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Politics, politics, politics

Was there not another election in the meantime where the party with the most votes had in its manifesto that Brexit will likely call a referendum?

Got no strong opinion here but if I voted to stay in the UK within the EU, would want another vote on the UK outside, especially as a key argument was if you leave the union you leave the EU. Not sure if that message was key North of the boarder but from the outside in certainly seemed that way

There was another election and the SNP did have a vague clause about another referendum, but it was not a major issue and certainly not a promise.

Despite the SNPs propaganda they didn't lose the Indy vote on Europe but because they had no plan for anything.
In fact gutter boys "ah, but I think it would be good" is about as far they got.
They had, and indeed 3 years later still have no creditable or viable policies on any subject.
There was another election and the SNP did have a vague clause about another referendum, but it was not a major issue and certainly not a promise.

Despite the SNPs propaganda they didn't lose the Indy vote on Europe but because they had no plan for anything.
In fact gutter boys "ah, but I think it would be good" is about as far they got.
They had, and indeed 3 years later still have no creditable or viable policies on any subject.
I am sure you are right but you don't need credible policy to win a referendum
I think it is disgusting that they are not solidifying the rights for EU citizens already living in the UK for x-amount of years to be able to stay and be safe etc.
I'm on the reverse side of the coin after spending seven years here in the Czech Republic so know exactly how they feel.
I think it is disgusting that they are not solidifying the rights for EU citizens already living in the UK for x-amount of years to be able to stay and be safe etc.
I'm on the reverse side of the coin after spending seven years here in the Czech Republic so know exactly how they feel.
That's their point isn't it? they want reciprocal treatment and until article 50 eu will not discuss
English politicians will have learnt from the last campaign to stay well clear. Milliband and Balls twigged that last time, letting (Scots) Brown and Darling run things.

May will just delegate to Ruth Davidson, who from a distance looks decent enough, to lead No. The EU will also go project-fear-max on behalf of No.

In some ways the best approach for Westminster unionists might just be aloof disdain at the whole affair, a bit like the FPTP campaign in the PR referendum.
There was another election and the SNP did have a vague clause about another referendum, but it was not a major issue and certainly not a promise.

Despite the SNPs propaganda they didn't lose the Indy vote on Europe but because they had no plan for anything.
In fact gutter boys "ah, but I think it would be good" is about as far they got.
They had, and indeed 3 years later still have no creditable or viable policies on any subject.

you could say the same about the leave campaign down here
That's their point isn't it? they want reciprocal treatment and until article 50 eu will not discuss

Honestly not sure, they are playing about it seems to me and putting the EU citizens in UK as a pawn to be bartered over.
Starting out into A50 and saying they would guarantee EU citizens rights currently in the UK in my mind would be a stronger position than trying to play hard ball. Especially if the EU does want to protect the rights of expats.

It's a bit like the kid in the nightclub claiming he knows kung-fu just before you knock his front teeth out.
"We're not guaranteeing anything"
"OK fine, fudge you" thwack.
There's a major difference between the two and it should be patently obvious to anyone not trying to push an agenda.

We are net contributors to the EU. We trade with them, but we also help prop up the basket cases in Southern Europe.

Scotland, on the other hand, is a massively underfunded country with access to the tax revenues from the South East of England.
English politicians will have learnt from the last campaign to stay well clear. Milliband and Balls twigged that last time, letting (Scots) Brown and Darling run things.

May will just delegate to Ruth Davidson, who from a distance looks decent enough, to lead No. The EU will also go project-fear-max on behalf of No.

In some ways the best approach for Westminster unionists might just be aloof disdain at the whole affair, a bit like the FPTP campaign in the PR referendum.
It's going to get messy as fudge - what will the EU position be?!
Keep Scotland in the union, keep the UK in EU?
Welcome Scotland, we will embrace your good bits - UK, you've just weakened your hand even more. Shut the door or bend over a little further?
It's going to get messy as fudge - what will the EU position be?!
Keep Scotland in the union, keep the UK in EU?
Welcome Scotland, we will embrace your good bits - UK, you've just weakened your hand even more. Shut the door or bend over a little further?

The EU will (and made it clear yesterday), that Scotland will go to the back of the queue (behind Bosnia, Macedonia, Albania, Serbia and Turkey), will have to adopt the Euro, Schengen open borders and make a hefty financial contribution. Spain and Belgium might also completely veto their application.

The EU is fundamentally against Scotland, because they know it will set a precedent for Catalonia and Flanders to follow. And being ideologically federalist, the EU can't accept nationalist secessions
The EU will (and made it clear yesterday), that Scotland will go to the back of the queue (behind Bosnia, Macedonia, Albania, Serbia and Turkey), will have to adopt the Euro, Schengen open borders and make a hefty financial contribution. Spain and Belgium might also completely veto their application.

The EU is fundamentally against Scotland, because they know it will set a precedent for Catalonia and Flanders to follow. And being ideologically federalist, the EU can't accept nationalist secessions
Have they, seen mixed messages as far as the EU go.

so no rise in NI - should we be impressed they realized that it broke their pledge and backed out or worried that they don't have a clue in the first place?

Going to have to be a fair few more cuts as well as they try and plug the gap -
Presumably they'll just make Uber/Deliveroo pay employers' NI for their 'franchisees'. That was always the real target.
so no rise in NI - should we be impressed they realized that it broke their pledge and backed out or worried that they don't have a clue in the first place?

Going to have to be a fair few more cuts as well as they try and plug the gap -
Can we just stop letting politicians make decisions now please - they really are not qualified.

Glad we're "getting our country back"....It looks in great shape
so no rise in NI - should we be impressed they realized that it broke their pledge and backed out or worried that they don't have a clue in the first place?

Going to have to be a fair few more cuts as well as they try and plug the gap -
Tax rises = bad, therefore no tax rise = good.

So we should be pleased - they're all useless fudges so we should probably be impressed they got the right answer, even via the wrong route.