Gary Stevens
I think EFTA membership, and therefore Single Market, could be easily sold in the next parliament, especially if it's isn't a Tory Govt.
Joining the customs union would be very tricky though.
The issue is likely to be whether Norway, Switzerland, Lichtenstein and Iceland want the UK in the EFTA. It could be a bit like an aging top level footballer joining a stable mid table team, but coming with their Billy big bollox ego, throwing their weight around and just doing their own thing instead of following tactics. So you'd get the odd unexpected win, but overall it'd destabilise the group.
(Or as it's otherwise known.... Ronaldo & Man U)
The other thing is once you start to unravel brexit, you start to say, why take all the rules and not make them? This logic is how we got to such a hard brexit, in reverse
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