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O/T The England Thread

Roy hodgson is the same as ever other man who has tried and failed with this England team.

Lescott, Johnson, Lampard, Chamberlain, milner :)ross:), and cleverely should be NOWHERE NEAR the england team.

And Sterling over Lennon? LOL.
I think that must be one of the most boring first half England performances I have ever seen -and I've seen a few. Apart from Defoe's turn and shot -which was excellent.

Although we made a few chances most of the play was so dull. I think even Gerrard got bored at the end and started knocking the ball long.
Oxlade-Chamberlain and Milner need to get back and help defend when Ukraine attack, the space they had on their goal was horendous, people blaming Gerrard for sloppy defending when Milner was nowhere in sight.
I really want Defoe to show tonight that he can participate in a functioning team against half decent opposition as a lone striker. Yes he scored a good goal (the Ukranian guy was a disgrace) but I'm not sure he can do it. He can maybe score from his one chance, but if he was more able to participate in build up would England as a team create 3 or 4 more good chances as a result?

I dunno, if Cleverley could finish we could be easily in the lead. Maybe I'm reading too much into it.
I really want Defoe to show tonight that he can participate in a functioning team against half decent opposition as a lone striker. Yes he scored a good goal (the Ukranian guy was a disgrace) but I'm not sure he can do it. He can maybe score from his one chance, but if he was more able to participate in build up would England as a team create 3 or 4 more good chances as a result?

I dunno, if Cleverley could finish we could be easily in the lead. Maybe I'm reading too much into it.

Not for a team trying to control the possession of the game imo. You can't send crosses in to Defoe, he doesn't do much in the buildup and isn't a great passer (that's why Barca can play Messi there), so the only thing you can use him for imo is to use his pace to break the offside trap playing on the counter. He did a good job against Emirates Marketing Project when they were pretty much pressing us high up, but I don't think he can play in a team that is trying to control possession.

I like the idea of having our front 6 players all over 6 feet, which is what we will have if Dempsey, Ade, and Sandro all play. If we can play a good possession and passing game, but also be hugely threatening on set pieces and physical, we will be a nightmare to play against imo.
Carrick, one of the better English midfield passers of his generation on the bench. Obviously doesn't pay to play simple, neat, unfussy football. Much better to charge around all over the place.
You need Carrick on Woy, the midfield is too open and CB's have no one to pass to. Midfield 2 of Lampard and Gerrard doesn't work lol.