sky Four, now staring mid table mediocrity square in the face....


I think you have that argument backwards
and you didn't say IMO

Hypocracy and cant are hypocracy and cant, wherever it comes from

- yes, yes - I know, its just banter
You're calling me a racist?

not at all. I agree 100% with your comment
The comment you appear to have got your Y fronts in a mangle over, was directed at Arcwelder, who is from South Africa

where the biggest racists on the planet come from, and they are both black and white in origin.