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Other Clubs Transfer Thread

Lots of talk around the web that Arsenal are about to sign Callum Chambers from Southampton. Region of £12-16m. Medical already done, if rumours are true.

Quite apart from Arsenal's own interest in Schneiderlin being a possible stumbling block for us, you'd have to think that it will become increasingly difficult for Southampton to sell any more top players. They'll have none left at this rate.
BBC are reporting that Lovren is having a medical at Liverpool... and they don't usually print completely fabricated rumours the way some other websites do. £20m according to the beeb. That's a lot for a central defender if true, but I think he would have been a great signing for us so I'm disappointed. Mind you, I wouldn't have said he was a £20m player and would have questioned the wisdom of spending that much on him (though frankly, the transfer market is crazy these days and I'm not sure I have any sense of what any player is "worth" any more).

Can't see Southampton letting Schneiderlin go at this rate... they certainly don't need the cash at this stage. Of course, with the entire team being sold around him, Schneiderlin may very well try to force a move. I don't like seeing players do that, and even though he clearly has a case (fans and players alike can be legitimately p*ssed off at the Southampton fire-sale), I still wouldn't like to see us capitalise on a player going on strike or something like that.

I still think we need another top centre back. And it's annoying to see Liverpool apparently get Lovren. Who else is out there, I wonder? Assume Baldini is on the case while Pochettino handles the US tour.
Drogba to Chelsea STILL on the yellow ticker on SSN!! Only about 6 hours so far and the umpteenth time they've showed THAT penalty.
Drogba to Chelsea STILL on the yellow ticker on SSN!! Only about 6 hours so far and the umpteenth time they've showed THAT penalty.

In Sky's world there are only 4 clubs in the league. The rest are an inconvenience.
BBC are reporting that Lovren is having a medical at Liverpool... and they don't usually print completely fabricated rumours the way some other websites do. £20m according to the beeb. That's a lot for a central defender if true, but I think he would have been a great signing for us so I'm disappointed. Mind you, I wouldn't have said he was a £20m player and would have questioned the wisdom of spending that much on him (though frankly, the transfer market is crazy these days and I'm not sure I have any sense of what any player is "worth" any more).

Can't see Southampton letting Schneiderlin go at this rate... they certainly don't need the cash at this stage. Of course, with the entire team being sold around him, Schneiderlin may very well try to force a move. I don't like seeing players do that, and even though he clearly has a case (fans and players alike can be legitimately p*ssed off at the Southampton fire-sale), I still wouldn't like to see us capitalise on a player going on strike or something like that.

I still think we need another top centre back. And it's annoying to see Liverpool apparently get Lovren. Who else is out there, I wonder? Assume Baldini is on the case while Pochettino handles the US tour.

if the price is right he will go......the player himself will argue why is he being made to stay when all the others have been allowed to leave. he has been there since he was 18, played for them in league 1, the championship and now the PL, he has done his service.

point is, who is going to pay the 20-25 mill?
It's going to be a transitional season for Southampton but they have a pretty large warchest to help them get restarted.

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It's going to be a transitional season for Southampton but they have a pretty large warchest to help them get restarted.

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But they need to start buying. They are having the whole heart of the team ripped out and so far have brought in two unproven players..
Drogba to Chelsea STILL on the yellow ticker on SSN!! Only about 6 hours so far and the umpteenth time they've showed THAT penalty.

I honestly, really, truly do not know why anyone watches SSN.

So, so, so, so repetitive. Dull, boring. One can get any sports news from the net or even 5 Live without the need to sit glued to that crap all day (not aimed at you, Roy!)
If Southampton's players are all top-4 material, why did they only finish eighth last season?
I honestly, really, truly do not know why anyone watches SSN.

So, so, so, so repetitive. Dull, boring. One can get any sports news from the net or even 5 Live without the need to sit glued to that crap all day (not aimed at you, Roy!)

Lol I just like to flick over every couple of hours to check for any breaking news.