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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

honestly insane. 4 years ago a Tory MP was reprimanded for appearing at the NatC (yeh, read it out loud).

This year, our Home Secretary appears on it as well as others.

Just batbrick insane.
Sign of Sunak's weakness that Braverman is still there. GHod forbid the Tories are given another term, the poison will be even worse.
I rarely post on the subject these days, but there is a dark, gnarly thread that runs from Brexit directly to the presence of the likes of Boris, Rees Mogg, Braverman and the National Conservatives in our government. I am sure there are many who voted for Brexit that didn't see this coming and don't agree with Braverman and the National Conservatives. But it's also why remainers like me despaired at the result and the subsequent descent to an inward looking, culture warring, authoritarian little country that ironically calls this state of affairs "freedom." I really hope my children do better with politics than mine and my parents generation have done.
The tories are nothing more than rebranded UKIP. Any serious conservative politician has been run out of the party long ago. The parallels with the GOP are not a coincidence.
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@scaramanga car markers came up a lot when we discussed Brexit. Any thoughts on these stories? What has changed, or were you wide of the mark in your analysis back then?

Vauxhall-maker warns Brexit may force it to close UK factory
or this

If some mug on a footie forum (me and many others) could predict these issues years prior, what does it say about the competence of those in charge that they have not been able to preempt some of these issues? Should we seek admission from those who were either deluded or lying? They promised cake, while we got served up crap. There is clear damage to our economy and potentially the next generation's prospects. Many of the issues are fixable, but no political party is willing to get the Brexit muck on their hands. Its dirty polluted ground. They just want to ignore it. And I don't blame them. Its divisive, there are no easy fixes, just ongoing crap to address, and once you have 'addressed' the solution is sub-optimal - worse than being in the EU.

The bravest approach would be to talk with the key eu member nations - France/Germany and get their endorsement for the UK to rejoin on the old terms including the concessions given to Cameron. And then get it done. Cut our losses and move forward.

@scaramanga car markers came up a lot when we discussed Brexit. Any thoughts on these stories? What has changed, or were you wide of the mark in your analysis back then?

Vauxhall-maker warns Brexit may force it to close UK factory
or this

If some mug on a footie forum (me and many others) could predict these issues years prior, what does it say about the competence of those in charge that they have not been able to preempt some of these issues? Should we seek admission from those who were either deluded or lying? They promised cake, while we got served up crap. There is clear damage to our economy and potentially the next generation's prospects. Many of the issues are fixable, but no political party is willing to get the Brexit muck on their hands. Its dirty polluted ground. They just want to ignore it. And I don't blame them. Its divisive, there are no easy fixes, just ongoing crap to address, and once you have 'addressed' the solution is sub-optimal - worse than being in the EU.

The bravest approach would be to talk with the key eu member nations - France/Germany and get their endorsement for the UK to rejoin on the old terms including the concessions given to Cameron. And then get it done. Cut our losses and move forward.

"Scaramanga: I said cars, I don't know what a Vauxhall is."

really good point just now by James OB, people so invested in Brexit/Boris etc that after years supporting it to the rooftops, they now cant backtrack as they're too deep into it. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, they still sit there and espouse it's wonders even when all the evidence says the opposite.
really good point just now by James OB, people so invested in Brexit/Boris etc that after years supporting it to the rooftops, they now cant backtrack as they're too deep into it. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, they still sit there and espouse it's wonders even when all the evidence says the opposite.

We've not seen it helmed by an interventionist government yet. One that will use the new powers for good. For state aid, green initiatives and anti-neo-liberal ones