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Politics, politics, politics (so long and thanks for all the fish)

I am definitely not on a 'side' here. It seems to be a polarised topic - on both sides. Either 'I'm progressive and we should help people more' vs 'we need to control immigration more'. Broadly speaking a left vs right approach to the issue?

To me immigration is one of those issues that is, for want of a better term, popularist. It riles people and is extensively covered in media. People love to read about it! It triggers something highly emotive in them. Images of boats 'invading' our island, understanding the plight of fellow humans...etc. But a bit like gender rights it seems to consume people's attention completely disproportionally. There aren't the 'hoards' of people you'd imagine there were. For every 100,000 people who roll their eyes reading the latest gender terms story, there is probably 1 person who's changed their gender. It is a form of entertainment, rather than a real issue that affects people day to day - if we are honest. The asylum system works to some degree. It's certainly not perfect, but we take in, care for and process people. Yes we need to work with France, possibly use some deterrents and control government spending. But aren't there more important things to exercise our minds and souls? Just seems to be the same old polarised sides, with little constructive coming out of it.

I'd be fascinated to know from those who've invested time in this standing outside hotels, and those who've called for reform and feel exercised by it, what are you suggesting should change and be different about our asylum system?

Personally it is not an important issue for me and I have been backing Labour strongly for about 5 years. But I have noticed that whenever proposals are put forward certain sections of society always oppose it no matter what.

I find myself always agreeing with the working class views and it has to be said the is a wokey view running through our national news broadcaster, civil servants that puts off a lot of working class from politics.

I believe as is right this government (who I have been criticising since they got in) have said we will still be accepting asylum seekers.

Also to say we only want white ones is strange because I an sure lots but actually perhaps not enough Afghanistan refugees were settled here from air lifts last year. Also were the not a lot of people given right to come here from Hong Kong, might not have been asylum due to UK used to run Hong Kong. But puts a few holes in the nasty Brits being racist thing.

Spent most of my day planning a roadshow with my young Muslim friend Tariq from B&Q. He is back on a reading week from University. We are going to scam I mean teach forex to the masses.
Personally it is not an important issue for me and I have been backing Labour strongly for about 5 years. But I have noticed that whenever proposals are put forward certain sections of society always oppose it no matter what.

I find myself always agreeing with the working class views and it has to be said the is a wokey view running through our national news broadcaster, civil servants that puts off a lot of working class from politics.

I believe as is right this government (who I have been criticising since they got in) have said we will still be accepting asylum seekers.

Also to say we only want white ones is strange because I an sure lots but actually perhaps not enough Afghanistan refugees were settled here from air lifts last year. Also were the not a lot of people given right to come here from Hong Kong, might not have been asylum due to UK used to run Hong Kong. But puts a few holes in the nasty Brits being racist thing.

Spent most of my day planning a roadshow with my young Muslim friend Tariq from B&Q. He is back on a reading week from University. We are going to scam I mean teach forex to the masses.

Oooohh he has a Muslim friend lol!!!

And have you read anything about the Afghan situation and how many were left behind? The difference between the Ukrainian program and the way the Afghan one has been done is stark. Why?
Oooohh he has a Muslim friend lol!!!

And have you read anything about the Afghan situation and how many were left behind? The difference between the Ukrainian program and the way the Afghan one has been done is stark. Why?

Yeah read plenty, a rooster up started by trump carried on and made worse by Biden and the Democrats. But I thought we did not accept non white asylum seekers so it confuses me that.

More then one Muslim friend. I'm a sociable chap.
What is your solution?

"Remember kids, if you see injustice / needless suffering hiding in plain sight, unless you have the absolute perfect implementable solution justkeep it to yourself"

Joke POV mainly from jokers still trying to justify how mind blowingly brick the way we do things is.
The rate changes will have a devasting effect on the UK economy unless reversed. Way more so than inflation which is profit driven rather than wage driven anyway, and which will naturally taper off in '23 irrespective. Here's one I made earlier...

Here's the excellently named Danny Blanchflower explaining it better than I could.
We need to get away from the idea that interest rates of 3 to 5% are 'high'. Interest rates need to go up so that there is room to cut them again when we get to a low inflationary/deflationary environment. In many ways this current supply side driven inflation is just a decent excuse for all countries to put up interest rates.
Do you personally look after those closest to you? Your community or those in your area?

Not that it matters but yes. Foodbank. Women's shelter. Disability charity. My parents and my Gran. My wife and kids. The old people on my road. I'm no saint but I get a joy from helping people in need and I'm privileged enough to be able to afford to give my time and money. Why do you ask this question?
Amid the renewed immigration crisis rhetoric, two stats are all you need to know:

1. Asylum applications are half what they were 20 years ago.

2. Processing times of those applications have dropped from almost 90% to 4%.

Taken from an article and sourced accurately.
Might get in the way of their political point scoring though.

I used to think the right were in the wrong on this issue. But watching from the outside I really don't think the far left want to see the issue resolved. Even the lawyers are making so much money from processing the claims and appeals why would they want to see the issue resolved.

Ever more so people risk their lives as well but hey that doesn't matter to some.
Are people actually 'risking their lives'? If so how much risk is there? How many people have perished making a channel crossing in the last (say) 1 year, versus how many have arrived by that route? (I genuinely don't know by the way, there could be a huge number who have died).
We need to get away from the idea that interest rates of 3 to 5% are 'high'. Interest rates need to go up so that there is room to cut them again when we get to a low inflationary/deflationary environment. In many ways this current supply side driven inflation is just a decent excuse for all countries to put up interest rates.
Historically not high but in terms of affordability at this time, the rate increases could send millions into poverty. And the root causes of inflation in the UK economy will not be affected by this rate increase. It is the wrong tool at the wrong time IMO. The UK is in recession and will likely be for a while. The response to recession should be rate cuts (or at least not rise them much), tax cuts for the spenders (working class) and increased spending. None of this seems to be happening.
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Amid the renewed immigration crisis rhetoric, two stats are all you need to know:

1. Asylum applications are half what they were 20 years ago.

2. Processing times of those applications have dropped from almost 90% to 4%.

Taken from an article and sourced accurately.
What does item 2 mean? I don't quite understand that I must say.

What is the article please? Can you send a link I would like to read it and further my knowledge.
Not that it matters but yes. Foodbank. Women's shelter. Disability charity. My parents and my Gran. My wife and kids. The old people on my road. I'm no saint but I get a joy from helping people in need and I'm privileged enough to be able to afford to give my time and money. Why do you ask this question?

I forget the term psychologists use, but we are more sympathetic to those closer to us. In global terms that might be why we support Ukrainians more than those further away. They are in Europe and it's a bit like looking after your closer community.

I raised almost a year ago that we go above and beyond for Ukraine while arming and supporting atrocities in Yemen. That we paid Turkey to close Europe's borders to Syrian war refugees. There are people in desperate need in these places, but we focus on those closer to us. That is just being human.
We need to get away from the idea that interest rates of 3 to 5% are 'high'. Interest rates need to go up so that there is room to cut them again when we get to a low inflationary/deflationary environment. In many ways this current supply side driven inflation is just a decent excuse for all countries to put up interest rates.

House prices have historically been 4x average income. They are now more than 8x and rising. That's why interest rates have to be low (or we need house prices to halve/wages to double to rebalance that).
House prices have historically been 4x average income. They are now more than 8x and rising. That's why interest rates have to be low (or we need house prices to halve/wages to double to rebalance that).
Or alternatively there will be a correction in the housing market to account for the rise in interest rates.
Control of extremism yes, but also of badly controlled immigration.

I’m not into giving extremism, bigotry and terrorists a pass or excuse for murder or attempted murder, so it’s a hard pass from me on that Sport. As Luton said, there was zero condemnation for the actions of the terrorist and so far a couple of excuses as to his actions. Such a weird position to put oneself in.
I’m not into giving extremism, bigotry and terrorists a pass or excuse for murder or attempted murder, so it’s a hard pass from me on that Sport. As Luton said, there was zero condemnation for the actions of the terrorist and so far a couple of excuses as to his actions. Such a weird position to put oneself in.

The most recent terror attack was by a white man who wanted to kill Muslim women and children. How do we control that lads?