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'Soldier beheaded' outside barracks in Woolwich

Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Im sorry but if it is so hard for the muslim extremists to differentiate and they would rather target and behead a man in the street because he feels he has no voice then that community needs a long hard look at itself.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Im using my phone to type but my point is that you are tarring everyone with your views of what is wrong with society. I dont tar every muslim with a brush as you have done with western society
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Love the irony that 2 radical "muslims" got 2 new holes in them by a lowly woman!! i salute you and your quickfire actions and for keeping them alive Ma`am!
according to witnesses she did them both with two shots each when they approached her Car

This act may be Classed as terrorism but this appears purely an attempt to cause many inflammatory "religous" violent events/altercations from here on in snowballing to some pretty big events here in the UK,

hopefully we wont have to suffer this on the streets as most people of all religions have the ability to think for themselves unlike this clown and his sidekick,rather then be brainwashed by manipulative people with agendas who arent brave enough to be on any frontline and use the guise of nationality/religion to deliver there agendas

Unsurprisingly the media have distorted/edited out the words he says in video to suit them , the unedited version is out there if people want to hear what a55 clown has to say.

he quotes at-tawba (a section of Qu ran in the beginning of vid and later points out when "we bus our guns out it wont be politicians dying in the street it will be the average guy like you and your children"
he then tells you to demand
" tell them to bring OUR troops back so we (corrects himself) so YOU can all live in peace" after his brief identity crisis i summaise the following.

Hes no einstein hes a clown just spewin out someone elses lines and this off duty Soldier was not "your average Guy" so his point is not relevant
Hes recently chewed Khat leaves hence the Ecstasty like gurning
Im his version of "Average Guy" and his actions Will not Change my Belief about the human race or a certain relgious group of humans based on this, simply put if you attempt to harm me or mine then i will die to defend it. Religion doesnt come into it, i dont put a muslim before a non muslim, a threat is a threat regardless of the society i live in.

We could all go around chopping each others heads off after running people down in cars, its all a bit grand theft auto for me
All our thoughts should be with the soldiers family and friends.
People are horrified as our media usually dumbs down the blood and gore compared to middle eastern news but havent had it of been a non religious decapitation would it have gotten the same reaction from all of us?
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Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Im using my phone to type but my point is that you are tarring everyone with your views of what is wrong with society. I dont tar every muslim with a brush as you have done with western society

You've lost me. I showed my post that you replied to to my missus and she's at a loss as well. Can you elaborate please on where I have tarred every single 'man' in western society??????
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Im using my phone to type but my point is that you are tarring everyone with your views of what is wrong with society. I dont tar every muslim with a brush as you have done with western society

Once again...

Re: 'Soldier beheaded' in 'Islamist terror attack' oustide barracks in Woolwich

"the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear"

sounds pretty bang on from what i have seen so far

If this is the real definition of the term "terrorist" then i find it extremely baffling why the media were reluctant to label Anders breivik's attacks in 2011 as "terrorist attacks". They continuously labelled him a "mad man", "psychopath", etc etc etc but refused to label him a terrorist. Even when it became clear why he carried out his attacks they still chose not to direct the word "terrorist" at him.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

If this is the real definition of the term "terrorist" then i find it extremely baffling why the media were reluctant to label Anders breivik's attacks in 2011 as "terrorist attacks". They continuously labelled him a "mad man", "psychopath", etc etc etc but refused to label him a terrorist. Even when it became clear why he carried out his attacks they still chose not to direct the word "terrorist" at him.

Why do you think they didnt?
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Watching the video.. he keeps talking about "us" but then uses "our" when talking about British troops.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Watching the video.. he keeps talking about "us" but then uses "our" when talking about British troops.

Clearly gone in the head. Reports saying he was a devout christian but converted to Islam.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' in 'Islamist terror attack' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Every normal person knows this and everyone knows that the left has blood on their hands once again tonight. Im out and shant post anymore in this thread. Which is what the nazis(the left) have wanted all along and the banning of free speach.

Describing people of the left as Nazis, congratulations on this stupendously insightful contribution to the thread. That's right, don't post anymore!
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' in 'Islamist terror attack' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Then she'll be well positioned to explain the meaning of the word gobbrick to you.

Here here. He is clearly obsessed by some delusion that there is a world left wing conspiracy to to create mayhem throughout Britain... and he is the only one who knows.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

For those trying to justify these peoples actions, saying it is the work of madmen rather than anything else, bear in mind they were shouting Islamic slogans (Allahu Akhbar, or however it's spelt) and other such anti-west rhetoric.

Is it really any wonder people jump to what could be called racist conclusions?

As a footnote, have any of you seen the video now circulating about the Islamist protest march through Luton, where the former local white girl tried, quite calmly and politely, to ask why these people were spouting such hatred towards the British Police (burn in hell) and towards the laws of OUR land?

The bile being spouted in that, the way the girl was spoken to because she was a "non-believer", the refusal to accept anything other than Sharia law etc etc etc

Is it really any wonder people get riled and indeed take a racist line?

Would/could we enter a Muslim territory and walk the streets demanding death to non (christian) believers?

If we did, I strongly suspect we may get our heads hacked off. Pun intended.

JUSTIFY these people's action? Who has done that? You should delete this post.
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' in 'Islamist terror attack' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Here here. He is clearly obsessed by some delusion that there is a world left wing conspiracy to to create mayhem throughout Britain... and he is the only one who knows.

There is. They just think they're trying to do good ;)
Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

YOU, for once, should accept that not everyone thinks the same as you.

Get over it.
Who on here has justified it? You are aware of the meaning of this word I assume? That is a slur, if you are referring to posters on here. If you were referring to the wider community, then specify. And NO, I will NOT get over it!
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Re: 'Soldier beheaded' oustide barracks in Woolwich

Both the acts of mad men. Deluded as to why they did it.

One however was politically & religiously motivated, intended (as admitted by the perpetrator) to terrorise a population.

The other wasn't.

The comparison is absurd.