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O/T The England Thread

Oh, and let me weigh in on the never ending "can Gerrard and Lampard play together" debate? No they fudging can't!!!!

Does the fact that we are STILL asking the question after all these years not reasonate with people?
And soon Jack Wheelchair will take up the mantle of massive ****/permanent fixture in the England team... if he ever gets over his 'injury' that is!

Anyone else find it laughable that players like Walcott, Chamberlain and Sterling are ahead of Lennon in the England pecking order? Surely Lennon would bring something different? Not that I'm complaining about nice injury-free couple weeks of rest now and again..

I still think that Lennon is better than Walcott who is the first choice right sided player. Lennon is a far more intelligent player than people give him credit for, far more intelligent than Walcott who Chris Waddle rightly pointed out, has no football brain.

Chamberlain and Sterling are just potential at this moment in time. I think Lennon's injury record is a big factor as to why he isn't picked, that's a good thing for us that he isn't picked really isn't it?
Once the old guard retire players like Sterling, Chamberlain, Cleverley and Wheelchair will probably be automatic choices in their positions for the next decade. Mostly based on the clubs they play for.
Re Walcott: I didn't have any English commentary the other day but did Theo get any abuse from pundits or press etc for his "head down and run straight down the pitch" tactics everytime he got the ball? It was so painful to watch!.. Even for one of the goals, it started from him on the counter attack but he knocked the ball too far ahead and lost possession only for us to score shortly after. I was watching in Belgium so was just wondering if anything was said?

For a country that has seen how a lack of keeping the ball has cost us heavily at virtually every tournament I struggle to see how Walcott is anywhere near good enough to play for his country let alone a CL side!
Re Walcott: I didn't have any English commentary the other day but did Theo get any abuse from pundits or press etc for his "head down and run straight down the pitch" tactics everytime he got the ball? It was so painful to watch!.. Even for one of the goals, it started from him on the counter attack but he knocked the ball too far ahead and lost possession only for us to score shortly after. I was watching in Belgium so was just wondering if anything was said?

For a country that has seen how a lack of keeping the ball has cost us heavily at virtually every tournament I struggle to see how Walcott is anywhere near good enough to play for his country let alone a CL side!

Yeah, he got lucky with that goal.

He also got lucky in the Sweden game at the Euros. The first goal was a fluke and should have been saved, his assist for Welbeck was a shocking cross! Behind him. The only thing Welbeck could do was flick it with his heel.
I think Walcott is a bit limited in his play but taking off the rose tinted glasses he always has more goals and assists than Lennon so what does that say for him?

Personally I hope Dempsey gets a run in our team because Lennon's end product has been shocking this season thus far
I think Walcott is a bit limited in his play but taking off the rose tinted glasses he always has more goals and assists than Lennon so what does that say for him?

Personally I hope Dempsey gets a run in our team because Lennon's end product has been shocking this season thus far

His natural position is striker though, that's where he played at Southampton, so he really should score more goals than Lennon. But it's definitely an area where Lennon should improve upon, because he is a good finisher.
Once the old guard retire players like Sterling, Chamberlain, Cleverley and Wheelchair will probably be automatic choices in their positions for the next decade. Mostly based on the clubs they play for.

really? and nothing to do with them being the most talented of their generation? There is a dearth of talent coming thru. These are better than the rest thats for sure
Oh, and let me weigh in on the never ending "can Gerrard and Lampard play together" debate? No they fudging can't!!!!

Does the fact that we are STILL asking the question after all these years not reasonate with people?

It never was a "debate" it is and always has been a truth that it should be either/or and never both.

The "debate" was more "WTF are they doing trying to get Gerrard and Lampard into the same team for!? Why havent they learnt!?"
really? and nothing to do with them being the most talented of their generation? There is a dearth of talent coming thru. These are better than the rest thats for sure

Cleverley and Wheelchair are likely to walk into any squad once fit and that is mostly due to the hype built up around them, which stems from them coming
through at United and Arsenal. Like Gerrard and Lampard, once in they're there to stay, regardless of form.
I think Cleverly and Wheelchair would work REALLY well together, as long as they have someone like Carrick behind them. Just a shame Hudd doesn't have a place nailed down as I really do feel Cleverly/Wheelchair/Hudd would work as an outstanding international midfield.
I think Cleverly and Wheelchair would work REALLY well together, as long as they have someone like Carrick behind them. Just a shame Hudd doesn't have a place nailed down as I really do feel Cleverly/Wheelchair/Hudd would work as an outstanding international midfield.

Who's ya front 3 Mumorn?
Who's ya front 3 Mumorn?

That would have been my middle three too in fact. Hudd, Cleverly and the little brickbag goon. We could dominate possession with that team and Cleverly and the goon have enough running and bite in them.

The front three has to be Rooney, Adam Johnson , Lennon/Oxlade-Chamberlain.
Danny Rose just won Man of the Match in England U21's scrappy 1-0 win over Norway

It was enough to see England top the group and become one of the eight seeded teams for the play-offs for the 2013 Finals in Israel.

England Goalscorers (24 goals scored)
4 goals Craig Dawson
4 goals Henri Lansbury
4 goals Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain
2 goals Steven Caulker
2 goals Gary Gardner
2 goals Jordan Henderson
2 goals Martin Kelly
1 goal Connor Wickham
1 goal Jonjo Shelvey
1 goal Marvin Sordell
1 goal Martyn Waghorn
Last edited:
His natural position is striker though, that's where he played at Southampton, so he really should score more goals than Lennon. But it's definitely an area where Lennon should improve upon, because he is a good finisher.

I almost feel sorry for Theo, against Moldova he must of been told run at them your pace will scare the brick out of them which he did, but the poor kid doesn't have a idea.

For the Milner goal he just ran chasing the ball. He then ran into a Moldova player and somehow ended up past the defender with the ball still at his feet. I blame Wenger for trying to change him, like Ian Wright said years ago Theo is a striker.

I think he looks like a young Owen to me, a lot of pace running in behind defenders. I think if played upfront he would get 15+ goals a year
Once the old guard retire players like Sterling, Chamberlain, Cleverley and Wheelchair will probably be automatic choices in their positions for the next decade. Mostly based on the clubs they play for.

Everything will be good when the new guys get into the team, they are a golden generation
Oh, and let me weigh in on the never ending "can Gerrard and Lampard play together" debate? No they fudging can't!!!!

Does the fact that we are STILL asking the question after all these years not reasonate with people?

I think they could in a 4-3-3, obviously they can't in basically any other formation. Lampard can play a deeper role than Gerrard though and is an overall better player now.

The question is why would you want to play these two in midfield given the other, younger possibilities. I think Lampard can still play a role in the team, I think Gerrard is just past it and shouldn't be playing for England anymore, never mind being made captain.