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'Soldier beheaded' outside barracks in Woolwich

Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

So.. no surprise then they had links to Anjem Choudary.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

One however was politically & religiously motivated, intended (as admitted by the perpetrator) to terrorise a population.

The other wasn't.

The comparison is absurd.

what about the comparison that the media seem to be having a fantastic time referring to this a "terrorist attack" yet the same media outlets thought the best way to describe Anders breivik's attacks as that of a psychopath?
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Who on here has justified it? You are aware of the meaning of this word I assume? That is a slur, if you are referring to posters on here. If you were referring to the wider community, then specify. And NO, I will NOT get over it!

Thought you wouldn't.

Look, the word justify may not convey what I was looking for when I posted that in the middle of a night shift last night.
However, there are those, who seem to solely want to put this down to the actions of someone mentally dsiturbed or on drugs.

Personally, I refuse to accept that.

I've been quite moderate in my posts in this thread so far, but to me and many others, this crime was carried out in the name of Islam, whether Islam backed it or not, and therefore those trying to blame it on drugs or mental condition are just wrong, and it smacks of a type of justification for the act.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Thought you wouldn't.

Look, the word justify may not convey what I was looking for when I posted that in the middle of a night shift last night.
However, there are those, who seem to solely want to put this down to the actions of someone mentally dsiturbed or on drugs.

Personally, I refuse to accept that.

I've been quite moderate in my posts in this thread so far, but to me and many others, this crime was carried out in the name of Islam, whether Islam backed it or not, and therefore those trying to blame it on drugs or mental condition are just wrong, and it smacks of a type of justification for the act.

Okay, I will accept that, but I was incenced when I read the word "justify" because clearly nobody who has posted on this thread in any way endorses what these scumbags have done.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Well, reading the latest. Looks like they were radicalised and were known to MI5
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

what about the comparison that the media seem to be having a fantastic time referring to this a "terrorist attack" yet the same media outlets thought the best way to describe Anders breivik's attacks as that of a psychopath?

That would be far more appropriate than comparing this incident vs. Dale Cregan.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Okay, I will accept that, but I was incenced when I read the word "justify" because clearly nobody who has posted on this thread in any way endorses what these scumbags have done.

I think Crawley used the word justify because he couldn't spell the word rationalise. ;)
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Thought you wouldn't.

Look, the word justify may not convey what I was looking for when I posted that in the middle of a night shift last night.
However, there are those, who seem to solely want to put this down to the actions of someone mentally dsiturbed or on drugs.

Personally, I refuse to accept that.

I've been quite moderate in my posts in this thread so far, but to me and many others, this crime was carried out in the name of Islam, whether Islam backed it or not, and therefore those trying to blame it on drugs or mental condition are just wrong, and it smacks of a type of justification for the act.

yep agree with that, too many people want to pussy foot around and refuse to even think that it was an Islamist led murder. Im afraid to say but there is too much lea way given to facilitate islam. To try and apply sharia law to non muslims in the uk then fudge right off
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

That would be far more appropriate than comparing this incident vs. Dale Cregan.

You're right. There is an obvious difference. It's clear these guys had a political and religious agenda. It seems the more and more that comes out, it does sound as though they were extremists. My initial thoughts were they had nothing to do with Islam but once more soiled the religion by shouting GHod is great. Their motivations, no matter how deluded they appear to us, were of course politically motivated.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

yep agree with that, too many people want to pussy foot around and refuse to even think that it was an Islamist led murder. Im afraid to say but there is too much lea way given to facilitate islam. To try and apply sharia law to non muslims in the uk then fudge right off

This is the last straw for me.

Muslims get out. No more business from me, nothing but hassle from me from now on.

Rape gangs, daylight murder. This isn't Karachi. It has to end.

Yes but let's not tar all with the same brush. The KKK never represented white Christians. Or as twitter put it: "Blaming all Muslims for what happened yesterday is like blaming all Jimmy's for what Saville did." And conversely terrorists/extremists are insane to think this eye for an eye thing works. The media, as always have an important role to play

I feel had it been a white person attacking a non-white, or even any person committing a homophobic crime, the uproar may well have been greater on here, and more of you would be saying hate crime rather than act of lunacy.

Two weeks ago an elderly pakistani man was killed in Birmingham in what was believed to be a racially motivated attack, but there was little media coverage or outrage on here.

Point is we need to keep our heads' and see that these are the actions of insane people.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Two weeks ago an elderly pakistani man was killed in Birmingham in what was believed to be a racially motivated attack, but there was little media coverage or outrage on here.

In fact, was there any thread on this whatsoever (for the people earlier saying what people on here would be saying if the roles were reversed? Very little it seems)?

Was there any thread on the shooting of 19 innocent people in New Orleans, including 2 kids during a mothers' day celebration 11 days ago, that the FBI were falling over themselves immediately after to say was not an act of terrorism? The difference on coverage of this in the USA with a certain other recent event was interesting. Anyway....

Sounds like the EDL are keeping themselves busy. Helping to keep the safety of Woolwich by drawing police in large numbers away from their normal jobs and throwing stones and bottles at them. Stellar.

I have a friend who's moving to Australia soon. Immediately after this, he said he was so happy about going because he wouldn't have to deal with dingdongheads like this anymore and because he knew what the response of sections of the rest of the population would be. Can't say I blame him.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Yes but let's not tar all with the same brush. The KKK never represented white Christians. Or as twitter put it: "Blaming all Muslims for what happened yesterday is like blaming all Jimmy's for what Saville did." And conversely terrorists/extremists are insane to think this eye for an eye thing works. The media, as always have an important role to play

Two weeks ago an elderly pakistani man was killed in Birmingham in what was believed to be a racially motivated attack, but there was little media coverage or outrage on here.

Point is we need to keep our heads' and see that these are the actions of insane people.

Then yes, there is a media problem, because I for one had heard nothing about that.

I remember a time when ANY murder, no matter the reason, or who was involved, was front-page news for days.
Now it seems the latest celeb to show a glimpse of arse is far more important.

Crying shame.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

People always believe the media. Not everything gets reported.

Israel continuously gets missiles sent in and does nothing. When they do retaliate its all over the news. Most would not know that for months Israel put up with it.

As far as this beheading story it was racially motivated so it is a terrorist attack.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Norway did class that as terrorism, that was one of the things he was convicted of.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Brevik was a psychopath carrying out an act of terrorism - which is exactly how i remember it being reported
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Seriously, murder somebody in the name of a said faith yet you believe nothing to do with it?

Well, given the news reports it appears I am wrong and that he HAS links to a radical muslim group, but ask yourself HONESTLY if what little we know about this macaron leads you to believe he was a practicing muslim. Look at him. Listen to him. He sounds like a stupid south London hoodrat who simply wants to be as anti-social and aggressive as possible in the name of a 'cause' or 'minority'. He is most likely mentally ill and he is without a doubt someone who needs to be kept far off the streets.

Do radical islamic groups fill me with joy? Of course not. Would I like to see them broken up? Absolutely. Do the EDL fill me with joy? Of course not. Would I like to see them quietened? Absolutely.

Do I believe that people in Britain should respect the British way of life? Absolutely.

We have many issues afoot here, and I agree wholeheartedly that minority groups who cloister themselves away from British life, and ways, are most unhelpful when it comes to arresting social polarization. If I lived in Spain I would expect to learn some Spanish and adhere to certain Spanish customs. I wouldn't cease to be an Englishman, but I'd make an effort to mix with a culture quite different to mine which I had chosen. In that sense, I agree that minority groups should address the more 'polarized' or 'radical' in their communities.

This clown shoe? And his clown shoe 'friend'? Sorry mate, they could've said they were doing it in the name of Marvin the Martian and it would've held more weight. Yes he was known to the radical sect, but he was (IMO) a delusional, confused, mentally unstable young man who simply blurred the lines between 'thug life' and radicalism.

I won't be judging the Muslim faith on this taco.

Again, apologies to you and others for being wrong in my initial thoughts that he had nothing to do with radical sects, but I still believe spiritually, he has nothing to do with muslims.

So sorry for the victim...