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Transfer Rumour Thread

Seriously you guys are fudging crazy.

Lock the thread, we should be discussing this in the transfer thread as mere speculation........this coont aint coming anywhere near the lane accept playing for the away team next year.
I can see us stringing things out with him til August and then him getting tinkled off with it and going elsewhere. There are some very good and avialable targets out there who would strengthen us a lot: Vertonghan, Hoilett, Adebayor. Would should wrap these up early

Could this be what Harry was meaning when he has said we need to spend some big money this window?

What he actually means is "we need to stop fudging about holding on to get 1 or 2 mill knocked off at the last minute, which has seen us lose targets in the past and just pay the money they want - to get the players we want".
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No fudging chance he comes to Spurs.

Lets just wait for him to do it in the big boys league before everyone tosss him off eh?

Cole has looked class in that league!

The fact is Spurs will not pay more than ?ú100k a week and shouldn't do so either.

Joe Cole barely starts anymore... It's almost def they won't want him back for next year!

EDIT: But I agree the chances of Hazard coming are very small, even if we finished 3rd and were willing to pay 100k a week
The chances are small but I'm still holding out hope based on his comments from a few months back.

Tread softly because you tread on my dreams
Is this a serious comment?

If so - tell that to Vidic during the Liverpool derbies/Torres

Hence why it concerns me. It is possible that a great player can have a stinker (often due to reasons the fans are unaware of, e.g. playing with an injury).

As for Vidic, I think he is a very good player but also believe he is a tad over rated. He gets away with so many fouls too!
Could this be what Harry was meaning when he has said we need to spend some big money this window?

What he actually means is "we need to stop fudging about holding on to get 1 or 2 mill knocked off at the last minute, which has seen us lose targets in the past and just pay the money they want - to get the players we want".

Redknapp has said that sort of thing for the last three or four transfer windows. I think it's pretty obvious that the lack of major signings, that are capable of going straight into the first team, isn't down to Redknapp.
Redknapp has said that sort of thing for the last three or four transfer windows. I think it's pretty obvious that the lack of major signings, that are capable of going straight into the first team, isn't down to Redknapp.

I have a feeling that this transfer window will be different. With the courtcase and England speculation gone (for now) Levy might feel more confident in backing the manager in the transfer window.
Redknapp has said that sort of thing for the last three or four transfer windows. I think it's pretty obvious that the lack of major signings, that are capable of going straight into the first team, isn't down to Redknapp.

You mean Harry said something through the media which shifted blame from him to someone else?
You mean Harry said something through the media which shifted blame from him to someone else?

Lets be honest Ted - its not like the delay in transfers has only happened recently - its been going on for years and years and years under a number of different Managers.
Before the event. And it's been happening for years, pre-Redknapp too.

Yes, because he's always truthful and honest in the media

No, because it's been a re-occuring them for over 10 years now and players, owners of other clubs have made references to it.

With regards to Redknapp, I doubt he'd say we had bid for someone we hadn't. If anything he is too honest when it comes to transfer targets and will freely admit when we aren't in for players where you think why aren't we?