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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

Most people I know who run businesses give payrises that match inflation - I know I do.

With inflation at 10% for over a year now, plenty of people would have had that as an increase - otherwise the job market would be flooded and it isn't.

Really? Good argument. Yeez.
Most people I know!!! :eek::eek:. We need a facepalm emoji.
Oh wow. That is shockingly naive.

And if you re-read my post you'll understand that ALL of your points are inherent within it.

If shareholder profits are increasing whilst living standards are falling, how can you describe that as workers getting what they have earned?
Again, that is the crux of where are at - significant disparity caused by neo liberalist policy.
Shareholder reward relative to the investment risk is acceptable - but we're way passed that.

You've described the conditions in a healthy competitive market. We are not there - we are closer to employees being price takers and employers being price makers, rather than equity of both being price takers. People need to eat and pay bills - squeezing living standards combined with record profits has created the position of dissatisfaction where it's harder to move employer, and COVID has exposed the possibility of difference that equals "why should we move employer? Let's make this employment work for US.". Responsible capitalism will respond if it's smart.
If employers have enough employees to provide the goods and or services they are there to provide then, by definition, the employees are being adequately rewarded.

If those employees were worth more, they would be elsewhere earning more.
If employers have enough employees to provide the goods and or services they are there to provide then, by definition, the employees are being adequately rewarded.

If those employees were worth more, they would be elsewhere earning more.
That's a very first day, GCSE understanding. And certainly not "by definition".
I note you have failed to address the complexity's I introduced around shareholders profits Vs wages Vs living conditions Vs competitive market characteristics. Funny how both yourself and our resident custard fan do that as soon as the questions get tough.
You literally only have to go back to the last time Labour were in power for examples.

Cash for honours?

How about Lord Drayson? If you want an apt parallel, he was given govt contracts for vaccines in return for huge donations to the Labour party.
Never heard of Drayson, but you must have many more examples than these two or you are making my point for me.
Lol, net migration into the UK may have reached 1m the Torygrph reporting.

UK bottom of the G7 league table for growth.

UK economy shrunk by 0.3% in March.

I think we can categorically say that Brexit has been an abject failure. It has been worse than even I thought. The one thing people could point to was immigration, we'd pay some economic price for not having more and more people coming into an already densely populated nation. But immigration is far higher now. By the time the election comes around, there could be a rejoin logic and vote winning rejoin message.
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Lol, net migration into the UK may have reached 1m the Torygrph reporting.

UK bottom of the G7 league table for growth.

UK economy shrunk by 0.3% in March.

I think we can categorically say that Brexit has been an abject failure. It has been worse than even I thought. The one thing people could point to was immigration, we'd pay some economic price for not having more and more people coming into an already densely populated nation. But immigration is far higher now. By the time the election comes around, there could be a rejoin logic and vote winning rejoin message.

Excellent to see Sunak delivering on his five pledges.
Lol, net migration into the UK may have reached 1m the Torygrph reporting.

UK bottom of the G7 league table for growth.

UK economy shrunk by 0.3% in March.

I think we can categorically say that Brexit has been an abject failure. It has been worse than even I thought. The one thing people could point to was immigration, we'd pay some economic price for not having more and more people coming into an already densely populated nation. But immigration is far higher now. By the time the election comes around, there could be a rejoin logic and vote winning rejoin message.

But isn’t the decline in living standards worth a change in passport colour, extra time spent at airports and knowing you stuck it to Brussels?

Not to mention we are now free to make trade deals with America, China and whoever we like!
‘Bendy bananas’ rule to stay after Tories abandon post-Brexit bonfire of EU red tape

EU regulation saying the fruit should be free from ‘abnormal curvature of the fingers’ was highlighted by Boris Johnson in Brexit campaign


On second thoughts what kind of a world are we living in.

51% of the nation voted for straight bananas. Sunak has failed to deliver.

Is is the sovereign will of the British people that the economy be crushed - and our children's children grow impoverished so we may feast on straight bananas!
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‘Bendy bananas’ rule to stay after Tories abandon post-Brexit bonfire of EU red tape

EU regulation saying the fruit should be free from ‘abnormal curvature of the fingers’ was highlighted by Boris Johnson in Brexit campaign


On second thoughts what kind of a world are we living in.

51% of the nation voted for straight bananas. Sunak has failed to deliver.

Is is the sovereign will of the British people that the economy be crushed - and our children's children grow impoverished so we may feast on straight bananas!
Banana homophobia is no joke.
Well obviously. Who has the best bots?

well Allegedly (by the main opposition party) the AKP are using Russian bots. Ie the CHP have accused the Russians of interfering.

And also Allegedly

The CHP are using US bots. Ie the AKP have said that the US is interfering on behalf of the CHP.
well Allegedly (by the main opposition party) the AKP are using Russian bots. Ie the CHP have accused the Russians of interfering.

And also Allegedly

The CHP are using US bots. Ie the AKP have said that the US is interfering on behalf of the CHP.
Also there is some chatter on teletext that Musk has been suppressing opposition tweets, and he has more or less admitted to it.
Also there is some chatter on teletext that Musk has been suppressing opposition tweets, and he has more or less admitted to it.

his logic there made no sense whatsoever, yes its a huge locally, but Twitter hasn't needed to rate limit in other bigger news stories previously, well not since the days of the fail whale, but that was just Twitter breaking under load rather than intentional countermeasures

he really has done a number on Twitter, and he's already the go to example of fudging up a company
his logic there made no sense whatsoever, yes its a huge locally, but Twitter hasn't needed to rate limit in other bigger news stories previously, well not since the days of the fail whale, but that was just Twitter breaking under load rather than intentional countermeasures

he really has done a number on Twitter, and he's already the go to example of fudging up a company
It is a complete coincidence he is pals with Erdogan and SpaceX is due to launch satellites for Turkey.
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Not an ambivalence. Just an acceptance that power currupts and there's nothing any of us can do about it, short of starting our own party. All parties are the same, they all use their power for their own purposes. The only politicians I believe wouldn't are the extremist nutjobs like Corbyn - electing extremists for their honesty seems like a costly solution.

The only way to solve it is to take our money out of their hands and allow people to spend it as they wish.
I’d agree that all parties are corrupt, but the endemic scale of corruption in this Tory party is far, far vaster than the cash for honours scandal under labour. The NAO, report indicates that between £29b and £59b had been lost to corruption under this government and that only covers the pandemic.
It makes the SNP farrago look positively provincial!

not to mention the series of crises that the tories have brought upon this country in trying to implement brexit.

And that clownshoe liz truss nearly causing a meltdown with her clown car economic policies.

After 13 years of colossal clusterfudges on an epic scale “anyone but the conservatives” is too bloody right.

Even corbyn wouldn’t have been as bad as this inept bunch of self serving tossers.
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