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Politics, politics, politics

Tax rises = bad, therefore no tax rise = good.

So we should be pleased - they're all useless fudges so we should probably be impressed they got the right answer, even via the wrong route.

you have to thank labour for that

the education system with no wrong answers where everybody gets a cookie
Looks like the Dutch have bottled it a little bit, good news is the left have gone completely out there. But the centre will stay in power out there, would have preferred someone committed to a referendum but I think it still shows the way Europe as a whole is headed.
you have to thank labour for that

the education system with no wrong answers where everybody gets a cookie

Hammond is yet another PPE Oxford graduate politician, I'd be inclined to blame them for the general sh1t-housery of our politics (if we are blaming education). Not sure how much influence the Labour Party has there.
Interesting that the EU came out and said companies can ban religious dress in the workplace. Almost like the EU is trying after decades to re position itself on the right.

I don't get why anybody gives a sh1t about headscarves or whatever. I think they are stupid, I think Mullet haircuts are stupid. But if you want to wear one, then have at it. If people want to read a book of fairytales and pray to a non-existent GHod, then go for it. I don't care.

Did we call for the expulsion of all Catholics when the IRA were blowing things up here? Of course not.

Arrest terrorists and people who propagate hate and prosecute them. The other nonsense, I don't give a sh1t.
I don't get why anybody gives a sh1t about headscarves or whatever. I think they are stupid, I think Mullet haircuts are stupid. But if you want to wear one, then have at it. If people want to read a book of fairytales and pray to a non-existent GHod, then go for it. I don't care.

Did we call for the expulsion of all Catholics when the IRA were blowing things up here? Of course not.

Arrest terrorists and people who propagate hate and prosecute them. The other nonsense, I don't give a sh1t.

I could not give a toss either about headscarfs, though I do find you can walk down the street and smile and say good morning to men and women but women in the headscarfs will never say good morning back but give an icy stare instead.*

Personally I think a man should be able to walk down the street in a wedding dress and a woman should be able to walk down the street dressed as Grace whatever her surname is(black bird from the bond movie).

What I find interesting is the EU's stance on this now, it is like it is trying to play popular politics to keep its corrupt gangster club going that bit longer by winning over the rising right wing popular movements in Europe.

*Smiling and saying hello to people is only acceptable on days like this morning when the sun makes an appearance for the first time since mid October and the is the hope of better weather and nicer times around the corner. Or on mornings after Spurs have won a big match.
Also to note that the religious dress thing was brought about by a lady wearing a cross necklace(Christian) so it is not all about Islam. Frankly though as I said above I could not care what people wear. For the sake of people's mental health I think the is a case for banning geeks talking in that star trek language and also outright banning of all religious clothing and certainly religious schools and religions taught in schools.

Also social services should be involved with any family that tries to take a child to any form of religious house of worship. I take mental health very seriously and it is the greatest crime in today's world that we allow adults to take children in to religious places.
I say this as someone who was raised Catholic and taken to church by my mother. Bloke in a beard used to sit me down as a 6 year old and tell me my sins would be forgiven if I prayed to GHod. This can not have a good impact on children.

I tell you what if the EU banned all forms of religion in Europe, so that all Church's, Mosques and Synagogues were demolished and only science taught in schools, I would actually vote to remain in another referendum.
I don't get why anybody gives a sh1t about headscarves or whatever. I think they are stupid, I think Mullet haircuts are stupid. But if you want to wear one, then have at it. If people want to read a book of fairytales and pray to a non-existent GHod, then go for it. I don't care.

Did we call for the expulsion of all Catholics when the IRA were blowing things up here? Of course not.

Arrest terrorists and people who propagate hate and prosecute them. The other nonsense, I don't give a sh1t.
Pretty much all religious people propagate some kind of hate.

At the very least they spread their retread virus.
What's wrong with letting people live how they wish to, with the belief systems they feel works for them?

Sitting on my porcelain throne using glory-glory.co.uk mobile app
Is there a religion that doesn't require its sheep to spread the word?

Why not let people with alternative views on vaccines live their own way? Why not let people with alternative views on the age of consent live their way?
Is there a religion that doesn't require its sheep to spread the word?

Why not let people with alternative views on vaccines live their own way? Why not let people with alternative views on the age of consent live their way?

People have to abide by the law first and foremost, so that should take care of things like the age of consent. IMO, it should be the law that you have to get your child vaccinated but that's another story.

As long as people stay within the law, then what they do is their business imo.
People have to abide by the law first and foremost, so that should take care of things like the age of consent. IMO, it should be the law that you have to get your child vaccinated but that's another story.

As long as people stay within the law, then what they do is their business imo.
Not if what they do is bad for society as a whole. Religion is pretty much the baddest bad out there.
Not if what they do is bad for society as a whole. Religion is pretty much the baddest bad out there.

Yep and every single religious person I have met have forced their child into their beliefs. Persons under 18 should not be allowed to come into contact with any form of religion, it is disgusting that we still allow it in this day and age.
segueing back to scotland, from their pov, if "now isn't the time" then when the hell is?

may should stop with this "pulling together" nonsense as well, brexit is marmite until we have the facts
segueing back to scotland, from their pov, if "now isn't the time" then when the hell is?

may should stop with this "pulling together" nonsense as well, brexit is marmite until we have the facts

Scotland irreversibly starts leaving the EU in the next fortnight.

Whether it can start to make its application to join again before or after Spring 2019 (if the EU survives that long) won't really make much difference to them.

Actually the longer they wait, the more chance they've got, as it's demographics that will win it. Young people are much more nationalistic in Scotland, so as they replace the older unionists, the independence figure will get up to and beyond 50%.
segueing back to scotland, from their pov, if "now isn't the time" then when the hell is?

may should stop with this "pulling together" nonsense as well, brexit is marmite until we have the facts

Now isn't the time, it never has been. There is NO LOGICAL REASON for independence.

GB may have a point on demographics, but you would hope that as the young get out in the world and get maturity these fairy tales will be exposed for the lies that they are.

The SNP actually have people on forums and in the media claiming oil prices haven't went down, it's all a Westminster lie.
Now isn't the time, it never has been. There is NO LOGICAL REASON for independence.

GB may have a point on demographics, but you would hope that as the young get out in the world and get maturity these fairy tales will be exposed for the lies that they are.

The SNP actually have people on forums and in the media claiming oil prices haven't went down, it's all a Westminster lie.

i'm not arguing the economics of the situation, as we've seen down here it's not simply a case of logic, it's a bit rich to make a case extolling the (erroneous imo) importance of sovereignty to leave a union and then not allowing a smaller group the same chance

do you think the scottish ref leave vote would have been higher had it been known then that the uk would be leaving the eu?