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New England manager = Roy Hodgson

Your damned if you do, damned if you don't.

People would start going mad if our league form dipped as a result of sending most of our squad to metal dustbin kiev

It sad to see but at some point winning the UEFA cup became less important than qualifying for the other European competition. Money has overtaken glory and we're all buying into it. I know the arguments that UEFA have made it what it is but I was still jealous of Bilbao. They should either revamp the UEFA cup (maybe CL place for winner is a good idea, but also no CL rejects) or else just put it out of it's misery and add another berth or two for the CL.
Not for all of us.

In order to avoid the use of Godwin's law (but wanting to test the logical extreme) would you be happy if Martin Keown were in charge of Spurs if he got good results? Or Harold Shipman? There is always a line at which we draw our limits, a line at which the behaviour/allegiences/public opinions of our manager will cause us to lose sight of any success and find the whole experience underwhwelming at best.

For me, that limit is somewhere the other side of Redknapp's words/actions.

I'll support Spurs and I'll cheer us on no matter what - I'll be more happy with winning stuff than not. But all that success will always be tainted just like it was when Graham was in charge.

It's a shame you feel that way. I can see why Redknapp isn't some people's cup of tea, but as bad as Graham? Really? Redknapp never managed the scum and won 6 trophies for them. He managed West Ham but so what? They're not our rivals, in fact, they are completely insignificant. Tim Sherwood has admitted that he is an Arsnela fan, will you feel the same about him should he be our manager one day?
I find your posts unnecessarily belligerent and offensive too Mick. Is it because you feel attacked that you constantly resort to thinly vailed sarcasm? Whenever I read one of your posts it just reminds me of someone who is used to getting there own way and being in an environment in which there is no room for debate or differences of opinions. Maybe you don't realise how constantly aggressive your posts are.

I have tried to explain this before - and do something about the feedback I get, obviously more effort required........

I used to be in the army, and I spent the early part of my life being forced to communicate in a military fashion, and sometimes, for the sake of brevity I slip back into doing it in posts.

I would never stifle any debate, with anyone who wants to have one, if I appear abrupt I apologise. It might surprise you to learn that I am actually an unfailingly polite person, and I hate it when people are rude to me, particularly if I make an attempt to be polite to them.

I am disappointed that you think my sarcasm to be thinly veiled, I was hoping for it to be more obvious than that, I use sarcasm for the effect of poking fun or trying to extract humour out of a situation. Any belligerance in my posts is more an expression of trying to get the message across succinctly and without being overly voluble. Quite the opposite of having a conversation with me, where I tend to go into verbal overdrive.

I find it unnecessary for people to take such polarised views, particularly like you find on here - you are either a fan-boy or a hater, nothing in between.

I have no beef against Harry, and the quality and entertainment value of our current team is second to none, of all of the teams I have watched since the late sixties, with the possible exception of some of Ozzies teams - but they were just as likely to get thumped for 6 as they were to win 5-4.

I can forgive any manager who produces football like that, and it depresses me that people seek to slate the guy for everything he does or says, impugning his character, intelligence, tactical acumen, personal habits and even his progeny.

I can see the flaws in his character, I'm not blind deaf or stupid, but the cacophony of voices on here baying for his blood is irrational and dispiriting.

Everyone seems to think its OK to pitch in to the guy - I happen to think its wrong, surely my voice has the same right to be heard? Preferably without being insulted or having my intelligence questioned for doing so. I can see his faults and believe them to be grossly outweighed by what he has delivered to us all as fans, but there are a significant number on here who see absolutely no value in his continued employment. Why should that level of imbalance exist, without giving me or any other likeminded Spurs fan the opportunity to redress the balance?

If my tone - in print comes across as too much, I apologise. You would never believe it was the same person if you met me face to face.

Until I am insulted or talked down to, and then like anyone else, I will start to change my passivity state.

edit - one final point. I am passionate on what I believe support to be.

A lot of people on here are happy to make the most derogatory comments about the club I support, and it tinkles me off beyond belief. When people make inflammatory comments of that nature, on a Spurs site I wonder why its not treated as WUM activity, but it seems that its one of the rules not to questions someones allegiance when they do it (see my points tally.)

You have made several posts condemning the team, its performances, as well as those of the manager and club. I feel its disloyalty and I sometimes react. I do not think support is slavish sucking up, but neither do I think that its a licence to post continual tirades about everything that upsets you, when the club isn't winning every game or winning 5-0. Your posts tend to be more thoughtful, certainly more so than some of the carping ordure we see from the usual suspects, but if you throw your hat in the same ring, you have to accept when generalised statements are made, you get caught in the same net.
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My view. At this point I think Harry should be replaced, but if he stays I will back him. He's not a bad manager by any stretch of the imagination, but he doesn't seem to be learning from his repeated mistakes, and he needs to keep his mouth shut more. If he stays, I'm sure he will have more backing in the transfer market, but I hope he learns his lessons. I have to admit, I'm starting to see why both Pompey and Southampton brought in DoF above his head, as they obviously didn't trust his ability in the transfer market either

Pretty much echoes my feelings tbh. I would prefer a change in manager, especially if that meant the purse strings were loosened slightly for the new man but if Harry is staying then he will have my support. It would be great for him to keep schtum a bit more without hedging his bets on every question so that all options are open like with the England job speculation but I can't see it happening. He likes to talk and that isn't going to change.
Mick, that post should be completely unnecessary.

Im pretty fudging sick of the treatment you get to be honest. You can be (or come across as) Abrupt, to the point, not much beating around the bush? So what? Rarely have I ever seen you act out of line (to my eyes) and yet consistently you are walking on egg shells or fighting a corner you have been backed into.

I dont agree with you all the time, on this particular subject I think I would certainly be on the opposite side to your argument - but never have I felt the need to make such a fuss about your posting.

You make your points, you stand by them - credit to you for that. Ill be damned if I can see what you do that is so bloody "wrong".
Mick, that post should be completely unnecessary.

Im pretty fudging sick of the treatment you get to be honest. You can be (or come across as) Abrupt, to the point, not much beating around the bush? So what? Rarely have I ever seen you act out of line (to my eyes) and yet consistently you are walking on egg shells or fighting a corner you have been backed into.

I dont agree with you all the time, on this particular subject I think I would certainly be on the opposite side to your argument - but never have I felt the need to make such a fuss about your posting.

You make your points, you stand by them - credit to you for that. Ill be damned if I can see what you do that is so bloody "wrong".

Thanks, appreciate your sentiments
Mick is a great poster. I am like marmite, I respect people who know their own mind and stand their ground. We don't want thought police on the Internet. We are all passionate about spurs, that's why we get fudged off with eachother when we disagree profoundly. Vive la difference!!
The problem with this debate (and backing Mick here) is the anti Harry (and no that doesn't mean I'm pro Harry) point of view seems to come across as

- I didn't get all the xmas toys I wanted, so I'm tinkled off
- I don't like this guy personally, so I'm going to negate everything he has accomplished by focusing on other stuff.

and the solution (same as with every other club fan base) is sooo easy

- Fire this dingdong (did I mention I don't like him)
- Get rid of half the team (ignore whatever they have accomplished as well, see above)
- Hire new promising, tactical astute, progressive thinking manager
- Spend boatload of cash (half of which I justify from sales of current squad) and buy players "that will make a difference" (ignore that probably 5 or 6 clubs will outspend us still)
- We win FA Cup, qualify for CL, finish above Scum, etc. etc.

Anybody really think that's how it works? and we are the only person to think (or not think) of it?
Quote Originally Posted by linnet_spur
My view. At this point I think Harry should be replaced, but if he stays I will back him. He's not a bad manager by any stretch of the imagination, but he doesn't seem to be learning from his repeated mistakes, and he needs to keep his mouth shut more. If he stays, I'm sure he will have more backing in the transfer market, but I hope he learns his lessons. I have to admit, I'm starting to see why both Pompey and Southampton brought in DoF above his head, as they obviously didn't trust his ability in the transfer market either

Pretty much echoes my feelings tbh. I would prefer a change in manager, especially if that meant the purse strings were loosened slightly for the new man but if Harry is staying then he will have my support. It would be great for him to keep schtum a bit more without hedging his bets on every question so that all options are open like with the England job speculation but I can't see it happening. He likes to talk and that isn't going to change.

My understanding of it is that Harry has one more year on his contract ? If so, do we go into next season with that situation . From where I am sitting, this can't be good thing .

Levy will have to either give Harry a new longer contract or thank him for his services and pay him off an agreed sum.
Levy doesn't have to sack Harry but come to an agreement where its known that the parting is by mutual consent .

The FA going for Hodgson I feel is mini disaster financialy for our club. I feel Levy and the Spurs board sees it this way too. 10 million pounds compensation or thereabouts is no small sum.
The problem with this debate (and backing Mick here) is the anti Harry (and no that doesn't mean I'm pro Harry) point of view seems to come across as

- I didn't get all the xmas toys I wanted, so I'm tinkled off
- I don't like this guy personally, so I'm going to negate everything he has accomplished by focusing on other stuff.

and the solution (same as with every other club fan base) is sooo easy

- Fire this dingdong (did I mention I don't like him)
- Get rid of half the team (ignore whatever they have accomplished as well, see above)
- Hire new promising, tactical astute, progressive thinking manager
- Spend boatload of cash (half of which I justify from sales of current squad) and buy players "that will make a difference" (ignore that probably 5 or 6 clubs will outspend us still)
- We win FA Cup, qualify for CL, finish above Scum, etc. etc.

Anybody really think that's how it works? and we are the only person to think (or not think) of it?

incredibly insulting to a lot of posters who have articulated their points against Harry well -

the main thing in this whole Harry/anti Harry debate seems to me that there are several posters on the "pro Harry" side who refuse to listen to any of the constructive arguments from the "anti Harry" side and bunch them all in as a bunch of idiots who have no argument to make, rather than listening to the good points people make they choose to focus all their attention on the odd poster who levels a personal insult on him - and then tar everyone with the same brush.
incredibly insulting to a lot of posters who have articulated their points against Harry well -

the main thing in this whole Harry/anti Harry debate seems to me that there are several posters on the "pro Harry" side who refuse to listen to any of the constructive arguments from the "anti Harry" side and bunch them all in as a bunch of idiots who have no argument to make, rather than listening to the good points people make they choose to focus all their attention on the odd poster who levels a personal insult on him - and then tar everyone with the same brush.

Could not have summed it up better myself.
incredibly insulting to a lot of posters who have articulated their points against Harry well -

the main thing in this whole Harry/anti Harry debate seems to me that there are several posters on the "pro Harry" side who refuse to listen to any of the constructive arguments from the "anti Harry" side and bunch them all in as a bunch of idiots who have no argument to make, rather than listening to the good points people make they choose to focus all their attention on the odd poster who levels a personal insult on him - and then tar everyone with the same brush.


The other thing thats quite funny from some of the pro posters is that they are so pleased with being a great supporter they are just as irrational than those they slate. So many excuses made for Harry mistakes, or belittling of Harry **** ups. And yet at the same time accusing people of not recognising his good work and exaggerating his bad...

...Its the bloody same on both sides at that level.

At the end of the day on either side there is always a vocal minority of macarons, who for some reason get accepted as a majority. Then all the reasoned posters, on either side (who often arent that far apart in opinions) just get lost and drop away, same as any chance of a proper debate on the matter...
The problem with this debate (and backing Mick here) is the anti Harry (and no that doesn't mean I'm pro Harry) point of view seems to come across as

- I didn't get all the xmas toys I wanted, so I'm tinkled off
- I don't like this guy personally, so I'm going to negate everything he has accomplished by focusing on other stuff.

and the solution (same as with every other club fan base) is sooo easy

- Fire this dingdong (did I mention I don't like him)
- Get rid of half the team (ignore whatever they have accomplished as well, see above)
- Hire new promising, tactical astute, progressive thinking manager
- Spend boatload of cash (half of which I justify from sales of current squad) and buy players "that will make a difference" (ignore that probably 5 or 6 clubs will outspend us still)
- We win FA Cup, qualify for CL, finish above Scum, etc. etc.

Anybody really think that's how it works? and we are the only person to think (or not think) of it?

the trouble with this season..is, us as Spurs fans have watched the stocking getting filled up only to see all the goodies being thrown back out on the 24th!