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New England manager = Roy Hodgson

All managers implore the crowd to get behind the team.

To try and besmirch Ferguson and compare him to Redknapp is laughable, and you know it.
What's laughable is that people are calling for Redknapp to apologise for remarks he made, not for what was said but because he said it.
The comments he made were the comments of a cu*t. He was right to be criticised and revealed the contempt with which he holds the club and it's fans. IMO.
No - you can't make a statement like that, as it is against the rules of this board to make personal statements of a derogatory nature about another poster, look at my avatar- underneath it you will see that I have clocked up points, because I questioned the allegiance of a poster who was making derogatory comments about the club we both support. If I get that for what I did, then you are definitely breaking the rules, and I cannot invite you to push your opinions, where I would tell you to your face to stick them either - because its against the rules.

Neither will I renege on my sentiments that its my belief that people who can only see the bad in someone, and have to ignore all of the good, to make their points valid - have what I consider to have a sad outlook on life.

If you have to do that to make your opinions seem valid, then it applies to you as well. Its called an opinion, refute it or criticise it - or show me where I'm wrong. Taking cheap shots at me personally from behind your computer keyboard, is just being an internet warrior - IMHO.

There is no point in trying to explain why you are wrong by herding all the Redknapp doubters into one cubby hole, you obviously believe that you are superior to some ( because they use profound language) and to others because they believe Redknapp is past his sell by date. As for a personal attack on you well i am sorry if i hurt your delicate feelings, however you should think about how delicate they are before assuming that those who disagree with you have a sad out look on life, after all if you are going to say things that are ( to some) insulting then you should take it as well as give it.

As i say the atmosphere up on that high horse must be really thin some times.
The comments he made were the comments of a cu*t. He was right to be criticised and revealed the contempt with which he holds the club and it's fans. IMO.
Very much so.

The comments of a ****? Hahaha. You think he holds the club in contempt? Give over!
Shut your face, I'll have respect when he has repect for us as fans, the club that employs him and respects our history.

Sorry, I could have worded that better. You are entitled to your opinion, but I don't think a manager who has taken us to the Champions League quarter-finals and guided us to 3 top-five league finishes in a row deserves such hatred.
Sorry, I could have worded that better. You are entitled to your opinion, but I don't think a manager who has taken us to the Champions League quarter-finals and guided us to 3 top-five league finishes in a row deserves such hatred.

I do. His face annoys me, genuinely. His type, shady as fudge, can't lay in bed straight. I dislike the man immensely. I pray hourly he leaves ASAP.
Sorry, I could have worded that better. You are entitled to your opinion, but I don't think a manager who has taken us to the Champions League quarter-finals and guided us to 3 top-five league finishes in a row deserves such hatred.

Don't worry about it mate they totally disregard these NUMERICAL FACTS......... if the league was based on hearsay and opinion rather league positions we be top and be champs league winners as well.
I meant the comment to be a generalised statement, but if you feel I described you, then you are probably right.

I think its a sad way to look at life, when all you can see is the bad in someone, and have to ignore a large amount of positives - to maintain your viewpoint.

I agree with a lot of the negatives that people continually rail against, but they are of such little value, that I can only see a mountain of positives that render them harmless. People are even hobbyhorsing Harrys penchant for leaving employers who don't meet his expectations, and slating him for doing something to us, that he hasn't done.

if you want to work yourself into a lather about the guy, go ahead and build your blood pressure. I'll just look at the league table, and the past 2 seasons - and compare them with the previous 30 and feel more content than I have done before.
I'll look at the 34 games we have played this season, and reflect on the fact that I can only think of 3 where we have looked bad (against the teams lying 1,2 and 3 in the table currently)
and then I'll satisfy myself with the fact that the guy who got us there - hasn't been lured into a job that he was totally up front about, when he said that he saw it as the pinnacle of any English football managers career. He didn't hide, he told the truth.

He told the truth about deluded football fans of the club as well

but yeah, I wish he would keep his gob shut at times, not because I don't want to hear what he has to say, but simply because I cant stand to read the brick that people pour onto this site as they hear or read his his words and mangle them into whatever tortured meaning they choose to infer in them.

So - I'd say that my observations are just as relevant in this discussion as anything you have had to say - wouldn't you? My points were relevant to the thread, I felt.

Mick, the problem that I, and the rest of the 'anti' camp have, that you and Moonlit etc continuosly ignore, is that in real terms the performances are below average.

If I say in 1976 I was on 750 quid a month and now in 2012 im on 850 quid, my wages have gone up and I'm better off. That blatantly isn't the case. In the same way guiding Spurs to a potential 6th place finish in 2012 isn't necessarily better than acheiving a 12th place finish in 1998 with the tinkle poor squad we had in those days.

Do you not agree that comparing the finishing positions of past three seasons, with basically anything that has gone before it in the premier league era, is false economy? And that its possible that our increased performances are average, or just below, than the increase in real wages?
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He loves West Ham and the scum far more than us. Branded the fans scum and idiots. fudge him.

He branded _some_ fans scum and _some_ fans idiots.

Surely this is true of nearly every club? No disrespect, but some of you are scum ;-p
Do you not agree that comparing the finishing positions of past three seasons, with basically anything that has gone before it in the premier league era, is false economy? And that its possible that our increased performances are average, or just below, than the increase in real wages?

Interesting point, as yes, surely achievement should be based on the quality of the squad.

I can't answer for Mick, buy one reason I am pro-Redknapp is that like most of us I always hoped I would live to see 1. Spurs win the league 2. Spurs qualify for CL 3. England win the World Cup (less so nowadays). Redknapp and Levy achieved the second of these, and there were times in the past decade when I wondered if any of these would _ever_ happen in my lifetime.

IMO, it's hard to begrudge a man that (despite as you say having a better squad) achieved something for Spurs that noone else had before.
Mick, the problem that I, and the rest of the 'anti' camp have, that you and Moonlit etc continuosly ignore, is that in real terms the performances are below average.

If I say in 1976 I was on 750 quid a month and now in 2012 im on 850 quid, my wages have gone up and I'm better off. That blatantly isn't the case. In the same way guiding Spurs to a potential 6th place finish in 2012 isn't necessarily better than acheiving a 12th place finish in 1998 with the tinkle poor squad we had in those days.

Do you not agree that comparing the finishing positions of past three seasons, with basically anything that has gone before it in the premier league era, is false economy? And that its possible that our increased performances are average, or just below, than the increase in real wages?

we can bitch and moan till the cows come home and its clearly seen that harry doing so well and putting us in the top 6 again grates so much with so few or many here.......but theres something out there called a fecking league table,that where it counts.

what frigging postion were we in the 90's and most of 2000 decade,feck sake ..........the hype of next year that we will be better then ending 10th or 11th thats what we had.........now we're a couple of wins away from the champs league ...........you couldn't make it up the crap that goes on here............
we can bitch and moan till the cows come home and its clearly seen that harry doing so well and putting us in the top 6 again grates so much with so few or many here.......but theres something out there called a fecking league table,that where it counts.

what frigging postion were we in the 90's and most of 2000 decade,feck sake ..........the hype of next year that we will be better then ending 10th or 11th thats what we had.........now we're a couple of wins away from the champs league ...........you couldn't make it up the crap that goes on here............

What friggin relevance does that have to Spurs in 2012?

Yes, we were brick. Yes, now we arent. Yes, lets applaud that and be grateful. No, lets not just wallow in enjoying that. Yes, lets try and push on further and further while we have the wind in our sails...