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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

It’s in black and white above mate. You said:

“Of course according to you these cultures are on par with those that protect women rights”

The point you have failed to grasp is cultures are not something you play Top Trumps with. They far more nuanced than that. All cultures have aspects that are abhorrent, delightful, unique etc.

My tip to you: stay clear of the real **** who propagate bu11brick online painting false pictures.

You clearly sympathise or voted for Brexit - so quite frankly you’re the mug. Research shows that people prefer the European migrants to those from further afield. Which is what you’ve voted for 😂 Now suck it up. And stop believe the **** like Farage who lied to you. Brexit made immigration worse, not better. And we can thank you and cun1s like Farrage for it.

Brexit made immigration worse. Nah, Brexit didn't make immigration worse. An incompetent government made it worse and they go obliterated at the election for it. Like I said in my post above, migration is used as a fix all by lazy governments completely devoid of idea's how to fix the country, like the NHS.

Brexit gave the government the opportunity to have proper immigration, that was sustainable and a benefit to the country.

Brexit provided the opportunity, it was down to government to take advantage of it and they didn't. Then they got obliterated in the election because of it, as I said.

It's not a hard concept to understand.

Brexit made immigration worse. Nah, Brexit didn't make immigration worse. An incompetent government made it worse and they go obliterated at the election for it. Like I said in my post above, migration is used as a fix all by lazy governments completely devoid of idea's how to fix the country, like the NHS.

Brexit gave the government the opportunity to have proper immigration, that was sustainable and a benefit to the country.

Brexit provided the opportunity, it was down to government to take advantage of it and they didn't. Then they got obliterated in the election because of it, as I said.

It's not a hard concept to understand.

Brexit was widely thought to “get the job done” by stopping unlimited inflows from EU citizens. However, in the post-Brexit years, immigration has soared to unprecedented levels. Net immigration, which hovered around 200,000 in pre-Brexit years skyrocketed to an all-time high of 745,000 in 2022.

So Nige promised you less migrants, but you got a lot more and from further away. Nige promised you more money for the NHS. But in real terms there’s less money to go round as we trade less and lose a few businesses and tax revenue to the single market.

Let’s be open an honest about this. You’ve got a less white UK due to Brexit, less tax revenue to pay for stuff as we lost a bit of trade, and literally no upsides at all. Just admit it, and stop believing the cun1s who sold you the lie in the first place.
The bolded bit is just a conspiracy theory, and concerns over mass immigration go back before 1997 election, regarding the free movement people and a whole punch of countries joining the EU. Nothing to do with Russia, just that over 200,000 year net migration per year is completely unsustainable and even the most educated in the country knew it was wrong, even if they couldn't articulate better than a bumble brain.

And no, they don't get played by Farage and Robinson, they maybe be repugnant people, but they are raising serious questions and concerns.

Even in Europe, the influx of mass migration has unsettled so many countries, due to the consequences , crime and rape has gone up across Europe backed up by studies, not newspapers. Like this study from Sweden


With 47.7% of rapes committed by migrants, with majority of those committed by North Africa/Middle east accounting for 34.5% of rapes, and African's 19.1%, so over 50% of rapes by migrants from these two areas. This is repeated all across Europe. This is not Russian interference, this is what is actually happening that governments are trying to sweep under carpet... Nothing to see here. Even in the UK, it is still swept under that carpet.

And anyone who raises issues is far right, according Starmer. Lets not listen to these people who children are getting harrassed in the street and crime going up in these areas, just calm them far right.

The culture war was started by the left, stop rewriting history.

Why don't you actually READ your Swedish study instead of just throwing it up there and saying 'there, see?' You have extrapolated (out of context I might add) figures which suit your agenda/fears. In doing so, you are a key part of the problem which prevents open discussions happening.

Here's another thing I find with people who take your path/POV and live by it; they genuinely believe that anyone who doesn't agree with them is a 'lefty' who has no interest in discussing/finding solutions for the various issues which current population levels/immigration need addressing. Many of us absolutely do, but I'm not getting into discussions with anyone who just wants to throw the blame for sexual assault and crime predominantly at the feet of immigrants.

As for that last sentence about 'rewriting history'...come on. Please. Do better!!!!

BTW...my mother was an immigrant (100% Irish). My father was an immigrant (100% Iranian). My wife and daughter have both suffered sexual assaults. Neither had anything to do with 'immigrants' or 'migrants', they were committed by 'locals'. As are the vast majority of rapes and sexual assaults whatever bricky decontextualized 'statistics' you want to form-fit to your agenda.

Again, it just doesn't feel like you're interested in a discussion more than propegating your own (from what I see) very narrow lane of fears and views.
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Why don't you actually READ your Swedish study instead of just throwing it up there and saying 'there, see?' You have extrapolated (out of context I might add) figures which suit your agenda/fears. In doing so, you are a key part of the problem which prevents open discussions happening.

This fear-mongering fear-mongering drip drip drip fudges me off. You're not interested in a discussion; own it.

Here's another thing I find with people who take this path and live by it; they genuinely believe that anyone who doesn't agree with them is a 'lefty' who has no interest in discussing/finding solutions for the various issues which current population levels/immigration need addressing. Many of us absolutely do, but I'm not getting into discussions with anyone who just wants to throw the blame for sexual assault and crime predominantly at the feet of immigrants.

As for that last sentence...laughable. In fact, I have to wonder if you're a troll. One thing's for sure, you like to throw it around without much substance, so here's one back at you.

Finally...my mother was an immigrant (100% Irish). My father was an immigrant (100% Iranian). My wife and daughter have both suffered sexual assaults. Neither had anything to do with 'immigrants' or 'migrants', they were committed by 'locals'. As are the vast majority of rapes and sexual assaults whatever bricky decontextualized 'statistics' you want to form-fit to your agenda.

If you want a discussion then have a discussion.
But it seems to me that all you want is to 'convince' people that world is in a mess because of lefties and immigrants...
Overseas/migrant rapists accounted for 47.7% of rapes, of this 47.7%, 34.5 % by north African and middle eastern, 19.1% by the sub-Saharan Africa.

They be the figures. They are something like 4-1 more likely to rape than local men, when compared to the % of population. Sorry your wife and daughter got assaulted, but it doesn't change the figures, it doesn't mean that locals are not going assault women, it just means that men from these areas are more likely to assault women, studies in Germany and Finland show the same things.

And I think it is disgusting that you are using the assaults of wife and daughter in attempt to guilt trip me over providing facts, even if you don't like them. As if what happened gives you special privledges that your opinions are more important. It doesn't, if your they are factually wrong, they are factually wrong. Regardless of what happened to your wife and daughter.

Surely you wouldn't want this to happen to other girls, so why do want policies that increase that risk?

The culture war was started by the left, and it crept over from America and started with CRT many years ago, white guilt, white privige and all that other garbage that was starting to creep into everything. Also, if you have been reading my posts, which clearly you haven't, I have been blaming the government for the state of the country and using migrants as a fix all to solve the countries problems. Because governments have be run by people who have put the interests of investors over the quality of life for people.

And yes, the left are the big problem, they have seem to have lost the plot over the recent years, and common sense
Brexit was widely thought to “get the job done” by stopping unlimited inflows from EU citizens. However, in the post-Brexit years, immigration has soared to unprecedented levels. Net immigration, which hovered around 200,000 in pre-Brexit years skyrocketed to an all-time high of 745,000 in 2022.

So Nige promised you less migrants, but you got a lot more and from further away. Nige promised you more money for the NHS. But in real terms there’s less money to go round as we trade less and lose a few businesses and tax revenue to the single market.

Let’s be open an honest about this. You’ve got a less white UK due to Brexit, less tax revenue to pay for stuff as we lost a bit of trade, and literally no upsides at all. Just admit it, and stop believing the cun1s who sold you the lie in the first place.
And pre 1997 before the EU expanded it's borders migration was at 30-50,000 a year. Even 200,000 a year is unacceptably high.

Yes you are correct, that is exactly what happened and as I said previously. That was not the result of Brexit, but rather and incompetent government that didn't take advantages of the freedoms it was given.

Nothing to with Brexit, everything to do with government.

As I said in my posts earlier regarding the NHS, the government is using migrants as a fix all to the country's problems. The Tory party in their stupidity decide to let in 1.5 million migrants to kick start the economy.

Now tell me if I am wrong, if you want to boost the economy, then how about fixing the housing problem first. For example, £400 a month for a 1 bed flat on social, or £800 - £1000 pm for private rent costs. Shared accommodation is £600-£700 a month where I am, and I am nowhere near London... For a 3 bed place, near me, some families are paying £8000+ extra a year in rent for private than social.... And the only thing the government can think to do is bring in more 1.5 million people to boost the economy?

The countries woes have nothing to do with Brexit, it problems go back decades and the complete lack of vision for the future and massive protection racket that is the housing the market. The biggest beneficiaries of which are MP's and foreign investors.

Like I said... It's a simple concept, the rise in migration has nothing to do with Brexit, it's all down to government.
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