Silly McSilly Face
Clive Wilson
Even though the corporate tax rate has gone up to 25%, it is still (I believe - and feel to correct me because I could well be wrong) the lowest corporate tax rate of all the G7 countries? Put it this way, I'll bet there's a few extra bob down the back of that sofa!
Its not particularly helpful to compare the UK with other G7 economies as our economic structure is actually very different. C. 95% of UK registered businesses (off top of my head) are in the SME category and dominated by service sector. The really large corporate sectors in the UK, e.g. banking and energy have had windfall type taxes imposed on top of corporation tax rate. I'd also add that corporation tax is very sensitive to laffer type principles in that lower rates of corporation tax can attract foreign investment, assets and jobs which increase not only the actual end take from corporation tax itself but other tax takes like income tax and VAT. If you look at economic growth rate of countries like Luxembourg for example it's often off the chart compared to countries like the UK and Germsny and that's because these countries will have a tonne of economic activity generated in the UK or Germany but reported financially in Lux for tax purposes.
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