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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

A bank doesn't have to give you the bank account of your choice.

You have the right to basic banking services and that is all. beyond that the bank can choose what services to offer you.

Banks also have a responsibility (although some choose not to monitor it closely) to know where money is coming from and how legitimate it is.

Much of the allegations against people like Farage and Aaron Banks has not been proven in court but enough was not dismissed or couldn't be cleared to allow doubt about their legitimacy to remain. The language revealed in the FOI request is wrong but the premise of Coutts refusing him an account is not.

Banks have always had criteria about who they allow to have accounts and which accounts they can have. Less of a storm kicked up in the media when it is poor people, people of ethnicity or alternative lifestyles who are regularly restricted.
Same as the Tories?

This is the most right wing government this country has ever had.

It's not very right wing though is it. Soft on crime, high taxation, high benefits which even this week I read the IMF said was a drag on the UK economy and they are also weak on immigration. I think if they were actually right wing they might stand a chance of winning the next election.
A bank doesn't have to give you the bank account of your choice.

You have the right to basic banking services and that is all. beyond that the bank can choose what services to offer you.

Banks also have a responsibility (although some choose not to monitor it closely) to know where money is coming from and how legitimate it is.

Much of the allegations against people like Farage and Aaron Banks has not been proven in court but enough was not dismissed or couldn't be cleared to allow doubt about their legitimacy to remain. The language revealed in the FOI request is wrong but the premise of Coutts refusing him an account is not.

Banks have always had criteria about who they allow to have accounts and which accounts they can have. Less of a storm kicked up in the media when it is poor people, people of ethnicity or alternative lifestyles who are regularly restricted.

You have a point about poor people and ethnics if they can't get bank accounts and it is wrong.

I know a lot of you hate Farage, but it is wrong how he has been treated. But that in itself does not bother me, it is where it all ends. The west can be quite sinister sometimes. Even people who say something as uncontroversial as you can't change you gender get cancelled.
Love to see anti establishment Farage moaning about being shut out of the establishment. To be fair on this occasion he's been hard done by, don't like to see people shut out because you don't agree with them.
We'd be literally down to the bare bones if @scaramanga followed that line on here.

Chapeau that man!
You have a point about poor people and ethnics if they can't get bank accounts and it is wrong.

I know a lot of you hate Farage, but it is wrong how he has been treated. But that in itself does not bother me, it is where it all ends. The west can be quite sinister sometimes. Even people who say something as uncontroversial as you can't change you gender get cancelled.

Science is increasingly clear that gender isn't binary in humans or many, possibly all, species.

You can't change it, but you can identify it correctly beyond an archaic rigid dichotomy.
You have a point about poor people and ethnics if they can't get bank accounts and it is wrong.

I know a lot of you hate Farage, but it is wrong how he has been treated. But that in itself does not bother me, it is where it all ends. The west can be quite sinister sometimes. Even people who say something as uncontroversial as you can't change you gender get cancelled.

Its amazing really only just recently getting anywhere near equality for women, we can't now be telling them and lesbian women to get back in their box for speaking out about issues that directly affect them in aspect of safety and equality in professions such as sport. The attacks on the likes of Kathleen Stock for raising pretty fundamental and genuine issues by people who have no skin in the game is horrific and is bullying. This whole idea now that we don't open dialogue but go after people and their jobs is not civilised, its also not bigoted to discuss these things
You have a point about poor people and ethnics if they can't get bank accounts and it is wrong.

I know a lot of you hate Farage, but it is wrong how he has been treated. But that in itself does not bother me, it is where it all ends. The west can be quite sinister sometimes. Even people who say something as uncontroversial as you can't change you gender get cancelled.

I’m yet to meet one single person or anyone in the public eye that’s been cancelled for saying that.

On Farage; he’s once again played a blinder in stirring up controversy where there is little. It’s Coutts, of course they’re going to have a ‘type’ of customer that fits their criteria (I would be interested to know how many other unpalatable individuals they still have as customers though).

People get turned away from opening accounts for a myriad of logical or sometimes illogical reasons. I was inexplicably turned away from HSBC from opening a current account once. So I went down the high street and opened one with Halifax rather than having a public hissy fit about it. I suspect dear old Nige needs to keep himself in the news cycle. The global fame and fortune didn’t quite materialise as he privately thought it would after Brexit.
A bank doesn't have to give you the bank account of your choice.

You have the right to basic banking services and that is all. beyond that the bank can choose what services to offer you.

Banks also have a responsibility (although some choose not to monitor it closely) to know where money is coming from and how legitimate it is.

Much of the allegations against people like Farage and Aaron Banks has not been proven in court but enough was not dismissed or couldn't be cleared to allow doubt about their legitimacy to remain. The language revealed in the FOI request is wrong but the premise of Coutts refusing him an account is not.

Banks have always had criteria about who they allow to have accounts and which accounts they can have. Less of a storm kicked up in the media when it is poor people, people of ethnicity or alternative lifestyles who are regularly restricted.

Totally. Links to Russian funding of our political process as well. But most of all he's an odious clam, who used immigration shamelessly, to inflict economic and political turmoil on the UK. That it was well-intentioned just makes it worse: a naive and stupid odious clam.

Standing in front of an image of brown-faced Turkish immigrants to push Breixit over the line (by his own admission), and making everyone in the UK poorer, with the exception of himself no doubt and few others who milked the limelight. He happily took a salary from the EU as an MEP, and scoffed at them whilst drinking nice wine and dining out on taxpayers. The IRA never took their Parliamentary salary. Of course this clam doesn't really care about anything deeply. He's a self-publicist who's done very well out of criticising and leaning on xenophobia as many other clams have done in the past. He said he would leave the UK if Brexit failed. Then said Brexit had failed. Now his ego was upset because his toff bank turfed him, he has said he could leave the UK again. When is the clam actually going to go!!?
Did people get sent to the concentration camps by choice too?
So you are for the prison ships I take it? No need to answer. I can guess. And don't be silly. Nobody is going into them by choice.

Would it surprise you to know that you are overpaying for them too. If you want to know where your taxes are going I'd say making another tory rich is the likely answer. You must be enraged that this keeps happening, over and over.
What's the difference between a bank saying, you can't have an account, you are a clam, and a cake shop saying it won't make a cake for a gay wedding?

(Not that that's what happened with farage (rhymes with garage), but it should have)
I’m yet to meet one single person or anyone in the public eye that’s been cancelled for saying that.

On Farage; he’s once again played a blinder in stirring up controversy where there is little. It’s Coutts, of course they’re going to have a ‘type’ of customer that fits their criteria (I would be interested to know how many other unpalatable individuals they still have as customers though).

People get turned away from opening accounts for a myriad of logical or sometimes illogical reasons. I was inexplicably turned away from HSBC from opening a current account once. So I went down the high street and opened one with Halifax rather than having a public hissy fit about it. I suspect dear old Nige needs to keep himself in the news cycle. The global fame and fortune didn’t quite materialise as he privately thought it would after Brexit.

I get that banks just like any other business have the right to choose who they do business with and who let allow to open accounts. But it appears they have chosen to disassociate themselves with Farage because they don’t agree with his politics. Let me be very clear, I detest Farage and his politics but it doesn’t set a good precedent IMO. It seems that a lot of big companies are choosing to publicly throw their hat into the ring when it comes to their political ideology. The cynic in me thinks a lot of them do it to score points rather than it being for moral reasons. Just like a lot of athletes and ex-sportsmen who line up to coat Saudi Arabia but are perfectly happy to take their money to play in the Saudi football league or the LIV tournament. Andy Murray has done a u-turn recently and said he wouldn’t rule out playing tournaments in Saudi when he previously said the opposite. Not that I blame him as it’s an extraordinary amount of money, but I wish one athlete would either stick to their guns and resist the money or just be open and admit from the start that they would take the money if offered rather than doing a 180.
I get that banks just like any other business have the right to choose who they do business with and who let allow to open accounts. But it appears they have chosen to disassociate themselves with Farage because they don’t agree with his politics. Let me be very clear, I detest Farage and his politics but it doesn’t set a good precedent IMO. It seems that a lot of big companies are choosing to publicly throw their hat into the ring when it comes to their political ideology. The cynic in me thinks a lot of them do it to score points rather than it being for moral reasons. Just like a lot of athletes and ex-sportsmen who line up to coat Saudi Arabia but are perfectly happy to take their money to play in the Saudi football league or the LIV tournament. Andy Murray has done a u-turn recently and said he wouldn’t rule out playing tournaments in Saudi when he previously said the opposite. Not that I blame him as it’s an extraordinary amount of money, but I wish one athlete would either stick to their guns and resist the money or just be open and admit from the start that they would take the money if offered rather than doing a 180.

I agree it doesn’t set a good precedent. However there are infinitely worse erosions of our rights happening than a a far-right pandering weasel not getting to put his dodgy cash in a millionaires private bank. I’m not going to lose any sleep over it and I find it strange that others would unless they’re planning on banking with Coutts themselves.
I get that banks just like any other business have the right to choose who they do business with and who let allow to open accounts. But it appears they have chosen to disassociate themselves with Farage because they don’t agree with his politics. Let me be very clear, I detest Farage and his politics but it doesn’t set a good precedent IMO. It seems that a lot of big companies are choosing to publicly throw their hat into the ring when it comes to their political ideology. The cynic in me thinks a lot of them do it to score points rather than it being for moral reasons. Just like a lot of athletes and ex-sportsmen who line up to coat Saudi Arabia but are perfectly happy to take their money to play in the Saudi football league or the LIV tournament. Andy Murray has done a u-turn recently and said he wouldn’t rule out playing tournaments in Saudi when he previously said the opposite. Not that I blame him as it’s an extraordinary amount of money, but I wish one athlete would either stick to their guns and resist the money or just be open and admit from the start that they would take the money if offered rather than doing a 180.

If you are true to what you say in the second half of your post, shouldn’t you applaud Coutes staff for being principled and not wishing to associate with such a cretin? One who’s a thinly veiled fascist, and has defrauded tax payers money for his own personal gain.

Well done Couttes. Few would have the gumption to show some principles.
If you are true to what you say in the second half of your post, shouldn’t you applaud Coutes staff for being principled and not wishing to associate with such a cretin? One who’s a thinly veiled fascist, and has defrauded tax payers money for his own personal gain.

Well done Couttes. Few would have the gumption to show some principles.

Not sure I believe they are doing it for moral reasons. More likely just want to be seen to be doing the right thing.