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New England manager = Roy Hodgson

Interesting point, as yes, surely achievement should be based on the quality of the squad.

I can't answer for Mick, buy one reason I am pro-Redknapp is that like most of us I always hoped I would live to see 1. Spurs win the league 2. Spurs qualify for CL 3. England win the World Cup (less so nowadays). Redknapp and Levy achieved the second of these, and there were times in the past decade when I wondered if any of these would _ever_ happen in my lifetime.

IMO, it's hard to begrudge a man that (despite as you say having a better squad) achieved something for Spurs that noone else had before.

I just want to say that is a very good post, i want to see Redknapp replaced because i feel that he has been found out and that he can not take us any further. However he has along with Levy done a good job and it should never be forgotten, i also want to see us win the Lge but as a old fart time is running out for me.

I am hoping that with a new manager and what is a very good squad of players and with the backing of the best chairman in the Lge, it will happen before i get to much older.
now we're a couple of wins away from the champs league ...........you couldn't make it up the crap that goes on here............

This. It wasn't that long ago that we celebrated qualifying for the UEFA Cup.
Now, even our "failure" of messing up 3rd could still mean we qualify for the CL in 4th - we've come a long way.
I just want to say that is a very good post, i want to see Redknapp replaced because i feel that he has been found out and that he can not take us any further. However he has along with Levy done a good job and it should never be forgotten, i also want to see us win the Lge but as a old fart time is running out for me.

I am hoping that with a new manager and what is a very good squad of players and with the backing of the best chairman in the Lge, it will happen before i get to much older.

I think my happiness at us making CL at all probably does make me biased, and yes, as you say with a better manager and a couple more players we could really go places.
I think I'm just wary with Spurs of being careful what I wish for! I cannot recall a single time when getting too greedy did us any favours.
There is no point in trying to explain why you are wrong by herding all the Redknapp doubters into one cubby hole, you obviously believe that you are superior to some ( because they use profound language) and to others because they believe Redknapp is past his sell by date. As for a personal attack on you well i am sorry if i hurt your delicate feelings, however you should think about how delicate they are before assuming that those who disagree with you have a sad out look on life, after all if you are going to say things that are ( to some) insulting then you should take it as well as give it.

As i say the atmosphere up on that high horse must be really thin some times.

Trust me, nothing you have said has hurt my feelings at all, and you cannot begin to believe what I feel about someone who takes your course of cheap jibes to try to make a point.

I can take any amount of insults when they are justified, but you haven't made any attempt to say anything. I have a point of view, I have made it and am prepared to defend it. You have nothing to offer except equine analogies and a Victor Meldrew moan about being lumped into a category that you quite clearly fit in to, a group of people who can only see the faults they perceive, and lack the rationale to work out that all of the good outweighs your petty complaints.

Far from me sitting on a high horse, I'd say that you were the one looking down with lofty disdain, not wanting to be associated with all of the other detractors.

Tell me what I said was wrong
This. It wasn't that long ago that we celebrated qualifying for the UEFA Cup.
Now, even our "failure" of messing up 3rd could still mean we qualify for the CL in 4th - we've come a long way.

Indeed and we now have a manager who sacks it off at every turn, in the fifty years i have been a supporter i never thought i would ever see a Spurs manager throw games in Europe.
i have no issue with the way he handled the europa league, the contempt he treats it with is still less than that which uefa do
Trust me, nothing you have said has hurt my feelings at all, and you cannot begin to believe what I feel about someone who takes your course of cheap jibes to try to make a point.

I can take any amount of insults when they are justified, but you haven't made any attempt to say anything. I have a point of view, I have made it and am prepared to defend it. You have nothing to offer except equine analogies and a Victor Meldrew moan about being lumped into a category that you quite clearly fit in to, a group of people who can only see the faults they perceive, and lack the rationale to work out that all of the good outweighs your petty complaints.

Far from me sitting on a high horse, I'd say that you were the one looking down with lofty disdain, not wanting to be associated with all of the other detractors.

Tell me what I said was wrong

My GHod you are full of it, if you have read my posts and still can not see why i think you are wrong then i'm sorry mate but you are past helping. [-(
Indeed and we now have a manager who sacks it off at every turn, in the fifty years i have been a supporter i never thought i would ever see a Spurs manager throw games in Europe.

Your damned if you do, damned if you don't.

People would start going mad if our league form dipped as a result of sending most of our squad to metal dustbin kiev
we can bitch and moan till the cows come home and its clearly seen that harry doing so well and putting us in the top 6 again grates so much with so few or many here.......but theres something out there called a fecking league table,that where it counts.

what frigging postion were we in the 90's and most of 2000 decade,feck sake ..........the hype of next year that we will be better then ending 10th or 11th thats what we had.........now we're a couple of wins away from the champs league ...........you couldn't make it up the crap that goes on here............

Not for all of us.

In order to avoid the use of Godwin's law (but wanting to test the logical extreme) would you be happy if Martin Keown were in charge of Spurs if he got good results? Or Harold Shipman? There is always a line at which we draw our limits, a line at which the behaviour/allegiences/public opinions of our manager will cause us to lose sight of any success and find the whole experience underwhwelming at best.

For me, that limit is somewhere the other side of Redknapp's words/actions.

I'll support Spurs and I'll cheer us on no matter what - I'll be more happy with winning stuff than not. But all that success will always be tainted just like it was when Graham was in charge.
Indeed and we now have a manager who sacks it off at every turn, in the fifty years i have been a supporter i never thought i would ever see a Spurs manager throw games in Europe.

modern game.........he's not the only one who picks and choose his sides for the europa league...........bolton,stoke,villa have done it in the past......anyway the side was mostly made up of internationals and a couple of young players so he was just using his squad which he is entitled too.......
Mick, the problem that I, and the rest of the 'anti' camp have, that you and Moonlit etc continuosly ignore, is that in real terms the performances are below average.

If I say in 1976 I was on 750 quid a month and now in 2012 im on 850 quid, my wages have gone up and I'm better off. That blatantly isn't the case. In the same way guiding Spurs to a potential 6th place finish in 2012 isn't necessarily better than acheiving a 12th place finish in 1998 with the tinkle poor squad we had in those days.

Do you not agree that comparing the finishing positions of past three seasons, with basically anything that has gone before it in the premier league era, is false economy? And that its possible that our increased performances are average, or just below, than the increase in real wages?

No, I think your viewpoint is total gonads.

Football is all about getting as high up the league table as possible, and if you can do it with attractive, good to watch football - all the better. You appear to be saying that our football is poor, which to me is nonsensical - because it isn't. So 3xtop 6 in the last 3 years is still just as valid a metric in 2012 as it was in 1964, because its that far back since we last did it.
I'm scratching my head at most of you thinking that the ones giving Harry a hard time (including myself) has only got to do with league form and league form only. Baffling really.
I'm scratching my head at most of you thinking that the ones giving Harry a hard time (including myself) has only got to do with league form and league form only. Baffling really.

I'm scratching my head at this thread to be honest. I can tell they're never going to agree with each other, yet both of them are still trying to convince the other that they are right.
Your damned if you do, damned if you don't.

People would start going mad if our league form dipped as a result of sending most of our squad to metal dustbin kiev

Has Chelsea's league form dipped ? Did City's ? Utd's ? Arseanal's ? and if you do manage to find a defeat in there that you manage to tie up with playing in Europe, what constitutes a dip ? Is it the same 1 win in 9 that we had even without European football ?
My GHod you are full of it, if you have read my posts and still can not see why i think you are wrong then i'm sorry mate but you are past helping. [-(

Yeah, I scour this board looking for your posts, and treasure them all.
Help from you - thanks for the offer

Do me a favour, just drop it. You have a wasp up your arse about me, and you criticise and snipe at everything I say, and agree with people who make the same points as me. I get it, I probably rubbished a post of yours in the past and you can't let it go.

I understand that you are upset with me. Just put me on ignore FFS. But let it go.
I'm scratching my head at this thread to be honest. I can tell they're never going to agree with each other, yet both of them are still trying to convince the other that they are right.

Took 24 pages to read the best post on the thread.
Not for all of us.

In order to avoid the use of Godwin's law (but wanting to test the logical extreme) would you be happy if Martin Keown were in charge of Spurs if he got good results? Or Harold Shipman? There is always a line at which we draw our limits, a line at which the behaviour/allegiences/public opinions of our manager will cause us to lose sight of any success and find the whole experience underwhwelming at best.

For me, that limit is somewhere the other side of Redknapp's words/actions.

I'll support Spurs and I'll cheer us on no matter what - I'll be more happy with winning stuff than not. But all that success will always be tainted just like it was when Graham was in charge.

keown no.........bergkamp yes........on the whisper ....a itk.... and he 'MAY HAVE SAID' theory that he's always been a spurs fan(taking the correlation on what 'harry may have said link')..........well thats the choice we got at the end of the day if someone brings success should we grasp it and enjoy the moment or just sit in the corner be mean and moody because we didn't enjoy the ride in getting there........
Not for all of us.

In order to avoid the use of Godwin's law (but wanting to test the logical extreme) would you be happy if Martin Keown were in charge of Spurs if he got good results? Or Harold Shipman? There is always a line at which we draw our limits, a line at which the behaviour/allegiences/public opinions of our manager will cause us to lose sight of any success and find the whole experience underwhwelming at best.

For me, that limit is somewhere the other side of Redknapp's words/actions.

I'll support Spurs and I'll cheer us on no matter what - I'll be more happy with winning stuff than not. But all that success will always be tainted just like it was when Graham was in charge.

What proof - apart from media tripe and internet slagging do you have that Harry Redknapp is the malevolent ne'er do well that you would have us believe him to be - or for that matter, the dishonest crook you make him out to be?

One mans meat, and all that. I find him a really amenable guy from what I have seen about him. Yeah, he's a bit lary, but he's a character. I'd rather him than a faceless metronome or some insipid character.