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*** OMT We are MASSIVE FC v Tottenham Hotspur ***

I dont get the impression Conte wants to play anything other than a 2 in central midfield.

That is not a problem if you have CBs who can add to the midfield. That part of the team isn't working. We need more from the CBs. And we don't have attacking width from our RWB. I like Royal, give him plaudits for his energy, commitment and defending, but he doesn't attack well yet. At 23 that is okay. He's a good player to bring on to defend a lead. He doesn't offer much attacking zeal tho.

Conte now needs to add in Lenglet if he can defend. And get our 3 CBs playing a lot better. They need to be part of the midfield when we are in possession. They need to step out of the backline at times. The whole side seem hesitant. The forwards too. Son and Kane not fully rested and in their flow either.
Also, Perisic's footballing intelligence is leagues above the rest of our sorry dozers - time and again you saw him doing the simple thing, keeping possession, playing the right pass, making the right run, and telling Davies, Kane, Son et al what to do on his side, pointing where to go.

I wish the rest of them were half as smart as that, tbh.
He's brilliant. Keeps cool when others are panicking.
I've got a bad feeling about tonight now.
I was just checking how the streams were working and randomly clicked on Empoli v Verona and the first player the camera zooms in on is Kevin Lasagna!! I brick you not.
It's a sign and not a good one.
Can't help but think it might have been more watchable if we'd got the bricks again!
That is not a problem if you have CBs who can add to the midfield. That part of the team isn't working. We need more from the CBs. And we don't have attacking width from our RWB. I like Royal, give him plaudits for his energy, commitment and defending, but he doesn't attack well yet. At 23 that is okay. He's a good player to bring on to defend a lead. He doesn't offer much attacking zeal tho.

Conte now needs to add in Lenglet if he can defend. And get our 3 CBs playing a lot better. They need to be part of the midfield when we are in possession. They need to step out of the backline at times. The whole side seem hesitant. The forwards too. Son and Kane not fully rested and in their flow either.
Royal really hurts us
He shows for the ball but his passing is very limited
He works bloody hard and defends well
But this system needs attacking wing backs
Renewed my sky and bt sport for this season after an 18 month break from live Spurs/other games as all I was doing during covid was watching football and getting nothing else done. Made do with highlights and was excited to see what Conte could do with his players and a full pre-season. Underwhelmed at the moment...
Only saw the second half but we looked in complete control until falling asleep for the equaliser. Also thought Bissouma had been looking fantastic but he disappeared after that.
Royal really hurts us
He shows for the ball but his passing is very limited
He works bloody hard and defends well
But this system needs attacking wing backs

In the final third yes. Royal picked the ball up at the corner of the box with a moment to do something, he hesitates and gets tackled. But Wham were in our faces and defending deep. It was never going to be easy. There were spells in the game where we passed the ball well and made space. Kick-a-cat-Bissouma was canny and went down during a period when we were ratcheting it up. Exceptional play from him as we looked like scoring, and again post restart they were sharper. We had Hojbjerg rest on his knees, sit down, go off, come back on, sit down again, change his shoe....by the time the game restarted we were cold. A story of two pieces of gamesmanship, one that worked one that didn't.
Lloris and Sanchez are so bad on the ball. You can see teams pressing diagonally to force the ball towards Lloris and Sanchez, as they know they are rubbish and will panic. Such poor ability. I bet they are pretty good in training, but they bottle it in a match.

I thought Kulu and Perisic were really good.
But our whole setup and system and belief was lacking. Very torpid.
We could have stuck with Mourinho to see that.

Stupid that Conte refuses to use the 5 subs rule when we are so slow and tired. 72 mins before a sub?!
I’ll take a 10 point increase on last season this early
I mean we haven’t had easy games

11 points is as good as we would have been realistically hoping for from those fixtures and as you say 10 points up on last seasons fixtures too so all good on that front.

Performances have not really got going, i missed most of the second half tonight so can't comment on that but the first seemed ok to me.
Well, I'm relieved that's over.
Relieved because it wasn't exactly an enjoyable watch. Relieved because we could have lost it right at the death.
It's never especially comfortable for us over there, and maybe I should be happy with a draw, but it was disappointing that we couldn't lift our game to finish things off when we know we are so much better than them.
Oh well, still unbeaten. On we move to Saturday. At some point we're going to start off with energy and purpose, aren't we?