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So, what happened today?

Our daughter arrived Dec. 22 from Montreal for a Christmas home coming. Plan was for her to return on Dec. 27 and we spent an enjoyable day and evening with her eating good food and laughing our asses off watching the second Knives Out movie.

Our son and his girlfriend were scheduled to arrive Dec. 23 from Calgary for a visit skedded to last until Jan. 2.

Our daughter announces early on Dec. 23 that she's tested positive for Covid-19. Second test confirms it. So now, our son and girlfriend can't stay at our place. Extreme winter weather is pelting the eastern half of North America - yes, guy! Wild weather doesn't stop at the American border - so they had to find alternative accommodation. Dividing our house into zones is one thought. A neighbour two houses down offered to put them up.

In the end, my son's girlfriend's father decides to drive two hours south to Toronto through a lashing blizzard to pick them up at the airport and then drive back. They accept and we're quietly schitting bricks. There's a 100+ vehicle pile up on a major highway west of here. To our great relief, they arrived safely up north. We will enjoy Christmas in whatever fractured state it's provided this year and celebrate what we have.

Wishing you all a properly uneventful and healthy Christmas, Hannukah and New Years.

That storm sounds insane, taken over half the country plus Canada by the sounds of it. At least the infrastructure is set up to cope with it. The UK can't handle any extreme whether it be hot (roads melting) or rain (potholes appearing).

The amount of pot holes appearing at the moment due to the rain is ridiculous, thought that's what road tax is for.
So according to the chap at Timpsons (a company I can vibe with generally, they are "not allowed" to put another notch in a belt - What the fudge!? The bloke seemingly didn't want to explore the reasoning behind the change in policy as he was desperate to get back to watching trash on his mobile rather than advising of somewhere that could do it, it was a rather strange interaction.

Have the waistline accessory lobbyists put pressure on so people are pressured in to having a buy a brand new belt?
Moving to a new apartment that I've been fixing up over the last few weeks and spent the day carrying furniture up and down stairs and through doors where there wasn't really enough room for it to fit. Expecting to find a few scratches here and there (especially on stuff from IKEA), but at least it's done. Really need a holiday now .
Logged on, sent some Teams messages & emails, had a 15 minute catch up call, logged off again
Ate cheese for breakfast and cheese for lunch
I love Xmas
This Greta Thunberg, Andrew Tate story is just


he's been arrested in Romania, local police tipped off by a pizza box in his unhinged response video after she owned him on twitter.
This Greta Thunberg, Andrew Tate story is just


he's been arrested in Romania, local police tipped off by a pizza box in his unhinged response video after she owned him on twitter.

Never heard of the bloke until a few days ago. What a prized rooster! Greta is actually very funny, doesn’t get the credit for it nearly often enough. Changed her Twitter username to “Sharon” after someone on Mastermind mistakenly referred to her by that name instead of Greta Thunberg. No sense in the world that she has 15 million followers on Instagram and Kylie Jenner has 370 million, those numbers should be reversed.
What Tate has been arrested for is actually quite disturbing.

Running webcam studios essentially. It is a modern form of pimp really, but not sure there is a great deal of illegality to it? Romania is a religious country so they probably have some way to make charges stick, but it won't be a big crime. The fines will be more than covered by the increased exposure - which is what he's been seeking. It is fascinating to watch in a way - someone pimping/hyping themself up making out they are super rich, to get mugs to signup to their academy to emulate them. In the process, he is becoming pretty rich with all the subscriptions. A self-fulfilling prophecy driven by social media and gullible fans who think they can get rich quick too.
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Probably just a hallmark of the times we live in and fitting of how everything is binary in terms of left vs right, but from what I can see, almost all of Greta’s detractors appear to be conservative, usually right wing males. Another example of people not listening because her views don’t fit with theirs. listen to what she says rather than dismissing it because she’s a liberal or she’s a child.
Running webcam studios essentially. It is a modern form of pimp really, but not sure there is a great deal of illegality to it? Romania is a religios country so they probably have some way to make charges stick, but it won't be a big crime. The fines will be more than covered by the increased exposure - which is what he's been seeking. It is fascinating to watch in a way - someone pimping/hyping themself up making out they are super rich, to get mugs to signup to their academy to emulate them. In the process, he is becoming pretty rich with all the subscriptions. A self-fulfilling prophecy driven by social media and gullible fans who think they can get rich quick too.

He's been arrested on suspicion of human trafficking, rape and organised crime. A fair bit of illegality around that I'd imagine.

I'd never heard of him until yesterday. He sounds a vile piece of work.