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New England manager = Roy Hodgson

Are you just trying to spark a fight?
Why do you constantly criticise me personally, and not do what everyone is told to do, which is to criticise or critique the post?

I posted my feelings on the current situation, which I have done on the back of this thread, where people are getting wound up to the point of virtual insanity, because of their polarised view of events, and their disdain for a man who has managed our club to a consistently higher level than we have enjoyed in years.

My comment was based on peoples perceptions of the situation and is a metaphor. Take it or leave it, or comment on it, tell me I'm wrong and say why. Then read the post again, because the only opinion I gave was that I found it sad that some people can only see the bad in people, and not the good - why does that make me arrogant?

But do me a favour, stop making personal statements about me - because you don't know me, and are in no position to make or pass opinions of that nature.

Fair enough, but you seem to want to suggest that anyone who wants Redknapp to go is seeing everything as a turd, have a sad outlook on life and want to watch them squirm IF you scenario comes to be.

I will stop making personal statements about you when you stop trying to dovetail every one who disagrees with your point into a certain pot.
Its lucky we didn't have a kenny dalglish type of manager in charge.........feck harry gets pillared for being a cheecky chappie and then hit over head if he goes off on one.......so what .................if his character was being questioned why did everyone plus majority of the media wanted him to be england manager.

Wait till 5pm on sunday may 13th then we know what direction we be taking basically.........

Champions League final isn't until the 19th, so we may not know where we really are until then.

Dependant on the next few games of course.
I'm anti Harry. Does that mean I have a sad outlook on life? Because i don't think some bloke should manage a football club any more?

But the anti harry lot are the ones 'frothing' away, while insults about my outlook on life are, justified? Have a place in discussion about football? Hmmm.

I meant the comment to be a generalised statement, but if you feel I described you, then you are probably right.

I think its a sad way to look at life, when all you can see is the bad in someone, and have to ignore a large amount of positives - to maintain your viewpoint.

I agree with a lot of the negatives that people continually rail against, but they are of such little value, that I can only see a mountain of positives that render them harmless. People are even hobbyhorsing Harrys penchant for leaving employers who don't meet his expectations, and slating him for doing something to us, that he hasn't done.

if you want to work yourself into a lather about the guy, go ahead and build your blood pressure. I'll just look at the league table, and the past 2 seasons - and compare them with the previous 30 and feel more content than I have done before.
I'll look at the 34 games we have played this season, and reflect on the fact that I can only think of 3 where we have looked bad (against the teams lying 1,2 and 3 in the table currently)
and then I'll satisfy myself with the fact that the guy who got us there - hasn't been lured into a job that he was totally up front about, when he said that he saw it as the pinnacle of any English football managers career. He didn't hide, he told the truth.

He told the truth about deluded football fans of the club as well

but yeah, I wish he would keep his gob shut at times, not because I don't want to hear what he has to say, but simply because I cant stand to read the brick that people pour onto this site as they hear or read his his words and mangle them into whatever tortured meaning they choose to infer in them.

So - I'd say that my observations are just as relevant in this discussion as anything you have had to say - wouldn't you? My points were relevant to the thread, I felt.
Still, he has made similar remarks:

'The crowd were dead,' said the Scot. 'It was like a funeral it was so quiet.

'You need the crowd to create a good atmosphere. It is all right saying the players can make the crowd respond but in some situations, like this one, the crowd have to get behind the players.

'I think there have been days like this in the past. It happened some years ago, when we were dominant. The crowd have come to be entertained. It doesn't help us.'

Is an apology needed for those criticisms by Ferguson?
we could end up 3rd/5th/6th on that day or 4th,then yes the 19th then.........

If we finish third or fourth then the champions league final affects us for getting it or the revenue we would get from it. Plus whether or not we'd have to go through a qualifying round.

Fifth or sixth and then yeah, it is redundant.
What happens if we finish 4th but Chelsea win the CL and we miss out - would the season be considered successful?

Personally - I'd say yes, very much so
Fair enough, but you seem to want to suggest that anyone who wants Redknapp to go is seeing everything as a turd, have a sad outlook on life and want to watch them squirm IF you scenario comes to be.

I will stop making personal statements about you when you stop trying to dovetail every one who disagrees with your point into a certain pot.

No - you can't make a statement like that, as it is against the rules of this board to make personal statements of a derogatory nature about another poster, look at my avatar- underneath it you will see that I have clocked up points, because I questioned the allegiance of a poster who was making derogatory comments about the club we both support. If I get that for what I did, then you are definitely breaking the rules, and I cannot invite you to push your opinions, where I would tell you to your face to stick them either - because its against the rules.

Neither will I renege on my sentiments that its my belief that people who can only see the bad in someone, and have to ignore all of the good, to make their points valid - have what I consider to have a sad outlook on life.

If you have to do that to make your opinions seem valid, then it applies to you as well. Its called an opinion, refute it or criticise it - or show me where I'm wrong. Taking cheap shots at me personally from behind your computer keyboard, is just being an internet warrior - IMHO.
All managers implore the crowd to get behind the team.

To try and besmirch Ferguson and compare him to Redknapp is laughable, and you know it.
So - are you telling me that Harry Redknapp, if given 50 million quid to spend, would buy Saha and Nelsen, and not Falcao and Cahill?
I somehow doubt it.

But hey, some people wont let issues like that get in the way of a good slating. Harrys the man, fire away.

Where have I soley stated Harry in my comment?

I'm talking about the club as a whole.

I've seen it many times over the years and this circle will forever continue.

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Still, he has made similar remarks:

'The crowd were dead,' said the Scot. 'It was like a funeral it was so quiet.

'You need the crowd to create a good atmosphere. It is all right saying the players can make the crowd respond but in some situations, like this one, the crowd have to get behind the players.

'I think there have been days like this in the past. It happened some years ago, when we were dominant. The crowd have come to be entertained. It doesn't help us.'

Is an apology needed for those criticisms by Ferguson?

Were you wrong? Yes. Glad that's cleared up then.

Knowledge fail.
That isn't rude.

I'm just saying that astonish is too much. In the context of some criticism on a football forum. That's all.

looking across all of your comments and the overly robust way you make your opinions known, you have resorted to being rude.

and no - I do find it astonishing, how short peoples memories are, and how easily they fall into the pitchforks and blazing torches mentality. I'll avoid Godwins by evoking similarities in history, but some people fall prey to a spreading hysteria, induced by a few rhetoric based champions - and it doesn't take long to raid the hayloft for tools and straw for the torches.