started on Alcatraz..another one that got cancelled. the blonde has some major boobs. now that she's free, should cast her on Thrones & get her nekkid.
Another show that got fudged over by the network. Just as they started to go somewhere with it.
started on Alcatraz..another one that got cancelled. the blonde has some major boobs. now that she's free, should cast her on Thrones & get her nekkid.
Another show that got fudged over by the network. Just as they started to go somewhere with it.
The wire needs about 7/8 episodes then it gets you hooked. By the third season you're as addicted to it as bubs is addicted to smack. Omar is the best character to ever be on tv. By the fifth season you wish it would never end but you know it will.
Watched the first season but the second season was absolute toilet, just a load of unlikable dock workers. Gave up half way through and never gone back, does it get better?
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Get it right
The Wire is a bit clunky to start with, largely because the Baltimore dialect takes a fair while to "tune in" to - before which you basically dont have a clue whats going on.
Once you have got through a handful of episodes though you find it has snuck under the skin and you are hooked.
Fabulous TV, possibly the best, and well worth persevering with
OK I mentioned it and got ignored................(sulk)
try watching Person of interest
as the series develops it gets better and better, really looking forward to the second series
even though I was still struggling with the dialect even at the end.
some of the characters were genuine gang bangers off the streets depicted. I spoke to a guy in Baltimore about the series, and he said it was so close to the truth it was scary.
Snoop effectively just plays herself (less the ending)
she is now a councillor, trying to get kids out of the "life" I believe.
even though I was still struggling with the dialect even at the end.
some of the characters were genuine gang bangers off the streets depicted. I spoke to a guy in Baltimore about the series, and he said it was so close to the truth it was scary.
Snoop effectively just plays herself (less the ending)
she is now a councillor, trying to get kids out of the "life" I believe.
You can imagine it being too strong for the faint hearted, and intellectual pseuds though
To answer both questions: Yes.
The first season is well known to be a very slow burner, I would insist on sticking with it, it takes a good 5 maybe 6 episodes for the first season to get going and from there it is gold all the way through to episode 10 of Season 5.
Drugs isn't the only theme but it is present throughout the whole show, I'm not from the backstreets of Baltimore but I assume its a massive issue in that part of the world.