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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

On the previous page you focused on the broad ethnicity and/or nationality of rapists (see 47.7% of rapists being north African - I paraphrase).
The focus here is about religion being a present factor.

From that, I am going to extrapolate that you are, in general, anti rape as an act (please correct me if this isn't the case).

I'm curious as to your hypothesis:
The first seems to suggest that the place of birth is a key factor in being a rapist, and thus you correlate it to immigration.
The second creates a link to the religion of the perpetrators being an aggravating factor.
There is also a focus on white people being the victims of assaults - is this to the exclusion of non whites that are assaulted? Do you consider any correlation to ethnicity, nationality or religious faith to be present within the victims?
What is the ethnic, nationality, religious link you make to the perpetrators?
Goes without saying. Not even something to even think about. And 99% of Muslim Gang victims where either white, or non-Mulsim, can;t remeber the 99% bit... But of course, we have been told that these people were not racist, despite nearly all their victims being white, and a tiny % if any being muslim.

The reason why I brought Muslim rape gangs, was because they was allowed to operate for decades by authorities out of the fear of being labelled racist.

Just as with the recent riots, white people were called far right for getting angry at decades of government doing naff all about mass immigration, despite people voting for parties who said they would do something about it, so the democratic option didn;t work. And democracy only works under the threat of violence. The same "far right (the vast majority wasn't)" people are getting sick of knife crime, which the original riots were about, protests have been recorded with people chanting anti-knife crime chants at the first protest that lead to the riots. Didn't get that on the news. The police cracking down on people wanting an end to knife crime.

Then the you had the Muslims riots, with Muslims walking around the streets with knives and machetes, slashing tires, attacking people in cars and pubs. Nothing on the news, nothing from the PM, nothing from the police. Just focus on the white rioters, some of whom are yes, some are brain rotted thugs. They even sentenced a 13 year old girl for it.

Yet the two Muslims that attacked police offices at Manchester airport, breaking the nose of police officer, were a week later getting a sympathy conference about how traumatised they are. Why are they not in jail? Then deported from the country? If a British person did this abroad, he would be imprisoned and deported and we would all agree with it.

Why are their no posts from the police bragging about how many Muslims carrying machetes , attacking people in cars, in the streets and in pubs have been arrested and how long they have sentenced for? Why are they not being called thugs and far right?

Why was the 100+ years sentencing of yet another Muslim grooming gang, reported so little on the news outlets, especially the left wing ones, yet people have a scuffle with police on St Georges Day got days of in depth analysis and how racist people who celebrate their national St. are.

Of course, you are going to pass it all off, ignore all the facts and claim that I am making all this up... Just like me posting an actually study on rapes in Sweden... And people claiming I wasn't even reading the study. Which I was, but like MM climate deniers, they all cry like babies when they hear things that they don't like. Going against everything they have been told.

Place of birth, culture, does have an influence on a person. If it didn't the why is it across Europe migrants from Africa, North Africa and the Middle East, more likely to rape than any other nationality. Not my figures, but the finding of several studies across Europe including the one linked previous in the thread.

And why are we ignoring these figures and letting in vast swathes of people from these communities, without proper checks, allowing them to arrive by boat (the vast majority being young fit men of working age and not refugees)... Then when crime, girls being approached by these men, sexual assults go up, it is all swept under the carpet.

I mean, looks what happening with Albanians and the drug gangs. What about three days of riots by the romanian community, becaue social service went to investigate a potential child abuse case... This is what happens in England, we protect our children and if you don;t like the laws, then F off, you don;t riot for three days becase you don;t like it. You chose to come here and we have child protection laws, deal with it.

Nope... Everyone who doesn't buy the biased BS shoved down everyones throats is a far right thug.

And this is all just one aspect of the consequences of mass migration.

Housing, energy, water, the environment, infra structure, and the list goes on.

Food - The UK, will only be able to grow enough food to feed around 50% of it is population by 2040, it already imports 60%, Usually from developing countries whose populations are exected to almost double by 2050, where are they going to grow their food? - Think I am talking sh*t? The EU and China are over fishing off the waters in Senegal, leaving the fishermen with nothing to fish, no fish no jobs, no food... At teh Same time, Morroco is buying land in Sengal to grow food for itself and for internation markets. Driving more migration from Senegal....

It is clear, that so many people have literally zero understanding of what is actually going on the world.

Mass migration has serious consequences and we have never had an honest debate in theis country as this thread proves, if you have a problem with mass migration your a racist... Well, no, maybe it's becaue people may actually know and understand a bit more you.

The worst offenders of arrogance and ignorance are the virtue signalling left with their warped sense of moral superiorty sipping on their their soya milk coffees.

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The carbon capture stuff is massively depressing. £22b for something that has never worked, and if it ever did would just be succour for big oil. It's the 'low tar' cigarettes are fine for you phase.
Posted something in the climate thread you might want to watch. A new technology derived from old nuclear fusion experiments that more or less can create deep bore holes using basically a microwave lazer to ment through rock, oppening up the possibility of geothermal energy and reusing shut down and exisisting infra-structure.

This is the type of thing I want our government to be investing in.
Expenses/gifts. 8/10
A nothing story whipped up by the right wing press. Making it an opportunity to create new rules is a great move and should garner big changes.
Giving back certain bits of gifts was clumsy, but also a reflection of the sensationalism that is UK politics.
Great post but be careful with this line. It reminded me of when the Tories tried to play down the COVID parties. There is genuine anger over the "freebies," many of which people cannot fathom, (yes whipped up by the press but some of it is justified).

It's acceptable when a freebie is given in the discharge of your ministerial duties but why does Starmer and co need Taylor Swift tickets or why can't he buy his own suits and glasses? It's a poor look in a Parliament where the government will have to make a case for the public to swallow some tough choices; it smacks of political naivete. They will have to learn from this and the clumsy way they approached the winter fuel allowance change.

On the fuel allowance, it is funny to see the Tory supporting elderly cursing Labour over it. After all it was a Labour government brought it in.
Just as with the recent riots, white people were called far right for getting angry at decades of government doing naff all about mass immigration, [/MEDIA]

Na they were called far right because they were believing and posting lies online which was then used as vindication to smash in the heads of foreigners and people with brown skin.

It was far simpler than the "years of mismanagement" BS that you have spouted
If I had to choose between allowing a migrant into the country and SkipRat, I know who i think would be allowed in. SkipRat espouses anti British values. My grandfather spent 5 years fighting against them.

Who the hell is this bloke, just skim read the last few pages and seems he has chosen this forum to spout rubbish and promote his right wing rheotric, probably because other forums can't be bothered with him OR her
The carbon capture stuff is massively depressing. £22b for something that has never worked, and if it ever did would just be succour for big oil. It's the 'low tar' cigarettes are fine for you phase.
You'd get the biggest bang for your buck using the money for solar or wind. CCS is pretty much a con and if labour choose this course I would have to think money changed hands.
Goes without saying. Not even something to even think about. And 99% of Muslim Gang victims where either white, or non-Mulsim, can;t remeber the 99% bit... But of course, we have been told that these people were not racist, despite nearly all their victims being white, and a tiny % if any being muslim.

The reason why I brought Muslim rape gangs, was because they was allowed to operate for decades by authorities out of the fear of being labelled racist.

Just as with the recent riots, white people were called far right for getting angry at decades of government doing naff all about mass immigration, despite people voting for parties who said they would do something about it, so the democratic option didn;t work. And democracy only works under the threat of violence. The same "far right (the vast majority wasn't)" people are getting sick of knife crime, which the original riots were about, protests have been recorded with people chanting anti-knife crime chants at the first protest that lead to the riots. Didn't get that on the news. The police cracking down on people wanting an end to knife crime.

Then the you had the Muslims riots, with Muslims walking around the streets with knives and machetes, slashing tires, attacking people in cars and pubs. Nothing on the news, nothing from the PM, nothing from the police. Just focus on the white rioters, some of whom are yes, some are brain rotted thugs. They even sentenced a 13 year old girl for it.

Yet the two Muslims that attacked police offices at Manchester airport, breaking the nose of police officer, were a week later getting a sympathy conference about how traumatised they are. Why are they not in jail? Then deported from the country? If a British person did this abroad, he would be imprisoned and deported and we would all agree with it.

Why are their no posts from the police bragging about how many Muslims carrying machetes , attacking people in cars, in the streets and in pubs have been arrested and how long they have sentenced for? Why are they not being called thugs and far right?

Why was the 100+ years sentencing of yet another Muslim grooming gang, reported so little on the news outlets, especially the left wing ones, yet people have a scuffle with police on St Georges Day got days of in depth analysis and how racist people who celebrate their national St. are.

Of course, you are going to pass it all off, ignore all the facts and claim that I am making all this up... Just like me posting an actually study on rapes in Sweden... And people claiming I wasn't even reading the study. Which I was, but like MM climate deniers, they all cry like babies when they hear things that they don't like. Going against everything they have been told.

Place of birth, culture, does have an influence on a person. If it didn't the why is it across Europe migrants from Africa, North Africa and the Middle East, more likely to rape than any other nationality. Not my figures, but the finding of several studies across Europe including the one linked previous in the thread.

And why are we ignoring these figures and letting in vast swathes of people from these communities, without proper checks, allowing them to arrive by boat (the vast majority being young fit men of working age and not refugees)... Then when crime, girls being approached by these men, sexual assults go up, it is all swept under the carpet.

I mean, looks what happening with Albanians and the drug gangs. What about three days of riots by the romanian community, becaue social service went to investigate a potential child abuse case... This is what happens in England, we protect our children and if you don;t like the laws, then F off, you don;t riot for three days becase you don;t like it. You chose to come here and we have child protection laws, deal with it.

Nope... Everyone who doesn't buy the biased BS shoved down everyones throats is a far right thug.

And this is all just one aspect of the consequences of mass migration.

Housing, energy, water, the environment, infra structure, and the list goes on.

Food - The UK, will only be able to grow enough food to feed around 50% of it is population by 2040, it already imports 60%, Usually from developing countries whose populations are exected to almost double by 2050, where are they going to grow their food? - Think I am talking sh*t? The EU and China are over fishing off the waters in Senegal, leaving the fishermen with nothing to fish, no fish no jobs, no food... At teh Same time, Morroco is buying land in Sengal to grow food for itself and for internation markets. Driving more migration from Senegal....

It is clear, that so many people have literally zero understanding of what is actually going on the world.

Mass migration has serious consequences and we have never had an honest debate in theis country as this thread proves, if you have a problem with mass migration your a racist... Well, no, maybe it's becaue people may actually know and understand a bit more you.

The worst offenders of arrogance and ignorance are the virtue signalling left with their warped sense of moral superiorty sipping on their their soya milk coffees.

You remember we were talking about whether you'd be a nurse and support the NHS? Or maybe work on a building site, or help out in a care home? It would be a far better use of your time than following this nonsense and propagating hate and discrimination.

Do you know why stereotypes and pre-judgements (aka prejudice) are so pervasive? As you hold a number yourself it might be worth considering. The answer is that there is a kernel of truth to them. That is what makes them so believable. But it is only a kernel. It is only a fraction of the truth, however. That is the bit you are missing, either willfully or ignorantly.

Now this IS the truth. There have been muslim rape gangs, but "there is no credible evidence for a far-right stereotype that has spread widely in the media". https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2020/dec...-admits-grooming-gangs-are-not-muslim-problem

Just like you got the Leave vote wrong, you got this wrong too. 2-0.
I'm sorry, did the fact offend you? But facts don't give a monkey's about your butt hurt feelings.
This says to me: the geezer is a macaron. That is all.

No, Brexit had nothing to do with it. I have already explained this and you are free to look up the Mogg interview where he categorically stated that they made a mistake and allowed 1.5 million in to kick start the economy, this was after the election loss. Lazy government as I stated.
If I am not mistaken this is the government who were pro-Brexit and determined to make it work? But they ballsed it up yeah? Gosh, how fuking unfortunate! You got what you wanted winning the vote, how unlucky were you to get (vote for) a government that just happened to be fuktards too, who couldn't deliver!!? Geeze some people are just so unlucky! LMAO

You'll keep believing your sob story and building the negative energy. Because that is what you do. Rather than perceive reality, you go deeper into the neurosis. Those who do well, recognise this, and extricate themselves. I don't think you are one of them. But there is potential in everyone.
Had nothing to do with Brexit, facts are facts whether you like them or not. Your argument is no better than those used by climate deniers, who think that becase there is an correlation that fits your agenda between two things, it must be correct, disrearging everything else. It's as insane as it is wrong.

The desperation you lot are going through to pin everything on Brexit is just embarrising. People are suffereing not because of Brexit.

Who is suffering? Not I. But how you walk down the street with the bile you carry is something. Mate, it aint the immigrants fault you are not where you want to be. You blame everyone else, but only you can make changes that you need to make.

They are suffering from an insane and currput housing market where some people are £1000pm (£12,000 a year extra on rent alone) or more on rent over a council house. A corrupt energy market that has sucked out £80+ billion in profits for investors since the sector was privatised, the majority occuring in in the last couple of decades. With monthly cost doubling or even trippling for many reasons.
Yet we are better off than most previous generations. All told. Things really are not that bad. Unless that is your thing: hating and conspiricy. It will eat you up. And you need to address the frustrations in your own life that are the true root cause of the disharmony.

Then there is the impact of COVID who's effect on the economy was devistating, as we hadn't recovered from the 2008 crash caused by investor greed, sub prime and mortgage debt.
The war in Ukraine, that has help raise food costs and for mention gas and electricity prices, thatnks to a corrupt global price for energy.
Damn. Okay, that may well be. Could I ask.........is anything okay!?

And the fact that you said it was fanatsy that no government couldn't deliver, is fantasy itself. The government could have done it, if the likes of Keir "Traitor" Starmer hadn't of worked with the EU against the interests of the UK.
To answer my question: clearly no, things are not okay from the Skip. And I worry about your mental health.

If pro-remain majority government had respected the wished of the people and not spent 4 years crying like babies doing everything they can to stop us leaving. Even to the point of making it illegal to walk out on a bad dead. What kind of macaron ever does that to a negotiation?

Kier Starmer got less votes than Jeremy Corbyn, he won by default, not because he sold a future to the people of the UK, that is not a win, that is the dire states of politics in the UK.
He sold more of a future than you are! Can you see how negative you are? Its "Keir Traitor Starmer", Muslims, immigrants, people who read a specific paper. What must it be like to lead a life full of hate?

Where is your light?
The only people that have really been hood winked, are those who are constantly being told that brexit is the problem to everything... It isn't... You are being played for mugs.

Hehe, this one made me laugh. From the fella who has a million problems and things to blame. It comes from your own life experiences, probably things that have happened to you, that you need to address.
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It's a political choice to rely on immigrant Labour to staff the NHS. The NHS would not shrivel up and die without immigration. Neither would the economy. This is a falsehood perpetually peddled. In a way immigration is exploitative. It always has been, right back to Irish workers being employed during the industrial revolution as they'd work for less. Cut immigration and employers would have to pay wages that British workers are willing to work for. The solution to the problem isn't rocket science and Nigel Farage and co. are actually spot on with this, hence why their vote share is increasing. You simply slash immigration significantly. There will maybe have to be a phased approach in some industries, but the idea that we need immigration or even economic growth is a lie. One necessitates the other in a never-ending doom cycle of "to sustain growth you need more people and to maintain living standards for more people you need more growth and more consumption"

This says to me: the geezer is a macaron. That is all.

If I am not mistaken this is the government who were pro-Brexit and determined to make it work? But they ballsed it up yeah? Gosh, how fuking unfortunate! You got what you wanted winning the vote, how unlucky were you to get (vote for) a government that just happened to be fuktards too, who couldn't deliver!!? Geeze some people are just so unlucky! LMAO

You'll keep believing your sob story and building the negative energy. Because that is what you do. Rather than perceive reality, you go deeper into the neurosis. Those who do well, recognise this, and extricate themselves. I don't think you are one of them. But there is potential in everyone.

Who is suffering? Not I. But how you walk down the street with the bile you carry is something. Mate, it aint the immigrants fault you are not where you want to be. You blame everyone else, but only you can make changes that you need to make.

Yet we are better off than most previous generations. All told. Things really are not that bad. Unless that is your thing: hating and conspiricy. It will eat you up. And you need to address the frustrations in your own life that are the true root cause of the disharmony.


Damn. Okay, that may well be. Could I ask.........is anything okay!?

To answer my question: clearly no, things are not okay from the Skip. And I worry about your mental health.

He sold more of a future than you are! Can you see how negative you are? Its "Keir Traitor Starmer", Muslims, immigrants, people who read a specific paper. What must it be like to lead a life full of hate?

Where is your light?

Hehe, this one made me laugh. From the fella who has a million problems and things to blame. It comes from your own life experiences, probably things that have happened to you, that you need to address.
:tearsofjoy: :tearsofjoy:

Everything is perfectly fine. I am enjoying this, you just can't see it can you.

Again, the problems of the country is down to the government of both sides of the house, who instead of solving the countries issue, have used migration to solve problem rather than addressing the issues. It's as hilarious as it breath taking you don't understand this basic concept. It's delightful to witness.

People are insinuating and trying to call me racist... But I am not the one justifying asset striping of generally poor countries of their nurses and skilled workers, because UK government on all sides of the house are to lazy and devoid of ideas to solve the countries real issues.

It's absolutely draw dropping hypocrisy how you so called morally superior people don't give a shyte about sucking poor developing countries dry of their skilled resources.

And Traitor Starmer is at it again, giving an island to Mauritius, not even consulting and listening to the native people who have major concerns with Mauritius. Who by the way are allies of the Chinese, who are probably looking to further expand their sphere of influence in the area.

Starmer is a tratorous blithering idiot. Can't be bothered to solve the issues of a far away island. So lets give it away, not to the native people, but too another island that is allied to China... Shall we have a look at what China is doing Africa? Or should we just ignore the subject because white people are not doing it so we can't call them racist for virtue signalling points?
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Burner account?
Nah, just because you don't like what you hear about some home truths, doesn't make me a troll or a burner account.

All posts like these are proving is the left don't know who to debate any more, just call people racist, trolls burner accounts oblivious to your own ignorance and hypocrisy.
:tearsofjoy: :tearsofjoy:

Everything is perfectly fine. I am enjoying this, you just can't see it can you.

Again, the problems of the country is down to the government of both sides of the house, who instead of solving the countries issue, have used migration to solve problem rather than addressing the issues. It's as hilarious as it breath taking you don't understand this basic concept. It's delightful to witness.

People are insinuating and trying to call me racist... But I am not the one justifying asset striping of generally poor countries of their nurses and skilled workers, because UK government on all sides of the house are to lazy and devoid of ideas to solve the countries real issues.

It's absolutely draw dropping hypocrisy how you so called morally superior people don't give a shyte about sucking poor developing countries dry of their skilled resources.

And Traitor Starmer is at it again, giving an island to Mauritius, not even consulting and listening to the native people who have major concerns with Mauritius. Who by the way are allies of the Chinese, who are probably looking to further expand their sphere of influence in the area.

Starmer is a tratorous blithering idiot. Can't be bothered to solve the issues of a far away island. So lets give it away, not to the native people, but too another island that is allied to China... Shall we have a look at what China is doing Africa? Or should we just ignore the subject because white people are not doing it so we can't call them racist for virtue signalling points?
Hell yeah!

Can't beat a bit of well run eco-tourism in ecoparks in some the poorest parts of the world, providing jobs and security to local communities, and an alternative for girls instead of working in bars looking after left-wing liberals who fancy shagging some young sexy teens, as the racists don't go these places, why would they.

Give me Parklife any day.
Nah, just because you don't like what you hear about some home truths, doesn't make me a troll or a burner account.

All posts like these are proving is the left don't know who to debate any more, just call people racist, trolls burner accounts oblivious to your own ignorance and hypocrisy.
Don't flatter yourself. I didn't read any of your posts after the first couple. Sorry for triggering you with that joke you didn't get.