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Other Clubs Transfer Thread

If we knew what would happen with Pool, we could do a few well placed bets.

Personally, my guess is Pool will have a difficult season, I'm not saying they are automatically out of the top 4, but certainly don't see them anywhere near top 2 or 3.
- no Suarez (like Bale, it more than just his contribution, it's the belief the side has a weapon that allows them to win any game)
- Additional pressure of CL games
- Lots of new players to integrate, most of who were mid table players for their careers
- BR's first true test, ok first season, great 2nd, can he handle the pressure and step up
- Idiot Pool fans likely expect they will win the league again this year

Who knows, to me, they are at best scrapping it out with United/Scum/Us for 2 spots (1 + 2 = City/Cheat$ki)
Pool are a step ahead of Man U, or is the gulf in class between coaches going to be that obvious. Us included are three teams in transition. I'd say Liverpool got it better than us and we've got it better than Man U.
Pool are a step ahead of Man U, or is the gulf in class between coaches going to be that obvious. Us included are three teams in transition. I'd say Liverpool got it better than us and we've got it better than Man U.

Massively disagree, I think we are more likely to finish ahead of Liverpool than Man Utd for reasons pretty much summed up by Raziel. LVG will make a massive difference, they could easily challenge for the title this year....
Massively disagree, I think we are more likely to finish ahead of Liverpool than Man Utd for reasons pretty much summed up by Raziel. LVG will make a massive difference, they could easily challenge for the title this year....

I'm thinking that having the coach settled in is the most important thing. So having difficulty understanding how a new coach can make such a massive impact while inheriting clearly unbalanced sides (Man U and spurs).
I'm thinking that having the coach settled in is the most important thing. So having difficulty understanding how a new coach can make such a massive impact while inheriting clearly unbalanced sides (Man U and spurs).

Thats a fair enough assumption and dont get me wrong Im not expressing my opinion with a massive degree of certainty. But, LVG is very Fergie like and I think his impact will be massive. I thought Southampton would struggle with the upheaval of an unproven Poch in the PL but far from it. Im just looking at things at face value. Liverpool had it easy last season compared to all other top teams. No Suarez and as of yet havent signed anyone who will replace his quality, and will have to juggle being competitive in the CL. Man Utd will make more good signings and the LVG factor is massive. I like Poch a lot, and just get the feeling with the quality of squad we have plus a couple of minor tweeks he could get us challenging for 4th....
I'm not sure LVG will be the success many expect him to be. Sadly I'm often wrong about these things, but I just have a weird feeling that the wheels have come off at Man Utd and it's going to take more than a couple of seasons of LVG to put them back on (and if he doesn't have them challenging within two seasons he'll be out the door).
Blackpool finally have 11 professionals on their books after signing three players on Monday. The midfielders Jacob Mellis and Tomasz Cywka, who were out of contract after leaving Barnsley, joined first on one-year deals subject to medicals to swell Blackpool’s depleted numbers by 25% in the space of an hour.

Then the club confirmed the former Huddersfield Town defender Peter Clarke was joining to give them 11 professionals.

José Riga’s side can in theory now field a full starting XI in their season opener against Nottingham Forest in 12 days’ time, but crucially they remain without a goalkeeper.

Blackpool had to cancel their pre-season trip to Spain to concentrate on recruiting a team after 27 players left the club this summer.

It really is shocking what's happening at blackpool, anyone know why they've let it come to this? I'm assuming money troubles?
It really is shocking what's happening at blackpool, anyone know why they've let it come to this? I'm assuming money troubles?

If you believe the new owners, the previous one pocketed the parachute payments. I believe there is going to be an investigation into their finances.
An open letter from the club's president. Communication at board level is obviously top notch.

Wow, that is amazing Jordinho! What my favourite buttplug that they can pay themselves so much without the President agreeing... Who owns what here?!
Cheers, interesting. So it's the same chairman that took them up thru the leagues that has let this situation develop? Crazy!
Cheers, interesting. So it's the same chairman that took them up thru the leagues that has let this situation develop? Crazy!

The Oyston family have been majority shareholders for a long time I think. His dad was chairman, then his mother briefly (while dad was in prison convicted for rape) before handing the reigns to her son. He's talked about not being chairman material as he won't have anything to do with dodgy agents and bungs, but the use of club money on family businesses doesn't paint him in a good light.

Belokon bought a 20% stake in 2006 and there could be other minor shareholders as well, but doesn't look like they have much say.
I'm sure back when they got promoted Holloway said that he wanted to bring one or two players and the club then decided on a sensible wage cap (10k a week or something), then all their transfer targets ended up choosing Championship clubs that paid more, and one even went to League One instead! But Holloway wasn't complaining too much as he said that getting into the PL was more important for the club as a whole and they would spend all the money on facilities such as the training ground, increasing and improving the stadium and investing in the youth set-up etc and they didnt want to waste it all on players.

I wonder if any of that happened?
Cheers, interesting. So it's the same chairman that took them up thru the leagues that has let this situation develop? Crazy!

Apparently they had a ludicrously small wage cap and next to no chance of getting promoted to the PL, with the owner content to just tread water at the bottom of the Championship and save on the expenses of actually having a decent team. Holloway pulled off a miracle and got them into the Prem, after which the owner apparently decided to pocket all the money received, and to hell with all the signings and 'infrastructure development' he'd promised the fans.

It's a sad, painful scenario they're in. Our own Joe Lewis has his faults when it comes to investing in the damn club (give us money, dammit!), but credit to the guy: he's tried to let Levy run his long-term investment with a minimal amount of intervention, and (as far as I can tell, anyway) he's refrained from actually taking any money out of the club, which is more than can be said for this Oyston bloke, apparently.
It's a sad, painful scenario they're in. Our own Joe Lewis has his faults when it comes to investing in the damn club (give us money, dammit!), but credit to the guy: he's tried to let Levy run his long-term investment with a minimal amount of intervention, and (as far as I can tell, anyway) he's refrained from actually taking any money out of the club, which is more than can be said for this Oyston bloke, apparently.

Watch this and what is happening at Saints, and all the people that want Lewis/Levy out should really take a long hard look.
Watch this and what is happening at Saints, and all the people that want Lewis/Levy out should really take a long hard look.

From what I've seen up until now, Lewis/Levy define "success" at Spurs in terms of getting the club into the top tier of European football. Their motivation is primarily self-serving of course. Same as any business owners. I'm guessing being the owners of one of Europe's biggest football clubs, replete with a new stadium, is a fairly good position to be in.

But happily, that coincides with our interests as Spurs fans.

Ultimately I don't really care why Levy wants us to be a regular Top Four club which also happens to be a well-run, self-sufficient business (with a new stadium). But if he's successful, then he deserves every penny of whatever he makes. Because when you look at what's happening at Blackpool and Southampton, you realise that there are other ways owners can make their clubs pay. And if Levy and Lewis had decided to go down that route with Spurs, who knows where we'd be right now.

I'm not saying Levy's "project" is going to be successful. And I'm certainly not saying that he doesn't make any mistakes from the perspective of us fans (he makes plenty). But when the alternatives in modern football seem to be the "Billionaire's play-thing" model; the "asset-strip at the first whiff of success" model; and the "just do whatever the hell it takes to avoid relegation" model; I'll keep faith in Levy's approach for now. Sometimes "the devil you know" really is the best option, especially when that devil seems like it still might have some mileage in it.