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Serious relegation fears

I agree with you, Leicester have got the run of the ball in a lot of games but that happens some times. I do not like the way they play and I have been saying all season that I think they would slip down the table ( but it seems I was wrong). However the tables ( at the end of the season) does not lie and if they finish up as winners then they deserve it after 38 games, anything else from others is just sour grapes.
The table only tells you how many points were accumulated. It tells you nothing about whether more than half of them were deserved, how many mistakes by officials were required to get them there or whether any performance-enhancing substances have been taken.
Problem is no one has really put much pressure on Leicester, we messed up the West Ham and Arsenal games when we should have gone top, we could have gone 2 points behind them on Saturday and that might have affected them more. They were 3 tough games for us but tough games are what wins you the league.
Or if we'd beaten Leicester at The Lane in January, the gap would be just 1pt now; ceteris paribus.
If we are to point fingers at ourselves then we have to look at the start of the season. We started off poorly and dropped points when we shouldn't have. I expect we will be better next season. A settled Son and a fit Njie.
Its easy to start picking at individual games but the game at home against them, if it stays 0-0 then it is 67-63 and it all looks a lot rosier. Fine margins and all that. We just need to keep doing what we have been and to have any chance whatsoever, we have to beat Man Utd and Stoke. If we do that and they have by some stroke of luck have drawn with both Sunderland/West Ham then suddenly we are 3 points off them with 4 to play and then they will get very nervous given their fixtures.

Personally, I can see us getting 16 points out of our last 6 and the potential for Leicester to draw a few games is definitely there but they have to drop points in the next two games or it will leave too much to do for us.

As for next season, I think we have a great chance of having another go if we recruit wisely in the summer and have a better start to the season. I expect Emirates Marketing Project and Chelsea to need a bit of time to reshape which could leave them off the pace at the start of the season and Man Utd will just be in continued disarray, too much work is required to sort out the imbalanced squad they have.
If we are to point fingers at ourselves then we have to look at the start of the season. We started off poorly and dropped points when we shouldn't have. I expect we will be better next season. A settled Son and a fit Njie.

Except Son will be at the olympics and back late with no pre-season.

Think the Euro's will determine our season and how far England and Belgium go, quicker they are both knocked out the better. With hopefully the spacegoat being somebody from another team, or Danny Rose who i think would have the personality to deal with it.
We need Leicester to drop points in a minimum of three of their six remaining games, that's if we win every game left which we won't. Leicester have only lost three games all season.

I know that Emirates Marketing Project overturned an eight point deficit in 2012 with six games left - but that was because they still had Man Utd left to play and were able to beat them. We have already played Leicester twice.

People are going on about how teams we have left will have nothing to play for - but neither will Swansea, Everton or Chelsea when they play Leicester. Given the rivalry between the two clubs, Chelsea will definitely try harder to beat us than they will against Leicester, and that's assuming that Leicester haven't already wrapped up the title long before the time they go to Stamford Bridge on the final day.

The title is Leicester's. Congratulations to them. The only thing we have left to play for is finishing above Arsenal, which given the difference between our remaining fixtures and theirs, as well as their habit of always managing to be juuuuuust good enough in their run ins to finish above us every season, I would be gobsmacked if we actually manage to do it. Which is a terrible shame, because even though I'd have bitten your hand off for third at the start of the season, we've played far better football than Arsenal this year. Unfortunately, we've drawn far too many games this year. I knew those dropped points in August would come back to hurt us, and of course we let Arsenal off the hook twice...
yeah if Leicester win it then fair enough, it is what it is, we've still had a great season considering we are a work in progress

we'll be better next season
Is it next year that we are away from WHL? What are everyones thoughts on our chances next year. Like Libero says, Chelsea and City may have some reshaping to do but likewise West Ham may continue to suprise, Liverpool could push on, will leicester maintain this form? Will playing away from the Lane and Champs league hamper our chances? Ever the pessimist i don't think we'll get a chance like we had this year unfortunately.
yeah if Leicester win it then fair enough, it is what it is, we've still had a great season considering we are a work in progress

we'll be better next season

Exactly. Nothing you can say really, they have had the rub of the green big time over the last 2 months but they have been on an amazing run all season and that isn't just down to luck so you have to give credit where it is due. One thing I would expect though is that they will struggle to finish near the european spots next season with players being just totally overwhelmed with the achievement and the predictable mass influx of over paid signings they will make.
Exactly. Nothing you can say really, they have had the rub of the green big time over the last 2 months but they have been on an amazing run all season and that isn't just down to luck so you have to give credit where it is due. One thing I would expect though is that they will struggle to finish near the european spots next season with players being just totally overwhelmed with the achievement and the predictable mass influx of over paid signings they will make.

I don't think Leicester will go that route as they don't have a bottomless pit of money. However, I can see "bigger" clubs coming in for the likes of Vardy and Mahrez which could unsettle the team for next season.

Of course we'll have a similar problem with Real Madrid and Barcelona wanting our entire squad but I can't see Levy actually selling anyone for a change.
Is it next year that we are away from WHL? What are everyones thoughts on our chances next year. Like Libero says, Chelsea and City may have some reshaping to do but likewise West Ham may continue to suprise, Liverpool could push on, will leicester maintain this form? Will playing away from the Lane and Champs league hamper our chances? Ever the pessimist i don't think we'll get a chance like we had this year unfortunately.

West Ham will strengthen but if they qualify for europe then they may well be a bit stretched depending on how far they get and the inevitable swing it gives teams to visit a nice new stadium plus them getting used to it. Leicester will struggle to qualify for Europa next year imo so our biggest threat if we get it right in the summer is Arsenal.

City and Chelsea will be a threat of sorts but I don't think either of them will be consistently good across the whole of next season with the changes they are going to go through. Liverpool are probably a dark horse, a little bit like we have been this season. If they buy a solid keeper and a decent CB comes in with Matip and they can keep Sturridge fit then they can do what we have done this season imo but it will depend on how their squad copes with extra games should they have them.
I don't think Leicester will go that route as they don't have a bottomless pit of money. However, I can see "bigger" clubs coming in for the likes of Vardy and Mahrez which could unsettle the team for next season.

Of course we'll have a similar problem with Real Madrid and Barcelona wanting our entire squad but I can't see Levy actually selling anyone for a change.

Leicester are fairly well financed, their owners do have access to cash plus the new tv deal. They will feel inclined to spend, its inevitable. That's not to say they are going to attract £30m signings but I would be shocked if they didn't throw some biggish money around this window. Vardy and Mahrez will stay for the ride this season imo and it would take stupid money to acquire them which in Vardy's case would be pointless given that he is 29. Kante is probably the one player they might lose that they don't want to let go given his recent comments.
Lot of talk here about next season, this one isn't over yet..

To dare is to to do. So let's do it!

Starting by smashing LVG's bunch at the weekend.
If we are to point fingers at ourselves then we have to look at the start of the season. We started off poorly and dropped points when we shouldn't have. I expect we will be better next season. A settled Son and a fit Njie.

Exactly. Arsenal away, we should have beat them.

Arsenal at home, 2-1 up against 10 men and a side whose confidence was shot, we give away a silly goal and somehow nearly find a way to lose if not for Kevin Wimmer at the end.

Everton at home, battered them but missed gilt edged chances.

I could go on. Too many draws has cost us, not the refs helping Leicester.
The table only tells you how many points were accumulated. It tells you nothing about whether more than half of them were deserved, how many mistakes by officials were required to get them there or whether any performance-enhancing substances have been taken.

I remember when Liverpool had KKK as their manager and their fans bemoaned their "bad luck" after dominating most games, in reality, it was bad finishing. The same thing has cost us.
Lesicester's run in isn't easy but they key is whether we can get at least 5 wins from our last 6

I actually think they will only need 7pts now from 6 matches to win it, as I dont see us either us or Arsenal reaching 76pts. That is basically relegation form to fall over the line

If they fail to do that and end up 2nd I think I might just p#ss myself laughing after seeing those Leicerster scarves being sold yesterday with Premier League
Champions on
Problem is no one has really put much pressure on Leicester, we messed up the West Ham and Arsenal games when we should have gone top, we could have gone 2 points behind them on Saturday and that might have affected them more. They were 3 tough games for us but tough games are what wins you the league.

Agree entirely.

As much as the Liverpool fans at work are gloating they have now cost us title. I have said to them and on here, the NLD was the day I felt we lost it. We should have gone top that morning and really turned the screw before their match at Watford. Once they won there and went 5 clear I feared it was probably over looking at the comparitive fixtures, especially our tricky run in April
I remember when Liverpool had KKK as their manager and their fans bemoaned their "bad luck" after dominating most games, in reality, it was bad finishing. The same thing has cost us.

The main problem this season is that the 2 players that were supposed to boost us in the attack simply are not there. Njie gets injured and Son does not give his all IMO!
Now we had all been crying out for support up front before the season started..common knowledge..So to be fair we get these 2 players and it has not worked out. Therefore, we still have the whacking great hole up front that we hoped to fill in this Season!
I wanted us to buy another class midfielder that I felt was also needed.

Anyway....Son! he's scored a couple of important goals earlier in the season..but for where we have been in the League he should really be playing much, much better and realise how much he should have contributed!
He's had the experience in Germany..He needs to look in the mirror! considering how well the Team has been playing we badly needed that backup and support for HK upfront to bag us those extra goals..and not leave it all to Harry.

If this had happened confidence would have been higher...obviously we would have won more games and consequently been way out in front!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe he lacks confidence...that's not good enough ..you simply have to put shoulder to the wheel together................