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Morgan Schneiderlin

'If' this Alderweireld deal is actually happening and the talk of Southampton thinking they had him then I guess any remotely slim chance of dealing with them for MS is now dead in the water?
'If' this Alderweireld deal is actually happening and the talk of Southampton thinking they had him then I guess any remotely slim chance of dealing with them for MS is now dead in the water?

According to Mark Bosnich, united have had a bid accepted for MS and the deal will be announced in the next couple of days.
'If' this Alderweireld deal is actually happening and the talk of Southampton thinking they had him then I guess any remotely slim chance of dealing with them for MS is now dead in the water?
No serious football team looking after their own interests would behave like that.

So I fully expect the vindictive inbreds from Southampton to do precisely that.
i feel quite sorry for him now.....every other fecker has managed to get away but he hasnt been so lucky
Schweinsteiger reportedly United bound now. That probably means they're not in for Schneiderlin anymore, I'd guess. Better chance for us then?
United fans still rate Carrick very highly from what i have read and expect him to be first choice still next season
United fans still rate Carrick very highly from what i have read and expect him to be first choice still next season

I have family who are Utd supporters and they love him, he is a great player the only problem with him now is he picks up a few injurys.
I still remember people being happy with us getting £18m for Carrick 'cos he didn't score enough', unbelievable. Such a class act always ends up in my all time favourite XI.
there are also rumors that because their new kit deal with Adidas doesn't start till 1st August that there is pressure on them to not announce/unveil any transfers before then
Blind, Herrerra, Carrick, Schweinsteiger, Schneiderlin: if they do end up getting the last two, that's an absurdly strong DM/CM lineup. A midfield three of Schneiderlin (DM) - Schweinsteiger (B2BM) - Herrerra (Advanced CM) would be among the best in the world, and even a DM duo of Schneiderlin and Schweinsteiger would be great. However, the former would allow for a lot of rotation to keep everyone happy (Carrick would rotate in regularly, and Blind would too when he isn't used at LB), while the latter isn't as accommodating in terms of playing time for all of 'em.
Blind, Herrerra, Carrick, Schweinsteiger, Schneiderlin: if they do end up getting the last two, that's an absurdly strong DM/CM lineup. A midfield three of Schneiderlin (DM) - Schweinsteiger (B2BM) - Herrerra (Advanced CM) would be among the best in the world, and even a DM duo of Schneiderlin and Schweinsteiger would be great. However, the former would allow for a lot of rotation to keep everyone happy (Carrick would rotate in regularly, and Blind would too when he isn't used at LB), while the latter isn't as accommodating in terms of playing time for all of 'em.
I wonder would Carrick consider a return if Schneiderlin was bought.
I wonder would Carrick consider a return if Schneiderlin was bought.

That's what I'm hoping for, really. Still, what parklane and bill said up above seems to be true: judging by a glance at RedCafe, United fans seem to love Carrick, and want to see him starting regularly. In light of that fact, I don't think we have much of a chance on that one. Unless, of course (as I suspect will be the case), we casually enquire about his availability and then United frantically thunder back to offer him to us free as part of a package deal for Kane. :)