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Spurs v Stoke - Official match thread

We're impressive aren't we? Thing is, this is pretty much the same all season, but without eriksen doing what they've done, and now even Lloris not saving us points.

We don't create enough, our defence is too disorganised and our delightful midfield combo not offering enough in defence or attack. ARGH!!

How can porch not see our midfield is incredibly weak and limited? We need so so so much more from them and we haven't had it all season. So frustrating pretty much every single game, the same thing.

Saying all that, still think we can get something from this. Edlin for Chricihies and move Dier in the middle. And Dembele on, actually today i think Mason has been better than bentaleb so not bothered which, but I'd still keep bentaleb on.

Poch will probably leave it until 60 minutes then bring on Dembele for mason. Then on 70 minutes Towsnedn for Chadli. then on 80, still losing, Soldado for Arisen.
I agree with the defensive change. I can't understand how youy persist with a system that requires fast overlapping full backs when you are playing full backs who have can't do that job.
Well look on the bright side... With the dross he is seeing Levy may well accept he needs to add another ten or so million to the summer's transfer kitty.

We live in hope

I'm confused as to how people think the 2nd goal was Lloris?

He called, Dier ignored the call and kicked it into Hugo's chest .. watch the replay and the moments after the replay when Dier has his head down and Lloris actually gives him a pat head. If the players think its Dier's fault, not sure how fans think it's Lloris
Players on holiday already? Can't watch the game, but that first half looks like a turgid affair from the live updates.
we need everything, ability, fight, intelligence, pace, concentration

about the only thing we do have is fitness, at least we'll still have the energy to fetch the ball back to the centre circle after each soft goal we concede
Anyone who thinks we've improved over Tim Sherwood's team from last season is sadly deluding themselves.

The stats don't lie, folks!

Stats always lie .. the question really is, does any manager make a difference

Harry, AVB, Sherwood, Poch .. all managed (probably) between 4th-6th, with a span of what 5-7 points?

Really wonder if any of them have broken the status quo of where we should finish ..