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Emmanuel Adebayor - Officially gone \o/

We shouldn't give up with him this easily. We know the player he can be and it is Villas Boas' challenge to get that out of him. He can come through it, just got to show a good work ethic and prove he's working hard to improve and the fans will get right behind him.
I hear that, but work ethic isnt really one of his best qualities, judging on his career. I did just consider though that IF we get champions League we're going to need more than 2 strikers [again, presuming we're aiming to buy a top quality striker in the summer]...which means either gambling on the idea that he can stay and be a functioning part of a squad game, or having to buy two new strikers, which doesnt seem very economical. I hope he can do the former, but with every passing game I see little to suggest that he can/will. Every time the stage has been set for him this season he's come up short, for a multitude of reasons...if its not an issue with his work ethic its an issue with his technical performance, or with his fitness. He's even undermining the notion that he does well when he has a point to prove, because he's had one to prove to all of the fans that he acknowledges as being critical of him. We simply cannot afford to have such a player for too long.
We shouldn't give up with him this easily. We know the player he can be and it is Villas Boas' challenge to get that out of him. He can come through it, just got to show a good work ethic and prove he's working hard to improve and the fans will get right behind him.

Even if we do keep him, we simply have to buy at least 1 striker. We took a big risk by not getting a striker in January. Going through another season with 2 strikers would be bloody stupid. Is there another ACN next year btw?
I certainly don't agree with cheering an injury for a Spurs player, no matter how much I mate not rate or even like a player.

You're right about his running for the goals, credit where it's due. See I can be balanced :)

However, Defoe looked sharp when he came on and Ade is running out of chances, he really needs to start producing better all round performances and more importantly, start scoring goals. It's funny how people say Adebayor isn't getting a lot of chances, it hasn't stopped Defoe getting double figures.


I think the thing again, with regards the chances versus goals, is how AVB is using the two players involved.

With Adebayor, he has on his hands a player who is lacking confidence in front of goal and has a poor conversion rate. In Bale, he has a guy who despite missing the odd sitter cannot stop scoring. With his options limited as they have been, he has recently deployed Ade as part of a formation and not necessarily an out and out striker. Indeed, anyone watching recent game would think that Bale is our natural forward and Ade a co-forward who drifts and occupies defenders. The system is currently set-up to accomodate Bale...I would say too that any striker right now will find it slightly touhger (Defoe included) without the drive of Sandro, who does tend to shift the ball forwards quicker.

JD did look sharp though, which is good news...
Even if we do keep him, we simply have to buy at least 1 striker. We took a big risk by not getting a striker in January. Going through another season with 2 strikers would be bloody stupid. Is there another ACN next year btw?

Agreed and I don't think it will happen again. AVB is very hopeful that with CL we can attract real quality as opposed to stop-gap average...

I think the thing again, with regards the chances versus goals, is how AVB is using the two players involved.

With Adebayor, he has on his hands a player who is lacking confidence in front of goal and has a poor conversion rate. In Bale, he has a guy who despite missing the odd sitter cannot stop scoring. With his options limited as they have been, he has recently deployed Ade as part of a formation and not necessarily an out and out striker. Indeed, anyone watching recent game would think that Bale is our natural forward and Ade a co-forward who drifts and occupies defenders. The system is currently set-up to accomodate Bale...I would say too that any striker right now will find it slightly touhger (Defoe included) without the drive of Sandro, who does tend to shift the ball forwards quicker.

JD did look sharp though, which is good news...

Well yeah, AVB is moulding the team around Bale, smart really. But Ade is the furthest player forward for the most part. Ok, he isn't getting loads of chances, but he's certainly had more than enough to have increased his total from a poultry 2 league goals.

I think yesterday's game showed just how much we missed Defoe when he came on. As much as people slate his overall play, at least he can create chances for himself, which Ade can't do at the moment.
Well yeah, AVB is moulding the team around Bale, smart really. But Ade is the furthest player forward for the most part. Ok, he isn't getting loads of chances, but he's certainly had more than enough to have increased his total from a poultry 2 league goals.

I think yesterday's game showed just how much we missed Defoe when he came on. As much as people slate his overall play, at least he can create chances for himself, which Ade can't do at the moment.

Mate...some interesting tactical graphics around which show clearly how Ade has often been dropping into wide forward positions (which to be fair is clear when watching IMO)...yes his PALTRY 2 goal tally is awful for a forward (reminds me of 2 - 3 seasons ago when we had no striker in double figures) but he is playing a role IMHO. I think we have a squad/system which can revert to several systems when necessary...as for Defoe, I'm a fan of his and have defended him against some bizarre abuse which (trust me mate) will start flying at him again if he starts playing regularly.
Mate...some interesting tactical graphics around which show clearly how Ade has often been dropping into wide forward positions (which to be fair is clear when watching IMO)...yes his PALTRY 2 goal tally is awful for a forward (reminds me of 2 - 3 seasons ago when we had no striker in double figures) but he is playing a role IMHO. I think we have a squad/system which can revert to several systems when necessary...as for Defoe, I'm a fan of his and have defended him against some bizarre abuse which (trust me mate) will start flying at him again if he starts playing regularly.

He's always kind of done this wide forward stuff tho...a legacy of the Arsenal/Henry days imo.

Not saying its a fault, I think it helps bale alot, and helped VDV, but i dont think it can be used in relation to his goal tally, or general lack of goal threat. he could do alot better when he IS in central positions, and in the box.
fair comment for sure, and few arguments with regards to his lack of goals...it's just for some of the feckless tacos we've seen over the decades, he is really not nearly as awful as some are making out...IMO!
Poor all season. If we can qualify for the Champions League we'll be able to attract at least one decent front man which will mean Ade slips down the pecking order.

This is bound to cause issue so I'd rather let him go at the end of the season. Keep Defoe who at least appears willing to work for his place in the team and stopped throwing his toys out the pram when he begins the game on the bench.
fair comment for sure, and few arguments with regards to his lack of goals...it's just for some of the feckless tacos we've seen over the decades, he is really not nearly as awful as some are making out...IMO!

Yh, definitely...its a combination of a few factors, the circumstances in which he joined being paramount imo. Considering the saga that we went through to get him, the amount of money he is being paid, and his apparent lack of effort i think its understandable that people are going to be...well, underwhelmed. And Ade is one of those players that seem to be either fantastic or terrible...some of the strikers I think you're talking about didnt flatter as much, so there wasnt as much deception. And no one likes being deceived...

Last thing I'd say about this [the whole issueis quite depressing, and Defoe is back now] is that reputations and TV camera's play a part here. As much as I criticise his work ethic, I reckon i am misled by not actually watching his off the ball play, something that its difficult to do with strikers in every game; you add this to the characterisation of him as a lazy, unispired disappointment and you get overexaggeration. Its not that im saying everyone is WRONG, or that he is particularly hard-working, but its easy to see two moments where he hasnt made a run or closed down and assume that its been like that all game/all season. Its like the flip of the rep that Berba has built up IMO...i'm sure I remember seeing him running channels for us a fairly decent amount [think about that dribble/goal against Charlton...:p] , but MOTD etc has slowly convinced me that he just stands on the penalty spot smoking a fag every game, and has been doing so for years apparently.

I stand to be corrected on everything I've said on Adebayor, but right now i cant quite see past moments like that header against west ham, or red-card challenges against Arsenal. Moments of sheer slackness/idiocy that honestly rile me up more than the mediocrity of some of the strikers I've watched for us.
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Still think we'll keep him, and considering his brilliant run across the face of Arsenal's back line that directly led to the first goal on Sunday....still think that somewhere, deep down, the old magic still resides in him. Just a question of coaxing it out of him with all the care and tenderness of a mother trying to persuade 4-year-old Mozart to play the damn piano instead of sticking dog turds in his face.
i agree that we are a team that can play in different positions, and most interestingly of late, Bale's goals have come when our furthest player forward (ade) was not scoring. if that's the situation i can see ade and defoe used differently under different circumstances. whole point is to keep scoring and getting the 3 points and more options are always better.

ade doesn't create that many chances for himself, but defoes paltry shot on goal % means he turns over possession a lot too. prefer letting bale have final shot to either.

hypothetical question: if avb continues to use Bale as the main attacking point - who is more useful for the rest of the duties: pressing, defending, holding up play - ade or defoe?
personally i think an adebayor-bale front two works, a defoe-bale front two won't... id be tempted to move bale back out left if defoe is first choice from here on out..
Whilst I agree that Ade's role will naturally lead to fewer shots and less scoring/assisting, that's not what concerns me.

Does anyone on this forum (except you fatties) think that Ade's movement off the ball is something you couldn't do if required? I mean, how hard is it to see the space Bale wants and runs the other way?

If Spurs want someone to occupy a defender without touching the ball, get outmuscled by smaller players and trap a ball 15 yards then I'll do it. I'll charge a lot less than Ade too. And I won't fudge off mid-season to play properly for someone else either.
Whilst I agree that Ade's role will naturally lead to fewer shots and less scoring/assisting, that's not what concerns me.

Does anyone on this forum (except you fatties) think that Ade's movement off the ball is something you couldn't do if required? I mean, how hard is it to see the space Bale wants and runs the other way?

If Spurs want someone to occupy a defender without touching the ball, get outmuscled by smaller players and trap a ball 15 yards then I'll do it. I'll charge a lot less than Ade too. And I won't fudge off mid-season to play properly for someone else either.

**** ;)

I think id do a good job. haha.

You are correct - Ade's movement can be good but when I see him standing there and the ball is a few yards from him - I just laugh. Thats nothing to do with ability - its to do with application and effort (or lack there of). You can argue the yellow card blah blah blah may have impacted on his game but not like he hasnt behaved like that in other games.
For the most part I think his off the ball movement is mindless. Generally faces away from goal, heads to the bi-line, gets closed down, over elaborates and loses possession/passes off to another player in a tight position.
i agree that we are a team that can play in different positions, and most interestingly of late, Bale's goals have come when our furthest player forward (ade) was not scoring. if that's the situation i can see ade and defoe used differently under different circumstances. whole point is to keep scoring and getting the 3 points and more options are always better.

ade doesn't create that many chances for himself, but defoes paltry shot on goal % means he turns over possession a lot too. prefer letting bale have final shot to either.

hypothetical question: if avb continues to use Bale as the main attacking point - who is more useful for the rest of the duties: pressing, defending, holding up play - ade or defoe?

Based on what I've seen this season and most recently on Sunday, I'd say Defoe.