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Summer transfer thread, AvB window wrap up pg 1527

Which player would you like to see take over from Luka Modric?

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One of the most ridiculous things I have read on here in a long time, believe me, on here, that Is some feat.

Lol yeah. Let's just wait on everything else until we sign a striker. I mean it's so difficult to lodge bids and negotiate for more than one player simultaneously....
As soon as it is clear to other clubs that Internacional are prepared to let Damaio leave, plenty of other richer and, to LD, more attractive clubs will be in for him. Unless he is absolutely best mates with Sandro (and/or Gomes) I don't see any way he will come here.

Be disappointed to see Gallas leave. Don't think Dawson is suited to playing a high line, and Verts looks suspiciously ponderous too. Bit worried about our ability to defend the ball over the top - predict Walker will be doing a lot of running this season covering for the CB .

You made that asumption of him on that penalty didnt you ? LOL fudge me.
When: Last summer. This Summer. Next Summer.
Where: COYS

I can't quite believe I'm writing this again, DeJavu. But.

Blue and Yellow.


Let the bashing commence.
Rossi? Or Adebayor and Leandro?

I cant help feeling Rossi has Levys stamp all over it.

Formerly out of our reach, on the brink of joining Barca (reportedly)
Now injured - price comes down
Now relegated - price comes down even more

When (or if) fit would work well in an AVB system IMO
It's not Rossi. It's Leandro and Ade as it's been in the media this morning. And POTL is second only to Whofarted in being an attention seeking ****.
Whofarted? I've never heard of him before. Is this a guy who used to post of COYS (and one or two other forums I think) as HoofHarted?
Whofarted? I've never heard of him before. Is this a guy who used to post of COYS (and one or two other forums I think) as HoofHarted?

Hoofharted knew Darren Bent's dad or something similar. Still pretends to have knowledge about what goes on at the club.

He posted this yesterday:

Nothing we don't already know, but I thought I would post anyway.

We have always been in for Leandro, just his club naffing us about.

Ade, what can I say, we have matched his wages, now he is being greedy and playing silly buggers with Emirates Marketing Project.

Not sure who it is but AVB wants a player he coached at Porto, could be any one of three?

AVB wants all business done by end of this week. (he hasn't worked with Levy before) !!!
Did he ever explain how "bap bap Americano" was in anyway related to Emmanuel Adebayor?

Of course not. That would ruin his backtracking, changing blue/yellow from meaning Italy/Villareal to City/Brazil or City/Togo.
Haven't really seen anything from him on what it actually meant.
I don't get why it's only us that has an obsene amount of attention seeking 'itk' fans that do nothing else but embarras us?

With twitter it's become more widespread, but the way we have whole forums dedicated to sucking their ****s is weird. Those that actually know stuff usually stay pretty quiet, but they're drowned out by the attention seekers. Loads of wannabe journos as well.
Rossi LOL the bloke isn't back until Feb right? it would be the most pointless signing EVAAAH

If we ended up with Ade and Leandro, experienced PL quality and a young world beater in the making as competition/back up for the starting FW spot it would be perfect.

Which means its all gonad*s!
The worst is all the people that spend all day refreshing on certain forums, waiting for ITK updates. They'd rather have vague flimflam than actual news.
I agree - he is also a "wise old head" which can be hugely valuable. Of our defenders I would have thought Dawson would be the one to be dropped, being the least versatile and least suited to a high line.

Im also very surprised at the idea of Naughton being sold. He seems the most natural back up to Walker and can do a credible job at LB

exactly, in addition the fact that naughton is our only 'EXPERIENCED' cover for walker i dont see how letting him go helps anyway, which leads me to the conclusion that the piece is rubbish or hat adam smith is getting a shot. But i have to say that i have had the privelege of seeing adam smith live before...and i rate him to no end. I've never understand te selection process at he highest parts of football and i've never understood how people get assesed....i can only put it down to character maybe that adam smith hasnt been given a shot at the big time..or maybe a deficiency in his defensive skills somewhere..but from what i have seen ..both he and ryan mason appear very capable of playing premiership football.

though i dont agree 'as much' that dawson would be the guy to leave. he's clearly a better reader than kaboul for me but his pace will always be an issue...however should we want dogged defending then he is the guy we want.....
exactly, in addition the fact that naughton is our only 'EXPERIENCED' cover for walker i dont see how letting him go helps anyway, which leads me to the conclusion that the piece is rubbish or hat adam smith is getting a shot. But i have to say that i have had the privelege of seeing adam smith live before...and i rate him to no end. I've never understand te selection process at he highest parts of football and i've never understood how people get assesed....i can only put it down to character maybe that adam smith hasnt been given a shot at the big time..or maybe a deficiency in his defensive skills somewhere..but from what i have seen ..both he and ryan mason appear very capable of playing premiership football.

though i dont agree 'as much' that dawson would be the guy to leave. he's clearly a better reader than kaboul for me but his pace will always be an issue...however should we want dogged defending then he is the guy we want.....

RE Dawson, I would be happy enough if we kept them all. I was thinking more with regards "If one was to leave". Of the lot I think he is the worse fit to the system and doesnt have redeeming traits like the others of being versatile enough to cover FB positions.

One thing has been in my mind all summer. Especially when people draw lists up of 8-10 players to leave and 8-10 to join with it neatly coming in at a net spend of 50p... Its just not possible. So what is?

IMO its more likely we will ship pure dead wood/unwanteds/wont fits to raise some cash. We will fous our efforts on a few KEY first team moves, and then we will "make do" with the remainder of the squad - try and shape it more over time than immediately.

So in my mind that would account to Adebayor, Sigurdsson, Vertonghen and another forward in. The likes of Corluka, Kranjcar, Pienaar (+ a couple more) out, and then perhaps people like Bentley, Jenas and Bassong actually sticking around as squad units.

Yes, ideally it would be out with the old and in with the new, but practically I think compromise is necessary.

In addition to that all the press release around AVB coming in made a point of saying we would focus on youth. Hence Carroll and the like playing a big part of pre season - and someone like Naughton being ideal for the squad this season.