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Victimpool FC - Klopp leaving, grown men crying

I haven't been getting that vibe at all. But I might have misinterpreted the situation based on my own views.

It's not about being polite at all. There wouldn't have been a reaction like this if Suarez had responded by calling Evra a white flag waving, frog eating, son of a kitten. Although that wouldn't have been particularly polite.

It's about how the comment from Suarez at the very least can be interpreted as a racist one. And that is a line he crossed, and one that he got punished for. Evra on the other hand didn't cross that line.

A better comparrison would have been if suarez had replied "whys that you African xxx" which imo would also have got him in the same trouble
I would love them to win the CCC cup.

It would completely expose them as hypocrites.

More importantly though it would buy Ku Klux Kenny more time to take them down, an old naughty fantasy of mine, I can assure you. I would absolutely love for that to happen while both fans and owners blame the press, foreign mercenary and referees until the time where it's too late sacking him.

Was gutted he didn't achieve that after Roy.
The whole 'South American' comment came after the golamouth exchange where Suarez racially abused Evra. So i don't think it's right to say this was what provoked Suarez. Evra did initiate the goalmouth conversation though but not with a racial comment
Doing the BBC predictor and I can easily see Liverpool doing worse points wise this season compared to last. Somewhere between 6th and 10th is my guess.
I think it's transpired that it was pretty much written by FSW and stuck online.

i doubt whether KKK or Suarez even had a chance to proof read it.

too little, too late, disingenuous facade. love it.
I think there's a generational thing with Liverpool. I'm old enough to remember the back-end of their glory days in the late 70's/early 80's and still have residual respect for the awesomeness of their achievements in those days, and the romance of how iconic the Kop and mystical "boot room" were. Their players were out of this world, their managers people to be admired.

But anyone who only remembers, say, from the Souness reign onwards, I'm not really surprised they have little respect for them. They've been rather unattractive as a club for several reasons for several years.
I just can't get over how horribly they have handled this Suarez situation at Liverpool. I don't think it surprises anyone how Suarez didn't shake Evra's hand as they have done nothing but blindly make excuses for him and basically condoned his behavior. Say want you want about Fergie but the difference in class between him and KKKenny is there for all to see. When SAF was asked about Evra celebrating in front of Suarez Fergie didn't make excuses he came right out and said he shouldn't have done that. novel idea KKKenny take note.
I'm sure I could have thought up more subtle examples.

For me racism is one of the clearest ways of being ignorant and not irrelevant.

Are you saying that in sports even blatantly racist comments are and should be ignored and just seen as "sledging"?

We probably agree. I just don't like when white people who live in a large majority say "well, I don't care if someone's racist against me" as if it's a relevant comparison to a discussion about racism directed at minorities that have until very recently experienced public racism as a part of life.

That being said, racism from minorities directed at majorities is a problem as well, certainly doesn't do anything to solve the problem of racism.

Errm yes, sledging is sledging - whether its expressing a familiarity with your mothers rusty bullet hole, commenting on the colour of your skin or country of origin, or telling you that you are overweight and masturbate because you are incapable of attracting women.

Chances are that none are true apart from the colour of skin thing, and that is highlighted to express an implied genetic deficit.

All of which are methods of unsettling an opponent and either getting them sent off or wound up

See Robbie Fowler and Graham Le saux for details (boy that tinkled me off when someone as bright as LeSaux allowed a mouth breather like Fowler to get to him)

The insidious commentaries of the supremecist organisations are racist, mongs playing football trying to wind each other up are exactly that.

The more astonishing thing, is how people use a trivial and banal argument between sportsmen as an opportunity to showboat how offended they are at racism, as if they were surprised that it existed. I hate to tell you this but, it exists everywhere on this planet.

You are different to me, you are not from my tribe, my tribe is better than yours because we are sperior people

Its gonads, but its the way people think.
Without condoning the comment from Evra, anyone who thinks saying 'South American' is the same as saying 'n****r' is off-kilter. Were Suarez to have responded IN KIND, he would've surely said 'why is that Frenchie?' or some such handbag response. Instead he referred to Evra's skin colour in a derogatory fashion. NOT the same I believe...

Why do people continue to try to embellish and deliberately misrepresent what Suarez said? He said "negro" - which, in Spanish, means black.

For the umpteenth time, "n*gger" is a far more emotionally charged and offensive word, simply because of its historical context.
If a Swedish person calls someone a "Fitta", it means "clam".

If they say it England, to someone from France, they have still called him a "clam".

Why do you nit pick between the translation of the word? It was his his INTENT to insult that is important. He was being racist, as has been proved in a tribunal, and the fact that 3 people on here, Kenny Dalglish and RAWK have a problem with that, doesnt change anything.

It's not nit picking. There is a world of difference between between "n*gger" and the Spanish word "negro".
Tell you what, when white people have been subject to slavery and the sort of discrimination that black people have endured in the last 100 years or so, then maybe I'll see being called a white so-and-so in the same light as a black so-and-so.

The reason racism is bad is not because pointing out a distinguishing feature or characteristic is bad in its own right. It's bad because the act refers back to days in which our (white peoples) treatment of black people was a disgrace. Without that prior history, or at least the intention to insult someone based solely on their background or heritage, then the slur is no different to calling someone freckles or ginger.

With respect, fella, that's simply not true.

Evra's use of the word "sudamericano" was gratuitous, unprovoked and clearly intended to cause offence. You cannot have it both ways. You cannot insist that Suarez's use of the common Latin American use of the word "negro" was intended to be as offensive as possible but then try to excuse Evra on the basis that you don't believe what he said to be much of an insult at all.
So it would be ok for black people to call whiteys - 'white trash' because of slavery 300 years ago and now it's their time? So racism and the 'victim' only works the one way? Riiiiighto.

Seems like it, mate.

Some people are very quick to jump on racism when a white person is the perpetrator and a black person is the victim. When the roles are reversed, though, these same moral arbiters can come up with a litany of excuses as to why it's okay.

I have a question:

Why the fudge are WE all arguing amongst ourselves over what those two pathetic teams/individuals did/didn't do?

Think we all need to calm down and let it go. Raboner.........you can't say that mate. That's an insult.

I agree with this.....but I keep coming back for more. Whats wrong with me?

Cheers for pointing out Raboners rather over zealous comment, but really, I dont mind. Prefer that to snide digs.
What Liverpool have to ask themselves is, is Suarez really worth all the trouble? They are 7th in the league and he has 6 league goals to his name, they were struggling to score goals even before the ban and Suarez was in the side. He's basically a South American El Hadji Djouff, but with slightly more talent.

Even if Suarez didn't use the n-word he did use a racial slur.

South American isn't a "race" and thus not racist.

Abuse, even pretty vile abuse is pretty much accepted (Materazzi and Zidane for example), but comments that are racist or can be interpreted as racist aren't. Very simple, easy to identify difference.

I have to say, that's a very convenient interpretation for those who want to crucify Suarez and excuse Evra.

But, excuse the pun, it really isn't so black and white. Everyone seems to want to give Evra the benefit of the doubt but to deny Suarez the same.

I happen to think that, guilty or not guilty, both should be judged by the same standards.