Steffen Freund
There's strong correlation between age and voting, education and voting and home ownership and voting. All of which correlate with wealth and/or earnings.
The marginal tax rate at £50k for many is greater than at any other rate than from £100-125k. That's now the turning point from heart to head for many, and someone earning just over £40k 2 years ago with inflationary pay increases would now be in that bracket.
I doubt anyone has cut out the middle man and written a "Do poor people vote as much as rich people" paper as some would consider it insensitive.
And in case you missed it, we are in the midst of ridiculous inflation and it's being perpetuated by wage demands.
Again, which country are you in?! Wages have not increased over 20% in the past two years!! That is utterly ludicrous.
But presumably you are right, I'm wrong, and you can back it up with some kind of evidence........