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Next Manager?

This bit in the BBC article re. Nuno:

It has been clear all season he has not found it easy working in a pandemic, away from his family and trying to find answers to unexpected problems on the pitch.
My boss at work, who’s a Wolf, told me he’ll be heading back to Iberia for that very reason…
That's why i hate it when we sack a manager: we get endless debates about whether he should have been sacked or hired in the first place. It's pointless, I think. He wasn't backed as much as he needed (which isn't necessarily the same as 'properly'), same as Pochettino and the end result was the same.

If that squad was so good, we would get Top 4 results without Mourinho. That's not happening, we're just as poor. The win against Southampton was as laboured and as bad as anything else we did this season. Now's probably as good a time as any to remember that some people (I can't be bother to check the names) claimed that as soon as Mourinho was gone, we could win all of our remaining games. It was supposed to 'take the shackles off', if I remember correctly. Well, so much for that.

Also, on a side note, when you go over the top with your criticism, it makes it pointless. I don't particularly like Mourinho but using terms like 'cancer' or 'poisonous' looks a bit childish to me - just like Pochettino isn't an idiot or a guru because of his lemons and auras.

The bottom line is, for various reasons, Mourinho didn't do the job he was hired to do. That's even more disapponting when you look at his resumé but, ironically, some people on here have been acting with the same kind of spite and hatred that they claim he's shown in his entire reign. Seriously guys, let it rest! I'm more curious to know who's the next guy to try his luck at managing this great club than reading for the umpteenth time what a lousy manager he is.

And yes, I know, you're not all here to entertain me but I wish you were! ;)

Excellent post - its largely the same people who wont entertain the idea of hiring Rodgers because for some weird reason they think he is a prick.

Why do people even feel the need to say that. No one gives a flying fudge if you feel that about mou or rodgers lol.

Very sad indeed!
People judging Mason after a month, when Mourinho had 18. No, we will not sudenly going to start beating everybody after he left. It's a process, switching from score and defending for our lifes, to a foward positive game.
Excellent post - its largely the same people who wont entertain the idea of hiring Rodgers because for some weird reason they think he is a prick.

Why do people even feel the need to say that. No one gives a flying fudge if you feel that about mou or rodgers lol.

Very sad indeed!

Not because he's a prick. Because when he was at liverpool, they spent a hell of a lot more than us but we finished above them more than they finished above us. I want a manager that is better than poch not one that isn't as good. He's done well at leicester. But i think there are better managers out there and as he is already on £10m a season and would command a big buy out. I think alternatives would be cheaper.
You really don't get it, do you? If you are anywhere close to being a ambitious professional athlete, that has been/is at top level, you should fudging know what works and what doesn't work for you. That's what a training diary is for. If you feel that you're not getting the results you want, but had good results in a previous training regime, you know all too fudging well what's missing and why. If you are ambitious and serious about your own performance and the team, you do what it takes to get to, and beyond the levels you were when you felt your level was high.
The point is that the player himself is responsible for fitness. Not entirely, but it's not the clubs main fault if fitness levels drop. The top athletes do what it takes, regardless. That is what sets apart the best from rest. My point is that I think the vast majority of our players don't have that desire to be among the very best. They're happy to just follow, not to lead and take personal responsibility.
I completely get it, I'm not sure you do however. The manager at a club will set the fitness regime (usually via a specialist fitness coach (or several) working under him). The fitness coach would set what they believe is the optimum regime (hopefully tailored for each player). The regime will be different over the season depending on many factors. The players would be expected to follow that exact regime. The player doing something different and off the cuff themselves instead/as well would actually be extremely counterproductive and could put them at risk of fatigue, injury etc. We're not talking about just keeping yourself a bit fit here for Sunday league football, we are talking about elite athletes who's bodies are put under extreme stress over a season.
I completely get it, I'm not sure you do however. The manager at a club will set the fitness regime (usually via a specialist fitness coach (or several) working under him). The fitness coach would set what they believe is the optimum regime (hopefully tailored for each player). The regime will be different over the season depending on many factors. The players would be expected to follow that exact regime. The player doing something different and off the cuff themselves instead/as well would actually be extremely counterproductive and could put them at risk of fatigue, injury etc. We're not talking about just keeping yourself a bit fit here for Sunday league football, we are talking about elite athletes who's bodies are put under extreme stress over a season.

I think @Kandi1977 has a fair point here, particularly when seen through the lens of the Kane interview and his point on Jose.

No doubt the club has fitness coaches and sports scientists. But Jose doesn’t want to be the person telling the players exactly what they should be doing, because he wants to encourage an environment of personal responsibility on the players. Which is why Kane, being elite, will get himself a chef and a place close to the training ground where he can keep to a precise diet, and other players as far as we know don’t do anything remotely similar. Kane takes all of these steps because he wants to be the best and doesn’t need anyone to tell him. Doesn’t mean the club won’t have sport scientists and fitness coaches laying out plans, but for the ones that want to go the extra mile and really push themselves, they don’t need to be told.

Having just watched the Kane interview in fill it really is super interesting. The idea of personal responsibility in particular. He’s elite and it’s just a fascinating insight into his mind and his single mindedness. With respect to some of our managers, why certain approaches work with some players and not others, and where our squad is in relation to others in this respect.
Not because he's a prick. Because when he was at liverpool, they spent a hell of a lot more than us but we finished above them more than they finished above us. I want a manager that is better than poch not one that isn't as good. He's done well at leicester. But i think there are better managers out there and as he is already on £10m a season and would command a big buy out. I think alternatives would be cheaper.

I completely get it, I'm not sure you do however. The manager at a club will set the fitness regime (usually via a specialist fitness coach (or several) working under him). The fitness coach would set what they believe is the optimum regime (hopefully tailored for each player). The regime will be different over the season depending on many factors. The players would be expected to follow that exact regime. The player doing something different and off the cuff themselves instead/as well would actually be extremely counterproductive and could put them at risk of fatigue, injury etc. We're not talking about just keeping yourself a bit fit here for Sunday league football, we are talking about elite athletes who's bodies are put under extreme stress over a season.
And what I'm saying is that any sane person with just a iota of ambition will be able to tell quite early if said regime is not suited to him, not enough intensity or too much of whatever, and should adress this! And I think that many don't. Ronaldo would never accept a training regime that he felt would make him a worse athlete! That's the point!
Yup, the fact that his star had fallen so much that Mourinho would risk his legacy on a squad which had been in relegation form for 9 months but he would have to try and do that without any of those trusted assistants from his heyday (will be interesting to see whether Pochettino is still working alongside Perez, D'Agostino and Jiménez in 20 years time) plus wouldn’t even have Campos there to help him replace the furniture…

Hopefully our next managerial team will have better success getting the best out of Ndombele et al but even Nicholson in his prime would’ve struggled to turn Eric Diarrhoea into the new Vertonghen I suspect!

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I fully understand what you're trying to do with this graphic.
The context is that somehow we got 4th and got to the CL Final in 2019, and when you look at the early results the following season, it is all the more outrageous (in my opinion and doubtless not yours) that he was not given a greater turnaround chance. Mourinho won one CL game in his time here. One.

Still, never question a "winner" who wants "men" out there eh...
You really don't get it, do you? If you are anywhere close to being a ambitious professional athlete, that has been/is at top level, you should fudging know what works and what doesn't work for you. That's what a training diary is for. If you feel that you're not getting the results you want, but had good results in a previous training regime, you know all too fudging well what's missing and why. If you are ambitious and serious about your own performance and the team, you do what it takes to get to, and beyond the levels you were when you felt your level was high.
The point is that the player himself is responsible for fitness. Not entirely, but it's not the clubs main fault if fitness levels drop. The top athletes do what it takes, regardless. That is what sets apart the best from rest. My point is that I think the vast majority of our players don't have that desire to be among the very best. They're happy to just follow, not to lead and take personal responsibility.

Well they certainly performed at a high level with leadership qualities between 2016-19. Digging in deep many times to find the extra push despite injuries and whatever. In fact, City and Ajax results were achieved without Kane. I think it is safe to say that when someone like JM comes in, throws his record and weight around and picks a couple of regulars to spacegoat within months, the rest of the squad are going to try and buy into what 'The Special One' is selling. You seriously think every player is going to go against the manager's training edict? Right. What happens if one trains harder and gets hurt because of it? Come on...
Its been pretty obvious to a lot of fans for a long while that s ome of our players are a disgrace and have been going back to Pochs time. Sadly the hate from s ome fans for Jose has blinded them to that fact. Jesus i have even read s ome fans suggesting that Jose is NOT a serial winner. The players have been stealing a living for at least the last couple of years and until we all open our eyes and see that nothing will change.

He was the wrong appointment for this club. Simple. He did NOTHING to help and MUCH to make FAR worse. Those are facts.
Nothing will happen this week. Get the season over with first.

yep, hence the use of the word 'starting'....would expect to see more clear rumours about the preferred candidate a few days in advance. There were also the comments about the club hoping to get it done before the end of the season

Anyway, if we're still without a manager this time next week then I think its fair to say that its highly urgent