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Hugo Lloris

He needs to play continuously and incrase his match fitness / sharpness - this rotating bullshtit is exactly that and works for neither of them, imv - instead adding extra pressure to what is already a nervous start.

Brad made mistakes in his last 2 games himself so Sunday is fair game, as far as I'm concerned.

Heads up, Hugo
For me Freidel looks more solid and communicates better with the defence. He's constantly talking. Lloris looks uneasy under crosses looks like he flaps at crosses quite a bit and I'm startin to think he has a major mistake in him every 5-10 games or so. He's made a major mistake in his last two outings and I can't say I've been impressed with him when I've seen him. I don't think he's good enough for the Premiership. Look at his performances not his reputation. I hope I'm wrong and he rams this post down my throat but i have my doubts and so too I'm afraid do the management team.
For me Freidel looks more solid and communicates better with the defence. He's constantly talking.

He has nearly 400 games in the Prem - how is Lloris meant to improve that if he never plays? He has 1 game in the Prem so far or around 0.003% of what Brad does.

For Lloris looks uneasy under crosses looks like he flaps at crosses quite a bit and I'm startin to think he has a major mistake in him every 5-10 games or so..

His reading of crosses and movement off the line is superior to Brad's in most regards. He's more agile, quicker and braver to leave his line.

He's made a major mistake in his last two outings and I can't say I've been impressed with him when I've seen him..
What major mistakes has he committed apart from last night? Against Norwich it could have gone anywhere really and prior to that he made at least 3-4 top class saves to keep the score at nil-nil. His best game to date in a Spurs shirt.

Brad was at fault for goals in his last 2 games - do you also consider those 'major mistakes'?

I don't think he's good enough for the Premiership. Look at his performances not his reputation.

He kept a clean sheet in his only Prem game to date. Very good performance against Norwich (COC), little to do against PAOK, Lazio, and Maribor (away).

Brad has conceded an average of 1.56 goals/game (14 total) and hasn't kept a single clean sheet in 9 games.

Lloris has conceded an average of 0.83 goals/game (5 in total) and has kept 2 clean sheets in 6 games.
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Lloris is just as much to blame for the Norwich goal as Friedel is for the Southampton goal. In reality both could have possibly done slightly better but you wouldn't blame them for the goals. Not 100% sure but didn't Lloris do something silly which led to a goal in a Europa league game?
its amazing. just like clock work the usual anti freidel group trots in making a big issue that none of this is lloris' fault

its AVB
its his squad rotation
freidel making mistakes is thrown out there deflecting on to him for whatever sad desperate reason to protect Hugo
love the way pressure is on just one keeper and not the other.

freaking WUMs

and its unbelieveable how freidel gets an honorary mention even though he DID NOT PLAY. oh yeah..even on the bench freidel makes mistakes so what. jeeeeysus
its amazing. just like clock work the usual anti freidel group trots in making a big issue that none of this is lloris' fault

its AVB
its his squad rotation
freidel making mistakes is thrown out there deflecting on to him for whatever sad desperate reason to protect Hugo
love the way pressure is on just one keeper and not the other.

freaking WUMs

and its unbelieveable how freidel gets an honorary mention even though he DID NOT PLAY. oh yeah..even on the bench freidel makes mistakes so what. jeeeeysus

I feel its the typical thing of people getting excited because we signed a big name and then just willing him to be the super world-class signing we all wanted him to be, despite all evidence to the contrary. Its like with Dos Santos. Even after 3 years of mediocre performances there were still fans that kept trying to convince people he was the answer to all our problems.

If I watch Lloris I just don't think "solid". I worry about everytime he is under pressure. He just looks uneasy.

I also ask myself, how come Spurs got him? Basically despite all the interest I don't think any of the top clubs felt he was good enough at the price Lyon wanted.

Like I said I'd love to be proven wrong, but I think that if the management team honestly thought Lloris was better than Freidel he'd be playing all the time. The fact is that AVB is under pressure and the guy he is turning to time and again is Brad, because he's better, end of story in my view. I don't think AVB wanted Lloris and if he did he'd be straight in the team and he wouldn't be getting run outs in cup competitions.
I feel its the typical thing of people getting excited because we signed a big name and then just willing him to be the super world-class signing we all wanted him to be, despite all evidence to the contrary. Its like with Dos Santos. .

What evidence to the contrary?

Are you writing off France's captain after 6 games at Spurs as a failure of Dos Santos' level based on one error? I take it you haven't seen much of him over the last 5 years. Insane comparison to the Mexican.

Do you want fans to be negative towards big signings, slate him and want him to fail?
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I feel its the typical thing of people getting excited because we signed a big name and then just willing him to be the super world-class signing we all wanted him to be, despite all evidence to the contrary. Its like with Dos Santos. Even after 3 years of mediocre performances there were still fans that kept trying to convince people he was the answer to all our problems.

If I watch Lloris I just don't think "solid". I worry about everytime he is under pressure. He just looks uneasy.

I also ask myself, how come Spurs got him? Basically despite all the interest I don't think any of the top clubs felt he was good enough at the price Lyon wanted.

Like I said I'd love to be proven wrong, but I think that if the management team honestly thought Lloris was better than Freidel he'd be playing all the time. The fact is that AVB is under pressure and the guy he is turning to time and again is Brad, because he's better, end of story in my view. I don't think AVB wanted Lloris and if he did he'd be straight in the team and he wouldn't be getting run outs in cup competitions.

Mate, did you really just compare Lloris to GDS? It's fair enough that YOU haven't seen much of Lloris play, but there's a large number of people that have seen getting on for 20-30 games of his in CL, National games and the odd French league game. The clamer for him to be in the team is not based on hype, it's based on what people have seen with their own eyes, just because you or maybe others haven't seen him doesn't mean that noone has.

I actually think Lloris looks extremely comfortable when playing for us, he's just had 2 brain farts in the games he's played, the throw v Villa and last night when he should have just hoofed it (but that goal is 50/50 shared blame with Naughton).
its amazing. just like clock work the usual anti freidel group trots in making a big issue that none of this is lloris' fault

its AVB
its his squad rotation
freidel making mistakes is thrown out there deflecting on to him for whatever sad desperate reason to protect Hugo
love the way pressure is on just one keeper and not the other.

freaking WUMs

and its unbelieveable how freidel gets an honorary mention even though he DID NOT PLAY. oh yeah..even on the bench freidel makes mistakes so what. jeeeeysus

I'm not a member of the anti Friedel group.

I would defend Lloris to some extent, but not for the reasons you (and others) mention.

Lloris tries to play it out from the back and I think that's what AVB wants, we have brought in ball playing players to do just that. If you watch the teams that do play out from the back one thing is clear, mistakes do happen. From Barca to Swansea they do lose the ball from time to time in terrible spots and concede goals as a result, that just has to be accepted.

It was a pass back to Lloris that probably shouldn't have happened, he went for the trick instead of just clearing it, fact is that the player was so close that just clearing it would have been risky as well, there was no obvious good option there.

I'm much happier living with the occasional mistake like this than have us clear the ball too often and lose possession and initiative in games, but that's down to a preference of style more than anything.

I don't think we will concede many goals from mistakes like this by Lloris, it won't be a systemic problem like some of the problems previously mentioned by Friedel. What I mean by that when I say that we have to accept some of these mistakes in a system where we build from the back is that all of our defenders and goalkeeper will eventually be at fault for some goal based on us passing it out from the back, but it won't happen all that often and it's not an issue with Lloris or his abilities.
What evidence to the contrary?

Are you writing off France's captain after 6 games at Spurs as a failure of Dos Santos' level based on one error? I take it you haven't seen much of him over the last 5 years. Insane comparison to the Mexican.

Do you want fans to be negative towards big signings, slate him and want him to fail?

Cheers. :)

Comparing Lloris to Dos Santos. come on!
i want to see Lloris be our number one, however he was at fault for Norwich's winner and for the goal last night. All keepers make mistakes though but if Freidel can be criticised for mistakes then so should Lloris.
I can guarantee you it with be kyle naughton that gets the gonading and not Lloris, though he himself should have done better!

Its little things which he does better, like flies off his line and release the ball quick. I would play him the next two games, as we want to counter attack, so we need good distribution. Maybe we will get an inspired performance or two as well!
One very positive thing about Lloris last night is that he seems to be mentally strong. The problem with Gomes was that one mistake could send him spiraling out of control to where the game, month or even season would be a very nervous one. He just seemed fragile mentally.

That has been one of Fridel's strong points as well, the consistency and a seemingly unshakable confidence, at this point in his career mind you.

Lloris looks just as strong, there were back passes in the second half where he was put under pressure, but he didn't panic or even look flustered at all. Just went about his business being a goalkeeper. Very good to see.
i agree with deschamp that lloris isn't getting enough games.
but i also think its fine for me to say it and not for Deschamp.
If AVB really wanted the ball to be played out from the back like some have suggested then wouldn't Lloris have started more games?
the thing i dont get about this whole saga is that we have TWO good goal keeper. but some need to bury one in their analysis for the sake of their favoured one? sigh...annoying

sadly on my part i feel the need to take it out on lloris just to see how far people will go to indicate their bias.

i will say this...yesterday i saw more than enough to think to myself that Lloris is not far from being undisputed number one. I think he should start the next game. but allow the constant passing the ball out...do it when its safe...this isnt continental footabll....if you pass to a player thats being pressed then your asking for trouble, the technical level of our team is not high at all
Mate, did you really just compare Lloris to GDS? It's fair enough that YOU haven't seen much of Lloris play, but there's a large number of people that have seen getting on for 20-30 games of his in CL, National games and the odd French league game. The clamer for him to be in the team is not based on hype, it's based on what people have seen with their own eyes, just because you or maybe others haven't seen him doesn't mean that noone has.

I actually think Lloris looks extremely comfortable when playing for us, he's just had 2 brain farts in the games he's played, the throw v Villa and last night when he should have just hoofed it (but that goal is 50/50 shared blame with Naughton).

I'm comparing him to GDS in that I think like with GDS people are desperate for Lloris to be amazing and cover up all his flaws and pretend they aren't there.

I've seen loads of Lloris for France and Lyon, but as far as I'm concerned when a player joins Spurs and a manager joins Spurs his past is irrelevant and I just judge them on how they play for Spurs.

Playing in the C/L and international football and French football for a French club and national side is completely different to playing for a Premiership club. The demands are different and someone that is great for their national side won't necessarily be that good for us.

Sergei Rebrov was amazing for Ukraine and in the Champions League for dynamo kiev, but he was absolute garbage for us.

I honestly couldn't give a brick about what Lloris did for Lyon and for France I'm bothered by what he does for Spurs and i'm not that impressed. Jury's very much out but like I keep saying I hope he proves me wrong.