Finney Is Back
Colin Calderwood
There is a good book that I can recommend called 'Doughnut Ecomonics'. Talks about how pretty much every economic model relies on continual growth and the only way to achieve that really is with ongoing population increases. The author (I think she is an Oxford Professor) puts forward a model to achieve prosperity with zero growthWe need to shrink the population gradually. Constantly increasing it with immigration is just a ponzi scheme. I would set immigration numbers at a level that very deliberately gradually shrinks the population.
I'd also solve the short term problem by cutting student loans and getting back to the situation where students work hospitality and retail jobs around their studies. Get off the East Asian sausage factory approach to education
Of course the general problem with shrinking the UK population via reduced immigration is our naturally ageing population means you'll gradually have less and less workers, therefore the only way it would work is by combining your policy with enforced euthanasia.
Regarding cutting student loans and forcing students to work that would merely reduce social mobility, ensuring that those from less well off families stop going to University while those from more affluent families attend in their place.... Basically you would be doing a great deal to help the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor (which from reading your other posts seems to be the opposite of what you want to achieve in the UK).
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