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Emmanuel Adebayor - Officially gone \o/

Re: Adebayor

Have I missed something? what has happened (other than a poor season last year) that makes the majority not want to see him play for us again?

His entire career he has flattered to deceive for the most part despite being a gifted player.

His attitude/desire/hunger or whatever you wanna call it has been questioned throughout his entire career.

His finishing is nowhere near good enough.

He's paid far too much to be just a bench player as he's not on the same level as Soldado.

Call me crazy, I'm not a fan of these enigmatic types like Suarez, Balotelli and Adebayor. Gomes and Jens Lehmann fall into this category too. I want consistency and realiability as well as talent.
Re: Adebayor

No one is ever due anything. This is like the gambler's fallacy, where the gambler will think "I've lost the past 10 but I'm bound to win this next one". Maybe this is Benzema's mentality when playing for France...
Whether he's motivated and puts the work in will determine future success. I do agree that we should give him a chance and if he shows promise, I'm sure that the support will build like a tidal wave. We really could use the firepower up front.

Sorry maybe i phrased that poorly. What I was trying to say is we none of us know quite what's around the corner for any of our players ... do we?

[h=1]Spurs flop Gareth could Bale out in January as Birmingham boss Alex McLeish eyes £3m defender[/h]By SPORTSMAIL REPORTER
UPDATED: 12:04, 21 October 2009

Forgotten: Bale is down the pecking order at Spurs

Alex McLeish is lining up a move for Tottenham defender Gareth Bale when the transfer window opens in January.
Birmingham manager McLeish will have around £40million at his disposal following Carson Yeung's takeover and, according to the Daily Mirror, will spend £3m on the Spurs left-back.
Wales international Bale has had a torrid time since arriving at White Hart Lane from Southampton two years ago and has made just one start in the Premier League this season.
Rangers striker Kris Boyd, Celtic winger Aiden McGeady and Sporting Gijon's Michel have also been linked with moves to St Andrew's.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/fo...x-McLeish-eyes-3m-defender.html#ixzz2eVdeP6DA
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Re: Adebayor

Sorry maybe i phrased that poorly. What I was trying to say is we none of us know quite what's around the corner for any of our players ... do we?

Right on. Like you said, I'll support any player wearing the shirt, even in spite of previous performances. If his performances are sub-par, then yes, I'd be more than happy to see the back of him.
Re: Adebayor

Emmanuel Adebayor is told to train with Tottenham's reserves

• Spurs extend compassionate leave after brother's death
• Striker not part of André Villas-Boas's first-team plans

Emmanuel Adebayor has been asked to train with Tottenham's reserves. Roberto Soldado has become Spurs' No1 striker following his club record £26m move from Valencia and Jermain Defoe has been the first-choice back-up.

Adebayor barely featured in pre-season and he has not played a competitive game after being given extended compassionate leave following the death of his brother in Togo.

Adebayor returned to London towards the end of last month but he has gone back to Africa, for what André Villas-Boas describes as "personal reasons".

The 29-year-old, who is one of Tottenham's top earners, will return on Monday and he will then train with the club's second string.

"At the moment Ade is not with us, because we have granted him authorisation to stay up until Monday in his country for personal reasons, so he's not going to be involved against Norwich [on Saturday]," the Tottenham manager said. "Up to when I find it appropriate, he will train with the development team."

Adebayor, who signed for Tottenham on a permanent basis last summer, does not appear to be in the club's first-team plans – for the present at least. Villas-Boas, who sold Gareth Bale to Real Madrid for £85.3m on the penultimate day of the transfer window, has signed seven players this summer.

The manager revealed that one of those signings – Vlad Chiriches – will also not feature against Norwich as Tottenham are yet to get a work permit for the Romanian defender.

Erik Lamela could make his full debut even though the Argentinian is yet to train with the Spurs squad following the lengthy international break. The Denmark international Christian Eriksen is also available to make his bow following his £11.5m transfer from Ajax.

Re: Adebayor

AVB said he is not available for our next game, he is still away, when he comes back he will train with our development team until I say otherwise.

I hope to GHod we are not paying this ****er!
Re: Adebayor

It's a shame (obviously) that this happened but more so because I was really hoping to see a fired up Ade ready to fight for his place & I do think he still has something to offer us. It would be nice for this situation to fire up Ade in a 'life is short' type of mentality to really perform to the best of his ability. I trust AVB's handling of the situation & hopefully the development squad training comment is more to get him match fit than any sort of reprimand.
Re: Adebayor

isnt it missing a bit - i.e. the bit where he goes on to say what the actual reason is for popping him in the stiffs!
Re: Adebayor

You realise his brother died?

I appreciate that but you can guarantee he will come back out of shape and unfit, then when he is available for selection he will pull one of his famous hamstrings, ordinary people don't miss work for three weeks because a relative dies, why should he, his history wherever he has been is disgraceful.
Re: Adebayor

This really is a non-story.

He isn't involved with the first team as he won't be in the XVI for the week-end so he is training with the rest of the non-first team squad. So what? Is that that unusual? We play wiith Soldado up front and have Defoe as his current replacement so do we need a 3rd striker on the bench? No. He'll return when the opportunity arises or presents itself.

This is just lazy copy for some journo. Next.
Re: Adebayor

I appreciate that but you can guarantee he will come back out of shape and unfit, then when he is available for selection he will pull one of his famous hamstrings, ordinary people don't miss work for three weeks because a relative dies, why should he, his history wherever he has been is disgraceful.

Anyone would be entitled to compassionate leave if a close relative died and any decent employer would be flexible about the amount of time they allowed if this required travel to another country.

I am hoping that the compassionate way that we are treating Ade will strengthen his commitment to the manager and club and that he comes back raring to go and firing on all cylinder s.
Re: Adebayor

I appreciate that but you can guarantee he will come back out of shape and unfit, then when he is available for selection he will pull one of his famous hamstrings, ordinary people don't miss work for three weeks because a relative dies, why should he, his history wherever he has been is disgraceful.

There is no manual or set time with how to deal with grief so I don't really have an issue if it is taking him time to deal with it. To me, the most damning thing about the article is the quotes from AVB "Up to when I find it appropriate, he will train with the development team."
Re: Adebayor

We will get next to nothing from him this season but as he is on a 3 year deal next season when he is playing for a new contract, that is how low life with no self respect like ade behave. If he had any self respect he would have put in some effort last season.

I would let him have as much time off as he wanted to get over his brother, he will be no use to us till the second half of next season.
Re: Adebayor

There is no manual or set time with how to deal with grief so I don't really have an issue if it is taking him time to deal with it. To me, the most damning thing about the article is the quotes from AVB "Up to when I find it appropriate, he will train with the development team."

avb has some balls i like it, not shouty and moody just ice cold, do not like the style of play we play under avb but the guy is a cool mother ****er.
Re: Adebayor

We will get next to nothing from him this season but as he is on a 3 year deal next season when he is playing for a new contract, that is how low life with no self respect like ade behave. If he had any self respect he would have put in some effort last season.

I would let him have as much time off as he wanted to get over his brother, he will be no use to us till the second half of next season.

I think that is uncalled for! He's neither a murderer nor a rapist!!
Re: Adebayor

avb has some balls i like it, not shouty and moody just ice cold, do not like the style of play we play under avb but the guy is a cool mother ****er.

The problem is, he's had next to no pre season for the 2nd year running and that's one of the things that contributed to his lack of form, it's obviously not his fault, but that's just the way it is.

I'm with you, I can't see him reproducing the form he showed two seasons ago. I've said it before I'm not a fan of enigamatic types like himself, Suarez, Balotelli, Lehmann, Gomes to name a few. Even when during his first season with us, he wasn't the answer, hence why we splashed out on Soldado. I see Defoe as a more reliable 2nd option than Ade.
Re: Adebayor

I think that is uncalled for! He's neither a murderer nor a rapist!!

99% of the population are low lifes in my opinon and i doubt very much if many of them are murderes or rapists. I would actually have more respect for ade if he murdered someone(depending on whom that person was and whether they deserved it) i never respect rapists or any sex criminal as i view them as weak and giving in to urges.
Re: Adebayor

Anyone would be entitled to compassionate leave if a close relative died and any decent employer would be flexible about the amount of time they allowed if this required travel to another country.

I am hoping that the compassionate way that we are treating Ade will strengthen his commitment to the manager and club and that he comes back raring to go and firing on all cylinder s.

It's not just this instance where his attitude has been questionable, if as you say he comes back raring to go then great, but I will not hold my breath, he just seems to milk everything, Scott Parker got some terrible abuse on here but can you imagine him missing a month or Stevie Perryman, they are in a privileged position and are very well paid and if they like it or not they carry the hopes of thousands of fans, I will now say no more about it.
Re: Adebayor

It's not just this instance where his attitude has been questionable, if as you say he comes back raring to go then great, but I will not hold my breath, he just seems to milk everything, Scott Parker got some terrible abuse on here but can you imagine him missing a month or Stevie Perryman, they are in a privileged position and are very well paid and if they like it or not they carry the hopes of thousands of fans, I will now say no more about it.

I don't agree that his attitude has been questionable in this instance, his brother has died and he has needed some time to deal with the fall out and grieve.