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New England manager = Roy Hodgson

don't they just.

Being a football manager on 4 million a year is certainly preferable to laying brick or sweeping the streets at gone midnight. If harry decides its too tough, he can go and live in his mansion on sandbanks. some of us are going to slog it out for the next 40 years. Yeah, in reletive terms, its an easy job, and you can retire after a year.
Its funny how myself, and a few others who have also defended Harry, only see what he has achieved here as a great big decorated cake of a job, with one or two jalopenos stuck to it.

And some of you just see it as a turd with a cherry in it.

The pro Harry camp can see the flaws in the end production, but we don't see that it has spoiled the overall result, because you pick away the errors and are still left with a big tasty cake

The other camp can see no good, and are offended by everything, and only grudgingly pass comment on the good bits, and no matter what you do with your opinions - its still a turd.

Its a pretty sad outlook on life.

I hope he stays, and we sign him some proper players to take the team forward next year. (As oppopsed to the hand-me-downs he was forced to buy)

I for one will enjoy watching all the detractors squirm, and still try to keep the invective going.

looks like you are saying those who share your opinion are right and those that don't are wrong

truth is there are idiots on both side of this argument who fail to see the good points being made by those on the other side, choosing to focus on the few OTT posts and dismiss any constructive criticism (id say this is mainly coming from people on your side as well)
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Harry is the exact type who will jump ship when a bigger offer is on the table.

Interesting thing now is that realistically there will NEVER be a bigger offer on the table for him (unless for some reason the FA and Hodgson fall out). No club with more cash like ManUre, Man C, Cheatski etc will ever look to him and certainly no foreign team will. The next England manager post-Hodgson wont be him either.

So we are the peak of what he will achieve and will be interesting to see whether now that he's taken a fat salary from us for 3.5 years and is clearly comfortable financially, whether its worth the hassle carrying on, given that his dream job will never come up. Its why I wonder whether he'll aggitate for a departure in a couple weeks and try to agree a settlement with Levy. Personally I think it would be the best for all parties as he has lost the fans and sacking a manager mid-season is never great
The bile now being gleefully directed at our manager is fudging disgusting. Some of you are giddy on it. Casual disrespect, sneering and mocking the mere mention of his name. And why? Because of 5 or 6 bad games in the last 8 or 9. At a club that hasn't won the title in 50 years. We are currently as high as we've finished in 22 years. And with a shot to finish as high as we have since 1960/1 - 51 years. Some of you bottle jobs you'd swear you'd never seen Spurs have a bad run of games before ffs. Redknapp has not done anything near bad enough to warrant this vile personalised abuse. Some of you have completely lost the head.



for my two-penneth.
The thing about Redknapp is he often reacts to direct criticism by lashing out. He's often done it in interviews and it surfaced during his evidence at trial as well. Actually, I interpreted the "where Spurs should be" remark as another reminder that he saved us from relegation. Some of the name-calling on here is well OTT, though.
Its funny how myself, and a few others who have also defended Harry, only see what he has achieved here as a great big decorated cake of a job, with one or two jalopenos stuck to it.

And some of you just see it as a turd with a cherry in it.

The pro Harry camp can see the flaws in the end production, but we don't see that it has spoiled the overall result, because you pick away the errors and are still left with a big tasty cake

The other camp can see no good, and are offended by everything, and only grudgingly pass comment on the good bits, and no matter what you do with your opinions - its still a turd.

Its a pretty sad outlook on life.

I hope he stays, and we sign him some proper players to take the team forward next year. (As oppopsed to the hand-me-downs he was forced to buy)

I for one will enjoy watching all the detractors squirm, and still try to keep the invective going.

That ship has sailed on by.

When we got CL was the time to buy the key players needed, even in a saturated league that is the PL. Players are out there for reasonable prices, Suarez as an example.

We have either bought players coming to the end of their career or hand-me-downs who didn't cut it at their previous club.

If Bale and Modric go we will be back to mid table.

How long have we needed a descent striker... How long have we lacked a player or two in our defence yet held on to King who has an long term injury.

I'm annoyed because I want us to reach our potential and remain challengers year in year out. This however can only be achieved with investment and a lack of investment will result in us underachieving and losing all that we have built when some of our star players want to play top level football elsewhere.
I see you are back on that high horse again.

Are you just trying to spark a fight?
Why do you constantly criticise me personally, and not do what everyone is told to do, which is to criticise or critique the post?

I posted my feelings on the current situation, which I have done on the back of this thread, where people are getting wound up to the point of virtual insanity, because of their polarised view of events, and their disdain for a man who has managed our club to a consistently higher level than we have enjoyed in years.

My comment was based on peoples perceptions of the situation and is a metaphor. Take it or leave it, or comment on it, tell me I'm wrong and say why. Then read the post again, because the only opinion I gave was that I found it sad that some people can only see the bad in people, and not the good - why does that make me arrogant?

But do me a favour, stop making personal statements about me - because you don't know me, and are in no position to make or pass opinions of that nature.
That ship has sailed on by.

When we got CL was the time to buy the key players needed, even in a saturated league that is the PL. Players are out there for reasonable prices, Suarez as an example.

We have either bought players coming to the end of their career or hand-me-downs who didn't cut it at their previous club.

If Bale and Modric go we will be back to mid table.

How long have we needed a descent striker... How long have we lacked a player or two in our defence yet held on to King who has an long term injury.

I'm annoyed because I want us to reach our potential and remain challengers year in year out. This however can only be achieved with investment and a lack of investment will result in us underachieving and losing all that we have built when some of our star players want to play top level football elsewhere.

So - are you telling me that Harry Redknapp, if given 50 million quid to spend, would buy Saha and Nelsen, and not Falcao and Cahill?
I somehow doubt it.

But hey, some people wont let issues like that get in the way of a good slating. Harrys the man, fire away.
The pro Harry camp can see the flaws in the end production, but we don't see that it has spoiled the overall result, because you pick away the errors and are still left with a big tasty cake

The other camp can see no good, and are offended by everything, and only grudgingly pass comment on the good bits, and no matter what you do with your opinions - its still a turd.

Its a pretty sad outlook on life.

You're forgetting the camp in which I firmly belong which appreciates that Harry has gotten good results for us, but just plain don't like him.

Never took to Graham as manager, despite the cup win and bring in Europe. Would be disgusted if we appointed Wenger manager despite the fact he's probably the second best manager in premier league history.

Don't like Harry because I don't feel he likes the club or it's fans and believe he's not committed to leaving the club in a better position than when he found it (don't give me the 2 from 8 nonsense, it was league cup winners and a top 5 club who made a bad decision in sacking Jol/appointing Ramos).
Its lucky we didn't have a kenny dalglish type of manager in charge.........feck harry gets pillared for being a cheecky chappie and then hit over head if he goes off on one.......so what .................if his character was being questioned why did everyone plus majority of the media wanted him to be england manager.

Wait till 5pm on sunday may 13th then we know what direction we be taking basically.........
Being a football manager on 4 million a year is certainly preferable to laying brick or sweeping the streets at gone midnight. If harry decides its too tough, he can go and live in his mansion on sandbanks. some of us are going to slog it out for the next 40 years. Yeah, in reletive terms, its an easy job, and you can retire after a year.

Richard Branson sits down all day, and jumps out of ballons to entertain himself, so I suppose running the Virgin group is tinkle easy as well is it?

How many managers quit through stress or have heart attacks? Harry puts the hard miles in, and top of it he has to put up with being castigated and villified in a manner that a rapist would see as a let off.