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Harry Kane MBE

I think he's done for the level we want, physically and mentally, he will break the records but only because he will continue to get game time.
There's more in him than we are getting imho, but he is concentrating on records now and not the team.

If Chelsea came in with 100m in the summer I would actually do the deal.
Its always the players around him, never his fault.
Whats his record for shots in s/f and finals for spurs and England again?
Moura had scored more goals in one half of a s/f than kane has had shots on target in s/f and finals in his whole career if remember correctly.
But its never his fault.
I'm not sure I really understand this argument. Any forward is only as good as the support around them. Take Real Madrid's Champion league win in 2013 their first with Cristiano Ronaldo. The end result shows a 4-1 win for Real with CR7 getting 1 goals. Yet the detail of the match was that Sergio Ramos was the one who got the crucial last minute of injury time equaliser that took the match to extra time. Then Bale got the goal to put Real 2-1 up. Athletico then collapsed lost 4-1 and CR7 got his goal. CR7 wasn't the key man, he didn't make the difference despite being Real's key player. The support did their job that day, we as a team have never had enough of that quality of supporting player. We rely too much on Kane to finish, or Eriksen to just create out of thin air. That's not how big teams win serious trophies.

I get it that you are disappointed with Kane's output in those critical games but often it's not the star man scoring the crucial goal and if it is it's the support players who usually have made that possible.

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I have watched Henry, Gerrard, Drogba etc take games by the scruff of the neck and win games single handed.

Never seen Kane do it. Good player but will never be a great for me.

City away last season off the top of my head.

He's won us so many games you've taken it for granted.

Laughable the stuff that gets aimed at him after a bad result - I'm sure some of you just get a kick out of calling out the best players - there's probably a Barca forum somewhere with posters who call Messi over rated
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City away last season off the top of my head.

He's won us so many games you've taken it for granted.

Laughable the stuff that gets aimed at him after a bad result - I'm sure some of you just get a kick out of calling out the best players - there's probably a Barca forum somewhere with posters who call Messi over rated

That City performance was the best display of centre forward play I can recall in recent memory. He was absolutely unplayable that day.
City away last season off the top of my head.

He's won us so many games you've taken it for granted.

Laughable the stuff that gets aimed at him after a bad result - I'm sure some of you just get a kick out of calling out the best players - there's probably a Barca forum somewhere with posters who call Messi over rated
He may have scored winning goals but if you weigh up the games he has just jogged a round to the games he actually turned up and carried the team, the former out weighs it by a long shot. I have never seen a world class striker have consistently brick games and look like they have no interest like Kane does. It is ridiculous, he got bullied by a child last night. Ndombele got absolutely ridiculed for doing the exact thing Kane has done for the last 4 / 5 seasons.
I'm not sure I really understand this argument. Any forward is only as good as the support around them. Take Real Madrid's Champion league win in 2013 their first with Cristiano Ronaldo. The end result shows a 4-1 win for Real with CR7 getting 1 goals. Yet the detail of the match was that Sergio Ramos was the one who got the crucial last minute of injury time equaliser that took the match to extra time. Then Bale got the goal to put Real 2-1 up. Athletico then collapsed lost 4-1 and CR7 got his goal. CR7 wasn't the key man, he didn't make the difference despite being Real's key player. The support did their job that day, we as a team have never had enough of that quality of supporting player. We rely too much on Kane to finish, or Eriksen to just create out of thin air. That's not how big teams win serious trophies.

I get it that you are disappointed with Kane's output in those critical games but often it's not the star man scoring the crucial goal and if it is it's the support players who usually have made that possible.

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I'm not sure i understand your argument, one game in a trophy laden career, as opposed to numerous in a trophy free career.

How many golden boots do you think harry would swop for one of the multiple medals jamie vardy or xhaha for instance have won.
He looks to me like he’s holding back . Scored plenty but the performances he’s put in don’t match the tally in a weird way.

Clearly has eyes on the World Cup.

Last night he was bullied by That small CB. This is a player we have seen have great battles with Physical CBs in the past. He’s not willing to get involved at the minute .

Hopefully after the World Cup we will see more from him .
He may have scored winning goals but if you weigh up the games he has just jogged a round to the games he actually turned up and carried the team, the former out weighs it by a long shot. I have never seen a world class striker have consistently brick games and look like they have no interest like Kane does. It is ridiculous, he got bullied by a child last night. Ndombele got absolutely ridiculed for doing the exact thing Kane has done for the last 4 / 5 seasons.

Kane and Son carried us through the Mourinho spell single handedly, pretty much every single game - i honestly don't know how you can come out with that 4/5 years line with a straight face. Waste of time discussing it when someones view of things is, imo, so completely warped
I'm not sure i understand your argument, one game in a trophy laden career, as opposed to numerous in a trophy free career.

How many golden boots do you think harry would swop for one of the multiple medals jamie vardy or xhaha for instance have won.
What I'm saying is it isn't down to Kane alone to win us trophies. He's just a cog like any of our players.

In the 4 CL finals that Real won with CR7 in their side he was only the key goal scorer in 1 of them. This despite him being a consistent 40 goal a season man and a player for the big occasion. Only 1 time out of 4 was hey the key scorer. Yet Real still managed to win all 4 finals.

Why was that? It's because the supporting quality was of a high level. We have never had that, so criticising Kane for not singlehandly winning trophies for us is unrealistic, no player ever consistently does that. It's always about the quality of the supporting cast.

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I think it’s fair to point out that Kane hasn’t played well in numerous big games I.e. cup finals, semis, knockout games etc. But it’s too simplistic to say it’s on Kane for us to win the game. You don’t often win big games unless the majority of the team play well. You don’t need everyone to be on it, but you need 7-8 players to turn up and do their part. If you do that you probably win the match.

Saw someone cited Thierry Henry as an example of someone who carried their team in big games. Don’t get me wrong he was a world class player but I’m not sure if that comment was a joke or not. The same Henry who never scored a single goal in a final in his entire career? I’m not making up that stat by the way you can look it up. He played for Arsenal, Barcelona and France, teams all littered with world class players and never managed one goal in a final. And he won everything there is to win. He had other players to help him. Drogba is the quintessential big game player but he too had players to help him. It’s not like he took the ball from his goal line and ran up the other end of the pitch past 11 players to score.
What I'm saying is it isn't down to Kane alone to win us trophies. He's just a cog like any of our players.

In the 4 CL finals that Real won with CR7 in their side he was only the key goal scorer in 1 of them. This despite him being a consistent 40 goal a season man and a player for the big occasion. Only 1 time out of 4 was hey the key scorer. Yet Real still managed to win all 4 finals.

Why was that? It's because the supporting quality was of a high level. We have never had that, so criticising Kane for not singlehandly winning trophies for us is unrealistic, no player ever consistently does that. It's always about the quality of the supporting cast.

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Arguably we did in 16/17 but only so far as the starting XI, since then we have weakened every position outside of GK and CF x 2 and yet it's those players that are taking the blame from Glasgow and a couple of others. Imagine in your job having everyone around you replaced with lesser skilled workers and then your boss giving you brick for the team not hitting unrealistic targets because you happened to be the best performer, it's fudging madness
There are levels here, even if you don’t expect him to be Superman, surely we can at least expect him to win a few balls in the air, have good control, make a pass and bring others into the game, Son too.

We didn’t see enough from either of them last night, they got dominated by very average defenders.
Arguably we did in 16/17 but only so far as the starting XI, since then we have weakened every position outside of GK and CF x 2 and yet it's those players that are taking the blame from Glasgow and a couple of others. Imagine in your job having everyone around you replaced with lesser skilled workers and then your boss giving you brick for the team not hitting unrealistic targets because you happened to be the best performer, it's fudging madness

I'm not blaming anyone, what i'm saying is that he is as responsible as everyone else.
He gets a free pass from a lot of our support. When Dier fudges up its because he's useless, but when he has a good game its because of others are protecting him.
When hugo fudges up he's past it, can't pass. He saved us from humiliation last night, and not for the first time, but some would replace him with keepers who only attribute that i can see is that they are English.
Trippier, top assists for a defender in England in last season with us i think. Not good enough.
I could go on but i'm sure you see where i'm going, for some there is always an excuse for harry.

I've said it on here multiple times, you win as a team you lose as a team.
You take the plaudits when you win, you take the brick when you lose. Its a collective, as I think the second longest member of that collective after hugo, harry is as much responsible for our failures as our successes.
I'm not blaming anyone, what i'm saying is that he is as responsible as everyone else.
He gets a free pass from a lot of our support. When Dier fudges up its because he's useless, but when he has a good game its because of others are protecting him.
When hugo fudges up he's past it, can't pass. He saved us from humiliation last night, and not for the first time, but some would replace him with keepers who only attribute that i can see is that they are English.
Trippier, top assists for a defender in England in last season with us i think. Not good enough.
I could go on but i'm sure you see where i'm going, for some there is always an excuse for harry.

I've said it on here multiple times, you win as a team you lose as a team.
You take the plaudits when you win, you take the brick when you lose. Its a collective, as I think the second longest member of that collective after hugo, harry is as much responsible for our failures as our successes.
I agree with this. He is as responsible as anyone but it seemed like you were putting more of the blame on him than others. He does indeed bare an equal amount of responsibility for our failures as well as our relative successes.

If our midfield is trash, our forwards aren't going to be able to perform. That's not to remove him of any blame but yesterday the fault lay with the midfield and the 5 at the back system primarily.

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Arguably we did in 16/17 but only so far as the starting XI, since then we have weakened every position outside of GK and CF x 2 and yet it's those players that are taking the blame from Glasgow and a couple of others. Imagine in your job having everyone around you replaced with lesser skilled workers and then your boss giving you brick for the team not hitting unrealistic targets because you happened to be the best performer, it's fudging madness
I know we disagree on this but I really don't think we did. We had a good first 11 but there was no depth of quality and only one truly creative player which as I'll always argue is never enough. Shut down Eriksen and you shut down Spurs. But that's by the by, it's gone now so no point overly debating it now.

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