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So, what happened today?

He's been arrested on suspicion of human trafficking, rape and organised crime. A fair bit of illegality around that I'd imagine.

I'd never heard of him until yesterday. He sounds a vile piece of work.

That is the point. Now you and the rest of the world know his name, and that is what he is selling. Your algorithm has his 01s. Purge your history quick! Sad to say it's a publicity thing, and few if any of the charges will stick. I believe he ran 'studios' or houses where consenting adults earned money working on webcam sites.
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That is point. Now you and the rest of the world know his name, and that is what he is selling. Your algorithm has his 01s. Purge your history quick! Sad to say it's a publicity thing, and few if any of the charges will stick. I believe he ran 'studios' or houses where consenting adults earned money working on webcam sites.
When you're the piece of work he is, it doesn't take much for your activities, ego or behaviour to push you the wrong side of the law.
When you're the piece of work he is, it doesn't take much for your activities, ego or behaviour to push you the wrong side of the law.

Who knows if he is a piece of work or not? I see it all from a slightly different perspective. How do you get airtime in a world where most businesses and individuals seem to want free exposure/publicity on social media? One way is to rub people up the wrong way and make controversal claims. It is far more interesting than being politically correct. In fact, many make their money from being contrary. By 'standing up to the hegemony of social rules and conventions'. It is certainly a tactic, and I don't have a problem with that per se as we wouldn't want everyone to tow one politically correct line. Conventions should always be questioned even if ultimately incorrect. As for Tate he is just making money. He converts exposure into subscriptions and makes millions a month from it. He might be a lovely guy or an evil rapist, we wouldn't know. My guess is he setup web studios, took women across borders (trafficking) to work in these places, and ran these studios in a business-like way (possibly organised crime in Romania if provable), and will contest a rape charge. If there is consent in all of these actions, and it may be hard to prove otherwise, then he'll walk free. But the authorities are probably similar to you - they also dislike him, so they could find an angle to bring him down. It's a social media saga and one he'll probably embrace to make even more money. It just feeds a narrative and generates more content.
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Who knows if he is a piece of work or not? I see it all from a slightly different perspective. How do you get airtime in a world where most businesses and individuals seem to want free exposure/publicity on social media? One way is to rub people up the wrong way and make controversal claims. It is far more interesting than being politically correct. In fact, many make their money from being contrary. By 'standing up to the hegemony of social rules and conventions'. It is certainly a tactic, and I don't have a problem with that pe se as we wouldn't want everyone to tow one politically correct line. Conventions should always be questioned even if ultimately incorrect. As for Tate he is just making money. He converts exposure into subscriptions and makes millions a month from it. He might be a lovely guy or an evil rapist, we wouldn't know. My guess is he setup web studios, took women across borders (trafficking) to work in these places, and ran these studios in a business-like way (possibly organised crime in Romania if provable), and will contest a rape charge. If there is consent in all of these actions, and it may be hard to prove otherwise, then he'll walk free. But the authorities are probably similar to you - they also dislike him, so they could find an angle to bring him down. It's a social media saga and one he'll probably embrace to make even more money. It just feeds a narrative and generates more content.

I’m always railing against political correctness as I don’t think it works, it’s not practical and it annoys people, but this guy seems like a real odious prick. I never heard of him until about 5 days ago. And from what I can see, he picked a fight with Greta Thunberg, tweeted her out of the blue and bragged about how many cars he has and how bad they are for the environment, wasn’t in response to anything. I don’t understand how people can be so flippant and apathetic about the planet. Not only that, but they seem to enjoy not giving a fudge about climate change and revel in it. I take some of your points about PC and not just going with the status quo, but you can be against PC and be dignified about it, Stephen Fry is the quintessential example of someone who is against PC for all the reasons I am, but he doesn’t go out of his way to annoy or upset people.

It’s not a good look to pick a fight with a teenager. Especially one who has made many sacrifices for a vital and urgent cause.
I’m always railing against political correctness as I don’t think it works, it’s not practical and it annoys people, but this guy seems like a real odious prick. I never heard of him until about 5 days ago. And from what I can see, he picked a fight with Greta Thunberg, tweeted her out of the blue and bragged about how many cars he has and how bad they are for the environment, wasn’t in response to anything. I don’t understand how people can be so flippant and apathetic about the planet. Not only that, but they seem to enjoy not giving a fudge about climate change and revel in it. I take some of your points about PC and not just going with the status quo, but you can be against PC and be dignified about it, Stephen Fry is the quintessential example of someone who is against PC for all the reasons I am, but he doesn’t go out of his way to annoy or upset people.

My point really was - more than anything Tate is a (all be it crude) publicist. With the exposure he signs up wannabees to his 'academy'. And here we are talking about him. That is why he tweeted X million followers Greta. She on the other hand, also loves the publicity for her cause. Who are the real mugs?
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My point really was - more than anything Tate is a (all be it crude) publicist. With the exposure he signs up wannabees to his 'academy'. And here we are talking about him. That is why he tweeted X million followers Greta. She on the other hand, also loves the publicity for her cause. Who are the real mugs?

Yeah but is going after an autistic child really the best way to go about getting publicity? As for Greta and loving publicity, that’s sort of the point. She’s trying to raise more awareness and ultimately, persuade people to care about the planet and take action. I know she’d be at risk of alienating her younger followers, but I do also wish she would take them to task for endorsing the lifestyles of the likes of the Jenner and Karadashian sisters for example. The younger generation seem to absolutely love materialism and convenience judging by how many followers the females of each of the respective families have.
My point really was - more than anything Tate is a (all be it crude) publicist. With the exposure he signs up wannabees to his 'academy'. And here we are talking about him. That is why he tweeted X million followers Greta. She on the other hand, also loves the publicity for her cause. Who are the real mugs?

He was most definitely doing it for the publicity with the initial tweet, I don't think he imagined it would escalate to the level it has now though. I agree with you on his reasons why for tweeting. Unfortunately, even though he will be largely forgotten about in the future, he has already had a profound impact on specifically teenage boys. This was a story which went nationwide in NZ, which I think has led to more productive conversations about Tate and other grifters/grifter-elects who prey on young males and those battling with their mental health and unhealed trauma for financial means:


Yeah but is going after an autistic child really the best way to go about getting publicity? As for Greta and loving publicity, that’s sort of the point. She’s trying to raise more awareness and ultimately, persuade people to care about the planet and take action. I know she’d be at risk of alienating her younger followers, but I do also wish she would take them to task for endorsing the lifestyles of the likes of the Jenner and Karadashian sisters for example. The younger generation seem to absolutely love materialism and convenience judging by how many followers the females of each of the respective families have.

Are you asking an ethical question? That is for you to make a judgment call I guess. However, is 17 years old a child? Does Greta embrace publicity? Are you not allowed to engage with autistic people? If she gets traction from Tate then is she upset? Are Tate and Greta playing a similar game publicity-wise? Controversy is why both are on the map, no?
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He was most definitely doing it for the publicity with the initial tweet, I don't think he imagined it would escalate to the level it has now though. I agree with you on his reasons why for tweeting. Unfortunately, even though he will be largely forgotten about in the future, he has already had a profound impact on specifically teenage boys. This was a story which went nationwide in NZ, which I think has led to more productive conversations about Tate and other grifters/grifter-elects who prey on young males and those battling with their mental health and unhealed trauma for financial means:



Of course. With the exposure he gets of course there will be consequences. As there are with many other things. Rap music lyrics. Social media itself. Tate didn't invent this schema and template, he embraced it. Everything he's done has been done before. I guess the fascinating thing is how global ethics are shaped by social media, regardless of who the idiot is doing the posting. I think there will be an evolution in how people conceive of social media. A greater savvy that its constructed in a certain way and used as a tool to manipulate and make money. We are getting there slowly.
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Who knows if he is a piece of work or not? I see it all from a slightly different perspective. How do you get airtime in a world where most businesses and individuals seem to want free exposure/publicity on social media? One way is to rub people up the wrong way and make controversal claims. It is far more interesting than being politically correct. In fact, many make their money from being contrary. By 'standing up to the hegemony of social rules and conventions'. It is certainly a tactic, and I don't have a problem with that per se as we wouldn't want everyone to tow one politically correct line. Conventions should always be questioned even if ultimately incorrect. As for Tate he is just making money. He converts exposure into subscriptions and makes millions a month from it. He might be a lovely guy or an evil rapist, we wouldn't know. My guess is he setup web studios, took women across borders (trafficking) to work in these places, and ran these studios in a business-like way (possibly organised crime in Romania if provable), and will contest a rape charge. If there is consent in all of these actions, and it may be hard to prove otherwise, then he'll walk free. But the authorities are probably similar to you - they also dislike him, so they could find an angle to bring him down. It's a social media saga and one he'll probably embrace to make even more money. It just feeds a narrative and generates more content.
The problem is it can be largely faux, with non faux consequences.
@SpurMeUp I have to agree with you on this TBH.

Its easy to blame one man for whats wrong with certain elements of society because of his views but I also think thats a slight cop out. In fact its a sad reflection of society that people become obsessed with the Kardashians, Jake Paul, Tate, in a way its our fault for creating the monster and not looking through it all for what it is TBH. But when I look at how people react for a simple drink like that Prime crap just confirms that people are just weird these days.

Tate clearly plays on the controversy but that aside, even if he believes it, its down to others to raise better kids than look to people to blame for their kids going out and treating women like crap. Like him or hate him what Jordan Peterson said about making sure your own beds are made before getting up and blame others for the mess you find yourselves in.

Social media is certainly a monster that is easy to understand, its humans again that are difficult ones to work out with it
Yeah but is going after an autistic child really the best way to go about getting publicity? As for Greta and loving publicity, that’s sort of the point. She’s trying to raise more awareness and ultimately, persuade people to care about the planet and take action. I know she’d be at risk of alienating her younger followers, but I do also wish she would take them to task for endorsing the lifestyles of the likes of the Jenner and Karadashian sisters for example. The younger generation seem to absolutely love materialism and convenience judging by how many followers the females of each of the respective families have.
Yes, this whole exchange did more for Greta's brand than Tate's (if he even has one now). If her reply expounded on how having 33 cars damages the climate in this or that way it would certainly resonate with her own supporters, but maybe not much further than that. And her own followers know all this brick anyway. The smalldingdongenergy hashtag was directed just as much at Tate's fanboys as it was at Tate himself. She hit the bullseye IMO.

Also, Tate is likely going to prison so there is that too. Coincidental but in a delicious way.

On the wider point of consumerism and its army of 'influencers'. It is something I abhor but I'm fighting a losing battle even in my own house. My own kids are already enthralled by the celebs and their brand endorsement of some expensive brick that is exactly the same as the cheap brick but just has their sticker on it. It is not just kids though. Everyone is at it, unfortunately. We're buying our way into oblivion.
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All a publicity stunt. Ashamed to write his name and further the exposure, but Tate is building a business off cheap publicity and mugs signing up to a fake academy.

£50 a month apparently, people really are stupid. He's an idiot but quite astute at the same time.
He's been arrested on suspicion of human trafficking, rape and organised crime. A fair bit of illegality around that I'd imagine.

I'd never heard of him until yesterday. He sounds a vile piece of work.

One of the oddballs at work listens to his podcasts.

People should be able to see through it but the are a lot of young men with no real purpose out there.

Thankfully my son is a music nut in a band and has his drawings. Been accepted to Bristol University next year if he hits his grades. He is also able to talk to girls(would not bother me if it was boys he was into)

A lot of young men don't have this. That is who tate is going after like a less educated Jordan Peterson.

I credit the wife with how our boy turned out, I can't get him to even like football. Tennis is his game.
So according to the chap at Timpsons (a company I can vibe with generally, they are "not allowed" to put another notch in a belt - What the fudge!? The bloke seemingly didn't want to explore the reasoning behind the change in policy as he was desperate to get back to watching trash on his mobile rather than advising of somewhere that could do it, it was a rather strange interaction.

Have the waistline accessory lobbyists put pressure on so people are pressured in to having a buy a brand new belt?
Just buy one of these, and you can make as many you want. It's like £5.
Just buy one of these, and you can make as many you want. It's like £5.
View attachment 14865

Appreciate the suggestion mate, however I found a nice independent key cutters who put a couple on there for a quid + had a good chat about life, the universe and everything. The chap in front of me was getting new insoles for his dancing shoes - By my estimate he was in his 70s, so fair fudging play to him!
Yes, this whole exchange did more for Greta's brand than Tate's (if he even has one now). If her reply expounded on how having 33 cars damages the climate in this or that way it would certainly resonate with her own supporters, but maybe not much further than that. And her own followers know all this brick anyway. The smalldingdongenergy hashtag was directed just as much at Tate's fanboys as it was at Tate himself. She hit the bullseye IMO.

Also, Tate is likely going to prison so there is that too. Coincidental but in a delicious way.

On the wider point of consumerism and its army of 'influencers'. It is something I abhor but I'm fighting a losing battle even in my own house. My own kids are already enthralled by the celebs and their brand endorsement of some expensive brick that is exactly the same as the cheap brick but just has their sticker on it. It is not just kids though. Everyone is at it, unfortunately. We're buying our way into oblivion.

I completely agree, it’s not just kids who love materialism. I just highlighted that kids love it but also blame the older generations for ruining the planet. Not that they are wrong to do so, but they’re not doing much to actively fix it. Outliers like Greta aside who I think is fantastic.
Mrs has told me for my 50th (November) she is taking me to Iceland for the below (bucket list item)
So so excited looks amazing, what a lovely wife !!
On the spare day we will be going to see the Orca wild, always been a huge want of mine

Reykjavik & Golden Circle Northern Lights Tour

This four-night getaway to Iceland shows off the country’s highlights. See the ‘Golden Circle’ and the famous geysers; experience the relaxing geothermal waters of the Blue Lagoon and explore the country by nightfall as you search for the Northern Lights.

What's included?


  • Transfers: return airport transfers
  • Meals: 4 breakfasts and 1 dinner at Seafood Grill
  • Accommodation: 3 nights standard double/twin room at the Hotel Frón (or similar), 1 night in a standard double/twin room at the Northern Lights Inn
  • The following activities and equipment are included: full-day excursion to the Golden Circle, Northern Lights hunt by boat, Northern Lights coach tour, entrance to Blue Lagoon (order subject to change)
  • Services of expert guides during activities
This four-night Reykjavik holiday offers the perfect introduction to Iceland’s capital and some of the country’s much-loved natural attractions. In addition, there are extensive opportunities to seek out the Aurora and hopefully catch a glimpse of this natural phenomenon as it dances in the dark skies.

A tour of the ‘Golden Circle’ will take you to the lovely Thingvellir National Park, which has been labelled by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. Here, you can see the amazing Silfra Fissure, a separation point between the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates, which has some of the clearest water on the planet. Stand in awe watching the iconic geysers of the Haukadalur Geothermal Area, and take photos by the mighty Gullfoss Waterfall. You will also have the chance to spend time in the relaxing Blue Lagoon, soaking in mineral-rich waters and getting completely refreshed.

Two nights of dedicated Northern Lights hunting are included in this trip, in addition to a third night at the Northern Lights Inn which is located in an area away from artificial light, considerably enhancing your opportunities of gazing upon the lights from the comfort of your accommodation. An extensive hunt is undertaken on day 3 as you are taken from viewpoint to viewpoint, from the luxury of a comfortable coach, away from the city lights, and into the surrounding countryside. You will also take a unique Northern Lights tour by boat, travelling out to sea and away from any light pollution
